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1、,I have some rulers.,No,I dont.,你有什么东西?,我有一些尺子。,ruler,rulers,New Lessons.,进入新课文的学习。,Yes,I do.I have some bags.No,I dont.I have bags.,Do you have any bags?,a bag,What do you have?,I have a bag./I have some bags.,bags,dont,any,What do you have?,I have a map./I have some maps.,maps,Do you have any maps

2、?,Yes,I do.I have some maps.No,I dont.I dont have any maps.,a map,What do you have?,I have a crayon./I have some crayons.,crayons,Do you have any crayons?,Yes,I do.I have some crayons.No,I dont.I dont have any crayons.,a crayon,a pencil case,What do they have?,They have some pencil cases.,Do they ha

3、ve any pencil cases?,Yes,they do.They have some pencil cases.No,they dont.They dont have any pencil cases.,pencil cases,What do they have?,They have some paper.,aper 纸(不可数,不加”s”),Do they have any paper?,Yes,they do.They have some paper.No,they dont.They dont have any paper.,a piece of paper一张纸,What

4、do they have?,They have some glue.,glue 胶水(不可数,不加”s”),Do they have any glue?,Yes,they do.They have some glue.No,they dont.They dont have any glue.,a bottle of glue一瓶胶水,This is a picture.Please color it!,pictures,Do you have any pictures?,Yes,I do.I have some pictures.No,I dont.I dont have any pictur

5、es.,a picture,OK!,Games,A:Do you have any?B:Yes,I do.I have some No,I dont.I dont have any,Do you have any _?,Practice 1,Do you have _ pens?Yes,I have _ pens.2.Sorry,I dont have _ paper.3.Do you have _ crayons?No,I dont.But I have _ glue.4.Do you have _ pencil cases?No,I dont have _ pencil cases.5.L

6、ook!There are _ pictures.6.I cant see _ apples here.,Practice 2(用some和any填空),Homework,用单词号本完成:1、抄写重点单词,每个2行,中文每行1个。2、背单词,在家默写。3、听读课本P46-47五遍,家长签名。,Unit 4School Things2nd period,Lets Review.,Yes,he does.He has a pen.,Does he have a pen?,He has a pen.,What does he have?,New Lessons.,进入新课文的学习。,Yes,he d

7、oes.He has some pictures.No,he doesnt.He doesnt have any pictures.,What does he have?,He has some pictures.,Does he have any pictures?,Yes,he does.He has some stickers.No,he doesnt.He doesnt have any stickers.,Does Tony have any stickers?,What does Tony have?,He has some stickers.,stickers.,Yes,she

8、does.She has some crayons.No,she doesnt.She doesnt have any crayons.,Does she have any crayons?,What does she have?,She has some crayons.,Yes,she does.She has some postcards.No,she doesnt.She doesnt have any postcards.,Does she have any postcards?,What does Jenny have?,She has some postcards.,postca

9、rds,Game 1,比比谁的记性好。,Game 2,猜猜他们有什么?,Listen&Answer,What does Gogo want to do?Does Tony have any crayons?Does Tony have any paper?What does Tony have?What is Gogo doing?,He wants to draw.,No,he doesnt.,No,he doesnt.,He has a pen.,He is drawing a picture.,Listen&Read,Read in Groups(小组分角色读),Read Togethe

10、r(齐读),_(Do/Does)he have any maps?Yes,he _.(do/does)2.Does she _(have/has)any glue?Yes,she _.(does/has)3.Do you have _(some/any)crayons?No,I dont have _(some/any)crayons.4.Do they have any _(paper/papers)?No,they dont.5.What _(do/does)she _(have/has)?She _(have/has)_(some/any)_?(glues/glue),Practice(

11、选词填空),Practice 1,P48,第三课时Conversation,Do you have any glue?,Do you have any glue?,No,I dont.,Do you have any paper clips?,rubber bands,No,I dont.But I have some rubber bands.,What are you doing?,I am fixing the hang glider.,Are you making something?,Lets look at the pictures and listen to the tape.,

12、重点句子:,1.Do you have any glue?No,I dont.2.Do you have any paper clips?No,I dont.But I have some rubber bands.3.Do you have any staples?Yes,I do.4.What are you doing?Im fixing the hang glider.5.Are you making something?,Does he have any stamps?,staples,scissors,paper clips,glue,No,he doesnt.But he has

13、 some paper clips.,Do they have any envelopes?,envelopes,paper,stamps,tape,Yes,they do.They have some envelopes.,Do you have any pens?,two pencils,a pencil,ruler paper,glue,No,I dont.But I have some blue glue.,yellow,blue,glue,green,Do you have any green paper?,No,I dont.But I have some blue paper.,

14、Ask,answer and mark:,Homework,用号本完成:1.抄写课文单词,每个2行,中文一个;2.抄写课文重点句子一次并写中文;3.背熟课文单词和句子。,第四课时Sounds and words,Yes,I do.I have some pets.,Do you have any pets?,Do they have any cats?,Yes,they do.They have a cat.,Does she have any carrots?,No,she doesnt.,carrot,He has a bat.,What does he have?,bat,Does he

15、 have a bat?,Yes,he does.,She has a rabbit.,What does she have?,Does she have a rabbit?,Yes,she does.,Does he have a parrot?,No,he doesnt.,parrot,Read,say and circle.,P13.Look and write.,3.Yes,he does.He has some tape.,4.No,she doesnt.But she has some envelopes.,5.No,he doesnt.But he has some paper.,6.Yes,he does.He has some scissors.,Homework,用号本完成:1、抄写6个单词,每个2行,中文2个。2、背诵6个单词,明天听写。,

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