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1、brokenD.hadbeenbroken2.(1996年全国卷I19)You didnt let me drive. If wein turn, youso tired. A. drove, didnt get B. drove; wouldnt getC. were driving;t get D. had driven;t have got3.(2000年上海卷43) -do you mind if I keep pets in this building? -_.A. Id rather you didnt, actually. B. Of course not, its not al

2、lowed there.C. Great! I love pets.D. No, you cant.4.(2000年上海卷60)If you had _your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.A. looked up B. thought aboutC. gone over D. gone round5.(2001上海卷40)What would have happened_, as far as the river bank?A. Bob had walked far

3、therB. if Bob should walk fartherC. had Bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked farther6.(2002上海春招31)How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden. A. has B. had C. will have D. had had7.(2002上海秋37)It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of se

4、ven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.A. wouldnt have fallenB. had not fallenC. should fallD. were to fall8.(2002上海秋39)_ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggestB. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who shouldD. Do you suggest whom should9.(04上海春招)You might just as well te

5、ll the manufacturer that male customers _ not like the design of the furniture. A. must B. shall C. mayD. need10.(04广西)I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _ report it to the police?A. should B. mayC. will D. can11.(04辽宁)-Mum , Ive been studying English since 8 oclock. I go out and

6、 play with Tom for a while ? A -No, Im afraid not . Besides , its raining outside now .ACant BWouldntCMay not DWon12.(04天津)- Who is the girl standing over there ? - Well , if you know , her name is Mabel . A. may B. can C. must D. shall13.(04浙江)I _ pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will

7、 have time this Sunday. A. shouldB. might C. would D. could14.(04重庆)The interest be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides, declared the judge. A. mayB. should15.(04湖南)- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report. - You _ have my computer if you dont

8、take care of it. A. shanB. might not C. neednD. shouldn16.(04江苏)- I dont mind telling you what I know. - You_. Im not asking you for it.A. mustnB. may notC. canD. needn17.(04上海)Children under 12 years of age in that country _ be under adult supervision when is a public library. B. may C. can 18.(04湖

9、北)-Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? -Sorry , I am not sure . But it _be.Amight BwillCmust Dcan 19.(04全国I)- Isn t that Anns husband over there? - No, it _ be him -Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.A. cant B. must not C. wonD. may not20.(04全国II) You _ be tired - youve only been work

10、ing for an hour. A. must notB. won t t 21.(04福建)-Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. -You_ her last week.Aought to tellBwould have toldCmust tellDshould have told22.(04广西)Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. A. should have arrivedB. should arrive C.should have had arrived

11、 D. should be arriving23.(04福建)-How do you _we go to Beijing for our holidays? -I think wed better fly there. Its much more comfortable.AinsistBwantCsuppose Dsuggest24.(2006年福建32)The workers will go on strike if the demands they_put forward are turned down.A.could B would C.不填 D.had25.(2006年湖北31)_ f

12、ired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you beD. Might you be26. (2007 全国卷I)Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? It _ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A. will B. would C. should D. must 27.(2007 北京卷) In c

13、rowded places like airports and railway stations,you_ take care of your luggage. A. can C. must D. will28. (2007 上海卷)The boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we go to work tomorrow. AcantBmustnt CneedntDshouldnt29.(2007 上海卷)Guess what! I have got A for my term paper. Great! You _ read widely and put a lot of work into it.A. mustC. must haveD. should have30.(2007 福建卷)My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where I have put it?A.canB.mustC.shouldD.would31.(2007 湖南卷)The biggest problem for most plants, which _ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to

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