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1、14.Bedrooms 卧室15.Bathrooms 浴室16.Household Appliances 家用设备Daily Lives 生活17.Shopping 购物18.Clothes 服饰19.Fashion 时尚20.Asking for Directions 问路21.Telephoning 打电话22.Banks 银行23.Post Offices 邮局24.Eating out 外出就餐25.Insurance 保险26.Vommon Health Problems 常见健康问题27.Seeing the Doctor 看病28.At the Hospital 在医院29.Tr

2、avel 旅行30.Hotels 酒店31.Transport 交通运输Food and Drinks 餐饮32.Cooking 烹饪33.Meat and Fish 肉与鱼34.Fruit and Vegetables 水果和蔬菜35.Drinks and Desserts 酒水和甜点Sport and Leisure 运动与休闲36.Games 游戏37.Free Time Activities 业余活动38.Pets 宠物39.Health and Fitness 健康与健身40.The Olmpics 奥运会41.Track and Field Events 田径42.Ball Spo

3、rts 球类运动43.Extreme Sports and Other Sports 极限运动和其他运动项目44.Holidays 假日45.Festivals 节日46.Special Occasions 特殊场合Studing 学习47.School 学校48.Education 教育49.Teacher 教师50.Studying Abroad 出国留学51.Passports and Visas 护照与签证Work and Jobs 工作52.Jobs 工作53.At the Office 在办公室54.The Working Day 工作日55.Doing Business 做生意C

4、ulture 文化56.Literature 文学57.Languages 语言58.Music 音乐59.Fine Arts 艺术60.History 历史61.Science 科学Mass Media 大众传媒62.Movies 电影63.Television 电视64.Show Biz 演艺界65.Fans and Their Idols 影迷和他们的偶像66.Chantting Online 聊天67.Computers 电脑68.The Internet and Email 网络与电子邮件69.Advertising 广告70.Newspapers 报纸71.Magazines 杂志

5、72.Books 书籍Society 社会73.Countries 国家74.Cities 城市75.The Countryside 乡村76.War 战争77.Religion 宗教78.Politics 政治79.Social Problem 社会问题Nature 自然80.The Weather 天气81.The Environment 环境82.The Seasons 季节83.The Natrual World 自然界84.Animals 动物85.Plants 植物86.Natural Disasters 自然灾害87.Natural Resources 自然资源Functiona

6、l Expressions 概念表达88.Distance and Speed 距离与速度89.Quantities 数量90.Numbers 数字91.Time 时间92.Size and Shape 尺寸和形状93.Directions 方向94.Money 钱币95.Feelings and Emotions 情感与情绪96.Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶97.Giving and Receiving 给予与接受98.Hopes and Possibilities 希望与可能99.Suggestions and Requests 建议与要求100.Expressing

7、Thoughts and Ideals 表达思想和观点1 Age 年龄Useful Expressions常用表达Beginner 初级1. Sally is in her early-thirties/ mid-thirties/ late-twenties. 莎丽30出头/35岁左右/快30了。2. John retired last month. 约翰上个月退休了。3. He died attheage of 89. 他89岁去世的。4. Tina gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. 昨天蒂娜生了个男孩。5. Tim is 17 years old t

8、omorrow. 蒂姆明天满17岁。6. Did you have an interesting childhood? 你的童年快乐吗?7. The thief was a 9 year-old boy. 小偷是个9岁的男孩。8. The baby will be born in 3 months. 再过3个月孩子就出生了。Intermediate中级1. Do retired people get pensions in your country? 在你们国家退休的人有养老金吗?2. Teenagers are often rebellious. 青少年都比较叛逆。3. What is th

9、e life expectancy in your country? 你们国家人口的平均寿命是多少?4. What age is considered a turning point in your culture? 在你们的文化中,多少岁被认为是一个转折点?5. Kids seem to grow up very quickly nowadays. 现在的孩子好像都长得很快。6. When do you think it is a good age to have a child? 你认为什么年龄生小孩比较好?7. Becoming an adult is an important stag

10、e in life. 长大成人是一生中重要的阶段。Advanced高级1. You look older when you wear make-up. 你化了妆显得大些。2. I dont know how old he is, but he is certainly middle-aged. 我不知道他多大了,但肯定是已经中年了。3. Jim got married as soon as he left school. 吉姆一毕业就结婚了。4. Legally, people reach adulthood at the age of 18 in my country. 在我们国家,到了18

11、岁在法律上就成年了。5. Is there a big generation gap between parents and their children in your country? 在你们国家,父母跟孩子之间有代沟吗?WordsYoung年轻的 generation gap代沟 adolescent青少年 child孩子old年老的 retire退休 kid幼儿 youth青年middle-aged中年 early-twenties20出头 life expectancy平均寿命 life生命elderly年长的 mid-thirties35岁左右 21 years old21岁 mi

12、ddle age中年childhood童年 late-forties年近50 look(older)显老 old age 老年adulthood成年 baby婴儿 turning-point转折点 pension退休金teenager青少年 toddler初学走路的孩子 mature成熟Phrasesgrow up长大 become an adult成人 get married结婚 become pregnant怀孕have a child生育一个小孩 leave school毕业 be born出生 give birth分娩DialoguesBeginnerA:How old is Keit

13、h?B: Hes 21. How old is James?A: Hes a year older than Keith, but he looks younger. Hows your father? Hes fine. He retired last week. Its a turning point in his life. Now he can relax and enjoy his retirement. He can spend more time with his grandchildren. Oh, I dont think he wants to. He wants to travel to several different countries around the world. So, he wants to have a more active retirement. Good idea! How do you want to spend your old age? In the same way, probably.Intermediate Whats the

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