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1、 1.语句通顺,意思连贯。2.包含以上所有要点。3.词数80左右。Dear Mr. Holmes,I have a friend named Li Qiang._ I hope you will accept him to be a member of the club. Yours, Wang Ping【题目分析】(一)审题可得1. 文体:写信的应用文2. 时态:一般现在时为主,还有现在完成时和一般过去时。3. 要点把握:1) 李强是九年级二班的尖子生。2) 正直、乐于助人,已帮助两名贫困儿童重返学校。3) 有时因父母要求太严格而感到闷闷不乐。4) 几天前来向我征求建议。5) 你鼓励他加入H

2、appy Teens,这样就可以开心起来。6) 我了解到Happy Teens是一个专门通过开展丰富多彩的活动来解决青少年问题的组织。7) 我想介绍同学李强加入你们的组织。 (二)要点组织He is a top student of Class Two Grade Nine. He is an honest boy and he always helps others. / He is honest and helpful.He has helped two poor children to returned to school to study. Sometimes he is in a b

3、ad mood because his parents are too strict with him.He came to ask me for advice a few days ago.I encouraged him to join the Happy Teens. He can be happy again.I learnt that Happy Teens is a special organization to solve the youth problems through all kinds of activities.I learnt that Happy Teens is

4、 a special organization which solves the youth problems through all kinds of activities. I want to introduce him to join our organization.(三)分析题目,写好开头和结尾,恰当增加连接句子和连接词,使文章一气呵成。 I have a friend named Li Qiang. He is a top student of Class Two Grade Nine. And all of us love him very much. Why? Because

5、he is an honest boy and he always helps others. As we all know, he has helped two poor children to returned to school to study. However, sometimes he is in a bad mood because his parents are too strict with him. We all are unhappy. And he is very worried. So, he came to ask me for advice a few days

6、ago. These days, I learnt that Happy Teens is a special organization which solves the youth problems through all kinds of activities. So I encouraged him to join the Happy Teens. As result, I introduce him to join the organization in order that he can be happy again. I hope you will accept him to be

7、 a member of the club. Yours, Wang Ping二、中考考点要求1. 根据中文提示,写一篇70-100字左右的英文表达。(尽量不要超过150个单词)2. 内容完整,用词准确,句子通顺、连贯、单词拼写和标点符号正确,书写工整。三、作文七注意(一)从整体着眼,提纲挈领扣题意1.审清文体 2. 选准人称 3. 用好时态 4. 突出要点(二)避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。几种句型可交替使用,以避免重复和呆板。(三)多用简单句型,记事、写人一般都不需要复杂的句型。多使用陈述句、一般疑问句、祈使句,感叹句.适当使用复合句和强调句。另外,要根据文章内容需要少量套用

8、一些英语格言警句,谚语等以加强文章的感染力.(四)注意语法、句法知识的灵活运用。1)语态、时态要准确无误。2)主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。3)注意人称代词的用法。4)注意冠词用法。例如: He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。5)注意拼写、标点符号和大小写。e.g:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant, etc.(五)谋篇布局写好篇章结构【抓两头促中间】(六)检查修改文章: 认真检查,改正错误。中考作文评卷是根据要点、语言准确性、上下文的 连贯性来给分,根据错误多少来扣分。因此,中考

9、时花几分钟时间用来检查错误显得尤为重要。检查错误应从以下几个方面入手:1)格式是否有错。2)拼写有无错误。3)语言是否用错。4)是否遗漏要点5)时态、语态错误。6)标点和大小写错误。7)人称是否用错。(七)写好草稿(如果时间允许的话), 然后再抄到卷面上。书面表达要特别注意书写工整,卷面整洁。书写是否工整,卷面是否整洁与得分高低直接有关。四、谋篇布局写好篇章结构【抓两头促中间】(一)作文万能结构示意图Middle 正文Ending 结尾concluding sentence 结论句-对全文的总结和概括。【结尾画龙点睛,首尾呼应】supporting sentences 支持句-用例子、实事或数

10、据围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。【注意使用连接词】topic sentence 主题句-说出文中的要点、核心问题【写好开头,好的开始是成功的一半】Beginning开头(二)开头、结尾和正文三大板块的训练【写好开头,好的开始是成功的一半】Good beginning is half done.1. 仔细审题,提炼和归纳主题句2. 开头万能句型:1) .plays an important part in the.2) As we all know, . becomes more and more.3) As everybody knows, .is one of the . 4) M

11、any people say that. But I dont think so.5) I will never forget the .3.造主题句训练Make a topic sentence.1)SmokingAs we all know, smoking is a bad habit.Many students say smoking is fun, but I dont think so. As everybody knows, smoking is bad for our health. 2)The Spring FestivalI will never forget the Sp

12、ring Festival.The Spring Festival plays an important part in our life. Many people say that Christmas is more popular than the Spring Festival. But I dont think so. 3)Learning EnglishAs we all know, English becomes more and more popular/ important.Many people say its difficult to learn English. But I dont think so. 4)To be a volunteer for the 16th Asian Games As we all know, the 16th Asian Games is coming soon. I want to be a volunteer for it.A volunteer plays an important part in the 16th Asian Games. 5)A School TripI will never forget the school trip las

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