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1、感谢信能帮助加强联系、增进友谊、树立企业的良好形象。,感谢信应态度诚恳、热情洋溢,不能过于简短,以免使收信人造成敷衍了事、言不由衷的错觉。感谢信通常包括如下内容:一是对对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等表示由衷的感谢,二是说明对方的馈赠、帮助、关心和邀请等所起的作用和对自己的意义,三是表示希望日后有机会定当答谢对方,并在结尾再次致谢。,Cultural note:,1)birthday gifts(根据年龄、性别、关系)2)engagement gifts(浴室毛巾、蜜月旅行的行李用品、枕套、床上用品、首饰、女用内衣、塑料盘垫、厨用毛巾、桌布或餐巾、瓷器塑像、绢花)3)wedding gifts(

2、一套折叠桌椅、穿衣镜、花瓶、食品加工器、台灯、一套玻璃杯、一套刀具、木制色拉碗、调味品器具、带框的装饰画或照片、装食品用的托盘、银器或瓷器制品),3)wedding anniversaries(British way)结婚第1周年叫纸婚(意思是由一张纸印的结婚证订下了婚姻关系)Paper wedding 第2年棉婚(加厚了一点)Cotton wedding 第3年皮革婚(有韧性)Leather wedding 第4年丝婚(缠紧)Silk wedding第5年木婚(硬了心)Wood wedding 第6年铁婚或糖婚(夫妻关系更牢更甜)Iron or Sugar candy wedding,Cul

3、tural note:,第7年铜婚(关系坚不可摧)Copper wedding 第8年陶器婚 Pottery wedding 第9年柳婚 Willow wedding 第10年锡婚 Tin wedding,Cultural note:,15周年 水晶婚 Crystal wedding 20周年 瓷婚 China wedding 25周年 银婚 Silver wedding30周年 珍珠婚 Pearls wedding 35周年 珊瑚婚 Coral wedding 40周年 红宝石婚 Ruby wedding 45周年 蓝宝石婚 Sapphire wedding 50周年 金婚 Golden w

4、edding 60周年 钻石婚 Diamond wedding,Cultural note:,印花布或棉织物皮或仿皮制品丝绸木制品金属制品电动生活用具瓷器或陶器带有装饰图案的精致织物水晶或玻璃制品象牙制品珍珠或金银首饰红宝石、蓝宝石、钻石,Cultural note:,Process,Thank You Letter-states in the first sentence why you are expressing thanks.The rest includes details about the situation.Tell how useful or appropriate it i

5、s,how you plan to use it,where you have placed it(home,office,wardrobe)or how it enhances your life.Be specific about what pleased you.A letter of thanks ends by re-expressing your appreciation.,Thank you letters should remain friendly in tone and common courtesy is welcomed by the reader.Be clear a

6、nd attentive to your audience.Sign the letter in handwriting.,Patterns:P.123,1、Thank you more than I can say.不胜感激。2、I want to thank you a thousand times.我真是万分感谢。3、My family joins me in sending kindest regards to you both.我全家问你们好!4、I am truly grateful to you for.为了.,我真心感激您5、It was good(thoughtful)of

7、you.承蒙好意(关心).6、You were so kind to send.承蒙好意送来.,7、Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久见到您8、I find an ordinary thank-you entirely inadequate to tell you how much.我觉得一般的感谢的字眼完全不足以表达我对您多么地.9、I sincerely appreciate.我衷心地感谢.10、I wish t

8、o express my profound appreciation for.我对.深表谢意,Practice:translation,(1)谢谢您的盛情款待,让我们感到就像在家里一样。(2)十分感谢在我逗留巴黎期间您所给予的照顾。(3)希望不久您能有机会来上海,以便我能答谢您的一番盛情。(4)未能面谢,深表遗憾。,(1)谢谢您的盛情款待,让我们感到就像在家里一样。Thank you for your hospitality that made us feel as comfortable as we do in our own home.(2)十分感谢在我逗留巴黎期间您所给予的照顾。Than

9、k you very much for the kindness you have given me during my stay in Paris.(3)希望不久您能有机会来上海,以便我能答谢您的一番盛情。I hope something will soon bring you to Shanghai so that I can reciprocate your kindness.(4)未能面谢,深表遗憾。I regret very much that I failed to have an opportunity to thank you personally for your kindn

10、ess.,Sample 1:for wedding gift,亲爱的贝克太太:您是怎样弄到这些漂亮的玻璃杯子的?它们好极了。吉姆和我向您表示万分的感谢!举行婚礼那天,所有的礼品都要展示出来。如果可能,请周四早晨一定过来喝杯咖啡,并先睹为快。再次表示感谢,并致我们俩人的问候之意。玛丽,Sample 1:for wedding gift,SaturdayDear Mrs.Beck,How did you ever find those wonderful glasses?They are perfect,and Jim and I want to thank you a thousand time

11、s!The presents will be shown on the day of the wedding,but do come over Thursday morning if you can for a cup of coffee and an earlier view.Thank you again,and with love from us both.Mary,Sample 2:for birthday gift,Dear Sandy,When you left a package for me yesterday,I had difficulty waiting until my

12、 birthday to open it.I dont know how to thank you for the wonderful book you sent me.As a matter of fact,I read it twice in two days.Its such a lovely touching story!Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes.Cordially,Susan,Dear Mr.Zhang,Please accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spe

13、nt on Tuesday evening at your office I very much appreciated your hospitality and also thoroughly enjoyed the three very interesting and colorful films which were shown to us Yours faithfully,,Sample 3:for hospitality,Sample 4:for gift to a newly-born baby,Dear Mrs.Foster,No one in the world can kni

14、t like you!The sweater you made for the baby is perfectly adorable on her.Thank you so much,from both of us.Susan,亲爱的福斯特太太:您真是一位编织能手!您给孩子织的毛衣,她穿上漂亮极了。我们俩人十分感谢您。苏珊,Sample 5:A Formal Thank-You Letter,111 Maple DriveSilver Springs,MD 12002January 15,2002 Sarah Jones,Manager of Human ResourcesAcme,Inc.5

15、55 Industrial DriveLos Angeles,CA 69987 SUBJECT:Delivery of Operations Manual for Product Number 5543,Dear Ms.Jones:Thank you for the prompt delivery of the Operations Manual for Product 5543.We received it early the day after we finished the assembly of the pump.The floor foreman was able to read and understand how to use the pump for three full days before he had to train the rest of the operators.Your quick response to our request allowed the training sessions to run smoothly.We impressed everyone at our plant by having the product line running smoothly again w

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