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1、10)_ is Childrens Day.11) The Chinese Communist Party was founded on _ .12)_ is International Womens Day (国际妇女节).13)_is Army Day.14) The Peoples Republic of China was founded on_ .15) Christmas Day is on_each year.16) Saturday is_day of the week.17) September is_month of the year.18) There are_ seas

2、ons in a year, and autumn is_ season of the year.19) Whats the date today? Its_.20) What time is it? Its _ .21) “M” is _ letter in the word “autumn”.22) Twenty-six and fourteen is (are) _. Thirty-one and nineteen are _ . Forty-two and forty-eight is _.II.用英语写出下列词组1)半小时 2)3刻钟3)一个半小时 4)6点12分5)差5分12点 6

3、)第12课7)第57页 8)第28页9)第16行 10)第57中学11)14路公共汽车12)第7医院13)403房间 14)电话号码6889325915)1949年10月1日16)2000年17)在1952年 18)在5月19)在3月8日 20)20米宽21)10米长 22)30米深23)1万 24)1亿25) 第二层 26) 五分之四27) 三分之一 28) 在二十世纪三十年代III完成下列句子。1) Tom left home _ (20年前 ).2) Youve been watching TV for _ (半小时).3) We went to the Palace Museum by

4、 _ (52路公共汽车).4) Peter was born in Paris on _ (1975 年3 月4 日).5) To tell you the truth, weve been there _ (仅仅一次).6) It took _ (两万多) workers _ (14年) to finish the building.7) He bought _ _(6片面包、一盘鱼、一杯牛奶和两杯茶).8) That box is about _ (3米长、2米宽).9) There is a big stone _(前方大约40米处).10) Its _(9点1刻 ).1l) He st

5、udies at _(第35中学 ).12) _ (三分之一的医生) in this hospital are old doctors.13) It took us_(3刻钟) to get there.14) _ (第100位) student is the tallest.15) Now lets turn to _ (43页 ).IV.选择1. I sent invitations to 90 people, _ have replied.A.of whom only 30 of them B. of whom only 30C. only 30 of those who D. only

6、 30 who2. When the bell rang announcing the end of class, students came out _. A. by twos and threes B. by two and three C. by two or three D. by twos or threes3. Li Ping was born _. A. in the year 1984, at 10 a.m. on June 18th B. on June 18th at 10 a.m. in the year 1984 C. at 10 a.m. in the year 19

7、84 on June 18th D. at 10 a.m. on June 18th in the year 19844. David helps his mother with the housework every Saturday for about_. A. one and half hours B. a half and an hour C. an hour and half D. one and a half hours5. This is a _building, which is about _ high. A. six-storey; 38 metreB. six-store

8、ys; 38-metre C. six-storeyed; 38metres D. six-storey; 38-metres 6. The cotton production has increased by _ percent this year compared with last year. A. five point six eight B. five point sixty-eight C. fifth point and six eight D. five point and six eight7. What would you like, sir? _, please. A.

9、Two cups of teasB. Two teas C. Two cup of tea D. Two cups tea 8. The airport is _ from my hometown. A. two hours rideB. two hours ride C. two hour rideD. two hours ride 9. _ people have come to realize the importance of learning English. Now they go to various sorts of schools to take up English courses of one kind or another. A. Hundred and thousand B. One hundred and thousand of C. A large amount of D. Hundreds of thousands of 10. She was so ill because of overwork that she had to leave her work half-done to ask for _. A. a three day sick leave B. three-days

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