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1、面积 3789 平方公里,东西宽 58 公里,南北长约 107公里。县辖 7 个乡 10 个镇,建水城市建设现状 Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advan

2、ce,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good 建水 历史上文风盛行,古有“文献名邦”、“滇南邹鲁”之誉。元代初期创建文庙庙学,明朝以后又相继建学政考棚、州学、书院、府学等等,成为滇南最高学府。学风兴盛,文名鹊起。明清开科取士,有时云南一榜举人中,临安学士竟占半榜之多,故又有“临半榜”的美称。县城远眺朝阳楼西望朝阳楼东望Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can

3、accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good国家级历史文化名城建水 现在,在我们面前呈现着一座久享盛誉的历史性城市建水。它的起源,它的发展、演变,它的

4、留存至今的宝贵历史记忆等等,虽非完整无缺,亦非拔类超群,但有能够见证某种城市发展历史的真实片断。摘至建水古城的历史记忆蒋高宸箸建水古城一角“民居群落、屋瓦栉比”的盛景Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well w

5、ith their parents in advance,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,goodContents加快建中路历史街区传统风貌保护进程的对策四、建中路历史街区传统风貌保护现状一、建中路历史街区传统风貌保护存在的主要问题二、建中路历史街区传统风貌保护与恢复实践三、Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the

6、 first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good建中路历史街区传统风貌保护现状一、Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see wheth

7、er the students can accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good 古惠坜城 建水县,西汉为贲古县,唐天宝末,南诏置通海郡都督府,立

8、建水县。元和年间,南诏始筑土城于步头,亦称八甸,叫惠坜城,汉语译为建水。1、传统风貌的形成Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make a

9、dequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good 早在汉代,古建水就是著名的“马援古道”的必经之路;到了明代,随着大量江南移民的涌入,先进的中原文化与边地少数民族文化相互融合,使古老的建水由一个边陲的蛮荒之地渐渐走向文明,形成了极富特色的汉儒文化,并成为封建王朝统治、管理滇南的政治、经济、文化、军事中心。这种文化,体现在建水众多的古建筑、古民居及古朴的民风民俗之中,这种浑这种文化,体现在建水众多的古建筑、古民居及古朴的民风民俗之中,这种浑厚的历史文化铸就了建水辉煌的历史和巨大的精神财富。厚的历史文化铸

10、就了建水辉煌的历史和巨大的精神财富。传统风貌的形成(续前)Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make adequate preparat

11、ions for the students study habits,learning habits,good 建中路是从外围进入建水古城的第一道门户,也是建水古城的主体部分,全长 1400 米,密集了大部分具有元、明、清各朝代建筑特点的古民居、古建筑,建水古城的很多重要古迹如小桂湖、福东寺、朝阳楼、城隍庙、学政考棚、文庙、指林寺等均分布在建中路。传统风貌的形成(续前)Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the first class

12、 is more important.It is best to understand the students learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good 建中路历史街区现有建筑的质量可从三方面来分析,一是建造质量,二是居住一是建造质量,二是居住质量,三是使用与维护的情况。质量,三是使用与维护的情况。通过对建中路历史街区现有建筑

13、物现场详细调查分析后,可将现有的建筑物形态大致归纳为以下 4 类:(1)与传统风貌不协调,但建筑质量较好的建筑。(2)与传统风貌不协调,且建筑质量较差的建筑。(3)与传统风貌协调,且建筑质量较好的建筑。(4)与传统风貌协调,但建筑质量较差的建筑。2、现状建筑质量分析Parents generally value the first class,mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,so the first class is more important.It is best to understand the stude

14、nts learning situation first,to communicate well with their parents in advance,to make adequate preparations for the students study habits,learning habits,good 在建水,古代建筑保存数量之多、所传达的历史信息之丰富,与云南省内的其他城镇相比较堪称牛耳。先后有5454 个项目个项目被列为重点文物保护单位,其中国家级文物保护单位5 5 处处,省级文物保护单位就有1010 余处余处之多。1986 年,建水县政府编制了建水城市总体规划,由于当时未能正确地处理好发展和保护的关系,只重

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