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自考27036英语泛读三 自己整理.docx

1、自考27036英语泛读三 自己整理Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from this lessonUnit 1 University and Their Functionelicit: 引出,抽出 acquisition: 取得,获得 hamper: 阻碍 consistent with: 与一致temperate: 温和的 assertion: 断言,主张 in obedience to : 遵从 feeble: 虚弱的 construe: 分析,解释 impart: 给予,传授1.It is often the

2、case that the truth can be elicited through discussion. 这是常有的事,真相可以通过讨论引发。2.The parents are amazed at the kids acquisition of self-control in the matter of fear. 父母对孩子通过害怕的事情获得自控能力感到惊讶。3.Like other branches of science, history is now encumbered and hampered by its own mass.像其他科学分支一样,历史由于自身原因对现在产生了很多

3、妨碍和阻碍。4.This statement is not consistent with what the chairman has announced at the meeting.这个声明和主席在会议上宣布的不一致。5.If you had remained calm, the discussion might have been more temperate. 如果你保持冷静,讨论可能更像样。6.He repeated his assertion that it was his father who has deserted the family. 他重述他的声明是他父亲抛弃了家庭。7

4、.The students should behave in obedience to the rules and regulations of the university. 学生们应该表现出服从大学的规章制度。8.Grandmother has been getting feebler lately,and she is confined to her bed all the day. 近来祖母已经变得虚弱,她每天都紧闭在床上。9.You may construe the statement of the politician in a number of different ways.你

5、可以用很多不同途径来解释政治家的声明。10.Professor Smith excels at imparting basic skills in language to his students. 史密斯教授擅长传授语言的基本技能给他的学生。Unit 2 Mother Tongueevoke: 引起,唤起 lengthy: 过长的 For lack of: 因缺少 insular: 隔绝的,孤立的adopt: 收养 belie: 掩饰,与不符 cash out: 现金支出 impeccable: 无瑕疵的,完美的 override: 推翻;不顾 behold: 看;注视1.Her singi

6、ng evoked warm acclamations.她的歌声唤起了热烈的欢呼。2.We were all bored by the lengthy speech of the lecturer. 我们都对讲师冗长的演讲感到厌烦。3.For lack of money, the municipal government has to leave the construction of the bridge unfinished. 由于缺乏资金,市政府已经撤离了未完成的大桥建设。4.He is an exceedingly insular man, so deeply private as t

7、o seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist. 他是一个非常孤僻的人,非常的私密以至于小说家也无法审视。5.The hero was an orphan adopted by his uncle. 这个英雄是由他的叔叔收养的孤儿6.At first glance, life at the boarding school seemed to belie all the bad things I had heard about it. 乍看之下,在寄宿学校的生活似乎掩盖了所有我已经听说到的关于它的不好的事情。7.Hard-pressed far

8、mers are tempted to cash out by selling their valuable land.被紧逼的农民受诱惑把他值钱的土地套现了。8.Her impeccable pronunciation impressed everybody at the interview. 她无可挑剔的发音在面试时给所有人留下了深刻印象。9.Budgetary concerns overrode all other considerations. 预算问题压倒所有其他的考虑。10.When we came to the top of the mountain, we beheld a b

9、eautiful vista before us. 当我们来到山顶,在我们面前我们看见一个美丽的远景。Unit 3 The Problem of Happinesscontemplation: 沉思 proceed to : 进行 decidedly: 明确地 vaguest: 模糊的presume: 假定 sufficient: 足够的 convince: 使确信,说服 eternal: 永恒的;不朽的 confine: 界限;限制 recede: 后退;减弱;归还1.He sat there deep in contemplation on the question of the purp

10、ose of life.他坐在那里陷入了沉思,在人生目的的问题上。2.Having discussed this question, let us proceed to the next topic on the list.讨论过这个问题,让我们继续名单上下一个主题。3.There is decidedly a difference between the two philosophies of life.两个人生哲学间有明显的区别。4.I havent the vaguest idea of what they want. 对他们想要的东西我没有一点概念。5.In Britain an ac

11、cused man is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty.在英国一个被告人在被证明有罪前假定为无罪。6.In my opinion, $10 is sufficient for the expenses of our journey to Suzhou.在我看来,10美元足够我们苏州之旅的费用。7.From his tutors face glowing with satisfaction, undoubtedly you may know he has put forward a convincing argument to succe

12、ssfully persuade us. 从他的导师的脸上满意地发光,毫无疑问你可以知道他已经提出一个令人信服的论点成功说服我们。8.Does the Christian religion promise eternal life? 基督教能许诺永恒的生命么?9.Please confine your remarks to the subject we are debating. 请把限制你对我们所讨论的话题的留言。10.As the tide recede, we were able to explore the rocky pods on the beach. 因为潮水退去,我们可以在海滩

13、上探索岩石豆荚。Unit 4 Remember the Farmcome by: 得到 in conjunction with: 与一起 luminous: 发光的 boil down: 煮浓senddown: 使下降 invite: 邀请 thump: 重击 snug: 温暖的;舒适的 fired: 引起 stole over: 渐渐控制;渐渐弥漫1.Was the money honestly come by? 钱能老老实实得到么?2.The police worked in conjunction with the army. 警察与军队一起工作3.The sun is a lumino

14、us object because it is a source of light.太阳是一个发光的物体,因为它是一个的光源4.They boil down the syrup until it is very thick.他们把糖浆煮到很浓。5.The good harvest sends the prices down. 好的收成让价格降下来。6.The sea down there looks so inviting. 大海那里看起来很吸引人。7.The speaker shouted and thumped the table. 演讲者讲得大声并重重地拍了拍桌。8.The nice r

15、oom makes you feel as snug as a bug in a rug. 精致的房间让你感到舒服得像地毯里的甲虫。9.Bobs interest in astronomy was fired by the astronaut. 鲍勃的天文学的兴趣是宇航员引起的。10.Mist stole over the valley. 雾悄悄地笼罩了山谷Unit 5 Speaking of Picturessensational: 轰动的;耸人听闻的 distended: 使膨胀;使扩张 spectacular: 壮观的agony:苦恼;极大的痛苦 morbidly: 病态的 mangle

16、: 被破坏 superb: 极好的relentlessly: 无情的 imminent: 迫近的 billowing: 翻腾1.Popular newspapers often offer a somewhat sensational view of the news. 受欢迎的报纸通常提供一个有点耸人听闻的新闻意见。2.The balloon was distended because of filling of hydrogen. 气球因为填充了氢气而膨胀。3.The most explosive eruptions are essentially blasts of steam that create spectacular displays.大爆炸在本质是蒸汽的爆炸并创造了惊人的表演。4.The g

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