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1、lts heart is the size of a car它身上的某些血管宽到 可以让我们从中游过And some of its blood vessels are so wide that you could swim down them光是他的尾鳍 就有一台小飞机的机翼那么宽lts tail alone is the width of a small aircraft wings蓝鲸的流线身形接近完美 让它能够以海里的速度航行lts streamlining, close to perfection, enables it to cruise at twenty knots是海洋中速度最

2、快的动物之一s one of the fastest animals in the sea身为海洋中体积最大的动物蓝鲸赖以 维生的却是海洋中最小的生物之一The oceans largest inhabitant feeds Almost exclusively on one of the smallest磷虾是一种 身长只有几公厘的甲壳类动物krill, a crustacean just a few centimetres long磷虾会在浅滩聚集 将海面染成一片红色Gathered in a shoal, krill stain the sea red and a single blue

3、一只蓝鲸可以在一天之内 吃下千万只磷虾whale in a day can consume forty million of them相较于它身型的庞大 我们对蓝鲸的了解却是微乎其微Despite the enormous size of blue whales, we know very little about them它们迁徙的路线仍然成谜Their migration routes are still a mystery and人们完全不知道 蓝鲸的繁殖的地点在哪里we have absolutely no idea where they go to breed蓝鲸的存在 强烈地提醒我

4、们They are a dramatic reminder of how much对海洋及海洋中的生物 所知实在有限we still have to learn about the ocean and the creatures that live there我们的星球是一个蓝色的星球Our planet is a blue planet地表有%是被水所覆盖Over seventy percent of it is covered by the sea光是太平洋就覆盖了半个地球The Pacific Ocean alone covers half the globe即使坐上飞机 横越太平洋连续

5、飞行小时You can fly across it non-stop for twelve hours除了远方小点般大的陆地外 看到的仍是一望无际的海洋and still see nothing more than a speck of land这一个系列的影片 将为您完全揭开This series will reveal the complete natural history of our ocean planet from我们这个海洋星球的自然历史its familiar shores to the mysteries of its deepest seas从我们所熟悉的陆地 到神秘的海

6、洋深渊 以容量来算 海洋占去地球%的可居地By volume,the ocean makes up % of the earth inhabitable space海洋中孕育的生物数量 远远超过陆地生物的数量And the sheer quantity of marine life it contains far exceeds that which inhabits the land但是生物在海洋中的分布 并不平均But life in the ocean is not evenly spread.海洋生物的分布 是依据饱含养份的洋流的流向s regulated by the path of

7、 currents carrying nutrients以及阳光的强度而定and the varying power of the sun在第一集的节目中我们将会看到 这两种力量如何交互作用ln this first programme we will see how these two forces interact从珊瑚礁海域到极带 控制海洋中生物分布to control the distribution of life from the coral seas .to the polar wastes海洋纯粹的力量 掌控着我们的星球The sheer physical power of t

8、he ocean dominates our planet对全球的天气有绝对的影响lt profoundly influences the weather of all the world水气从海洋中升起 到天上变成了云Water vapour rising from it forms the clouds风起云涌卷起了风暴 最后化成甘霖落在陆地上and generates the storms that ultimately will drench the land狂啸着打向海岸的海浪The great waves that roar in towards the shores就是海洋力量

9、最强有力的证明are dramatic demonstrations of its power海浪从海洋远处而起Waves originate far out at sea在那里, 就连轻柔的微风 都能勾起涟漪There, even gentle breezes can cause ripples而涟漪, 会渐渐变成海浪and ripples grow into swells在一片汪洋中, 没有陆地的阻碍 小风浪最后变成滔天巨浪Out in the open ocean, unimpeded by land, such swells can become gigantic海浪一直要到了浅水区s

10、 only when an ocean swell eventually reaches shallow water才会开始散开that it starts to break海浪在向陆地接近的同时As it approaches the coast下面的部分 因为与陆地的接触流速变慢the water at the bottom of the swell is slowed by contact with the sea bed上面的部分则仍以高速前进The top of the swell, still travelling fast,最后翻过下面的部分 使浪形散开starts to rol

11、l over and so the wave breaks海洋流动不息The ocean never rests.巨大的洋流, 像是墨西哥湾流Huge currents, such as the Gulf Stream,让海水在地球上循环流动不息keep its waters constantly on the move all round the globe这些洋流, 是控制海洋中s these currents more than any other factor生物及养分分布的主力 其影响远大于其他因素that control the distribution of nutrients

12、and life in the seas一座迷失在太平洋中央的小岛A tiny island lost in the midst of the Pacific它是一座巨大高山的山顶s the tip of a huge mountain从几千公尺的海底 陡然地升出海面that rises precipitously from the sea floor thousands of metres below最近的陆地离它有英里远The nearest land is three hundred miles away像这样孤立的海底山 创造出了海上绿洲lsolated sea mounts like

13、 this one create oases让生命能够在where life can flourish.一望无际的汪洋中孕育不息in the comparatively empty expanses of the open ocean但是这些在四周游动的生物 如果没有这一样要素But all the creatures that swim beside it would就根本不会出现在这里 那就是深海洋流not be here were it not for one key factor - the deep ocean currents在深深的水底洋流Far below the surfac

14、e they collide with the islands flanks与小岛的侧边相撞and are deflected upwards带着来自深海的 丰富养分向上偏转bringing with them from the depths a rich soup of nutrients向上偏转的洋流 吸引了丰富的生命聚集Such up-wellings attract great concentrations of life这里大部分鱼类都是永久居民Most of the fish here are permanent residents,以浮游生物为食, 浮游生物是 悬浮在海水中的植物及动物feeding on the plankton, the tiny floating plants and animals that are nourished已被洋流从深海中 带上来的养分为生by the richness brought up from the depths这些生物也吸引了 从海上而来的过客停留And

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