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1、 尊敬的女士们、先生们,现在我们来到了中国历史文化名城代县。代县地锁晋北咽喉,历为三晋门户、华北要冲。代县古城及其周围的“三十九堡十二联城”,曾经与雁门山上的雁门关长城防线一起,构成了中国古代最为宏大的军事要塞建筑群 Since ancient times, advance and retreat, countless times in the defense of the frontier trade, Yanmenguan to become Chinas most ancient battlefield of the war, is now one of the most famous

2、town of military importance for Chinese ancient and modern, of the earth has become Chinas history of war and peace, conflict and fusion, looting and trade conflicts is the most prominent, the ancient battlefield, ancient business and the ancient trading port 从古至今,在无数次的攻防进退、边塞贸易中,雁门关成为中国战事最多的古战场,代县成

3、为中国古今最为著名的军事重镇,代县大地也成为中国历史上战争与和平、冲突与融合、抢掠与贸易矛盾最为突出、悠久的古战场、古商道和古商埠。 从这一座“天波杨府”牌坊北上2公里,就是杨家将后裔居住的鹿蹄涧村。村中的杨忠武祠,创建于1279年,约50年后的元天历年检杨氏后裔又奉旨再建,俗称“杨家祠堂”。因为杨业战死在陈家谷后,被追赠为太尉,谥号“忠武”而名“杨宗武祠” North 2 kilometers from the seat Tianbo Yang Fu arch, is Yang Lu Ti Jian Cun inhabited by descendants. The village of Y

4、ang Zhongwu temple, founded in 1279, after about 50 years per calendar day annual Youngs descendants and capital reconstruction, commonly known as Yang ancestral. Because Yang died in Chen Jiagu, was posthumously as Qiu, posthumous title Zhongwu and the name Yang Zongwu temple代县古城于1373年在西汉上馆古城旧址上重建。

5、城墙开有四门,城门外建有瓮城,翁城外建罗成。高12米、周长4公里多的城墙外,护城河深约7米,宽约37米。古城东西北三面,还分别建有3座关城,呈鼎足之势,共辅州城防卫。 The reconstruction of the city in 1373 on the site of the ancient city in the Western Han Dynasty hall. The wall has four doors, gates are built in the building outside the city, Weng luo. 12 meters high, the circumf

6、erence of 4 kilometers outside the walls of the moat, about 7 meters deep, 37 meters wide. The ancient city north three things, also built 3 city customs, is a situation dominated by three powerful rivals, CO Chow defense.仅从代县古城东西两翼的城堡来看,雁门关绝不仅仅是一座孤立的关口关城,而是一项大纵深、宽正面、多阵地集群的国防军事工程。古代的雁门代州军事防御体系,大致成型于

7、战国、秦、汉,发展于魏、晋、隋、唐,完备于宋、元、明、清,地跨三州十八县,纵横方圆数百里,形成了一个世所罕见、前后左右相连的宏大的军事防御工程,成为古代中国北方最为坚固的一道国防线。Only from the ancient city of East and West wings of the castle, Yanmenguan is not just an isolated points off the city, but a large depth, wide front, multi position cluster of military engineering. And on be

8、half of the state military defense system in ancient times, roughly forming in the Warring States period, the Qin and Han Dynasty, developed in Wei, Jin, Sui, Tang, song, yuan, complete in Ming and Qing, across three states eighteen counties, and the hundreds, formed a very rare in the world, around

9、 the grand. Military defense project, become the most ancient northern China a solid defense line.光阴如箭,原有的三十九堡,除了永和堡、清泰堡、清醇堡、清平堡、清宁堡等堡墙保存尚好,其余只留下了堡墙遗迹,仍对研究中国古代军事建筑史、发展代县文化旅游业具有一定的价值。Time flies. In addition, the original thirty-nine fort, Fort, Yonghe Qing Tai fort, Fort, Fort, mellow Qingping Qingni

10、ng fort, Fort wall are still well preserved, and the rest left Fort wall remains, still has a certain value to the development of cultural tourism research history, military architecture of ancient china.代县的4处国家文物保护单位,除了雁门关外,边靖楼、阿育王塔和文庙都在县城里。清光绪年间,代县城还有衙署11座,寺庙48座,商号360多家,园林6座,楼阁16座,被古建筑学家梁思成称赞为“一座规

11、划得极好的城市。”Of the 4 national cultural relics protection units, in addition to Yanmenguan, while Jing Lou, Ashoka tower and Confucioustemple in the county town. Qing Emperor Guangxu years, Dai County also office 11, temple 48, more than 360 firms, garden 6 seat, 16 seat Pavilion, by the architect Liang

12、 Sicheng praised as a good city planning.现在我们来到的阜家坪,过去是雁门关守军的后勤保障供给基地、胡汉民族过关贸易的货物集散地。现在这里已经建设成为边塞风俗风情村,山西省影视中心拍摄基地。Now we come to Fu Jia Ping, the past is Yanmenguan the logistical supply base, Hu and Han ethnic border trade of goods distribution center. Now here has become the frontier folk customs

13、 Village, Shanxi Television Center shooting base.山路左侧这一通“分道碑”是复制的,原碑镌刻于1771年,是中国存世稀少的“古代交通规则碑”,现在县博物馆保存。碑刻铭文记载,是当时的代州知州为规范雁门关道交通秩序,制定的一条交通守则,还有那些捐款碑的铭文,均是清代晋蒙商人活跃于古道的真实写照。The mountain left the pass Lane monument is copied, the original monument engraved in 1771, is Chinas scarcity of ancient traffic

14、 rules monument, save the County Museum now. Inscription inscription records, was the generation of states known to the state to regulate the Yanmenguan road traffic order, a traffic rules formulated, and the donation stele inscription, which is a true portrayal of the Qing Dynasty Jin Meng merchants active in the road.天险门下,古道上深约10多厘米的车辙印,呈现出雁门关道的历史原貌。天险门东边的镇边祠,俗称“李牧祠”。祠堂下面的石砌窑洞,是历史上49位帝王将相和伟人毛泽东过关时的小憩之地。Natural barrier under the door, on the trail of about 10 cm deep tracks, showing the original appearance of the history of Yanmenguan road. The

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