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1、3. You have no assignments for the weekend, but dont forget your composition for next week. 这个周末你们没有作业,但别往了下礼拜有篇作文。4. The results of the final examinations will be released next Tuesday, two days before we are off for summer vacation. 期末考试的结果将于下礼拜二公布,即暑假放假前两天。5. I had a tough time with English Gramm

2、ar-I got a C plus in the final examination. 我在英语语法上吃尽苦头期末考试这门课我考了C+。6. Its a famous university, but it doesnt offer courses Im interested in. 这是一所著名的大学,但没有什么课程我感兴趣的。7. I think Ill apply to Yale University first and see if they have any scholarships. 我想我先申请耶鲁大学吧,看看他们是否提供奖学金。8. Extracurricular activit

3、ies are important, because young people learn lessons about life outside the classroom. 课外活动非常重要,因为年轻人可以在课堂外学到生活的道理。9. A recent survey found that 57% of 3,479 students feel that our education system is too examination-oriented. 最近一项调查显示,3479名学生中,有57%的学生认为我们的教育体系太应试化了。10. As the examinations are comi

4、ng closer, senior students feel increasing pressure from teachers and parents. 随着考试的临近,大四的学生感受到了来自老师和父母施加的越来越多的压力。Unit 2 1. Living on ones own can help one to become self-reliant. 靠自己生活可以使人变的自立。2. What I dont like about my job is that I get home very late every night. 我的工作令我不满意的就是每晚很迟才能回到家。3. I like

5、 my job as tourist guide very much because I like to deal with people. 我非常喜欢导游这份工作,因为我乐于与人打交道。4. According to a survey, the average amount spent on books and magazines is 50 yuan. 根据一项调查,人们在书刊杂志上的花费平均为50元。5. People looking for a job usually have to write around before they can get an interview. 求职者通

6、常得到处寄信以获得面试机会。6. Mrs. Jones lives on her own and has to look after her two children alone. 琼斯女士依靠自己独立生活并且要照看两个孩子。7. The country has seen a sharp drop in the birth rate in the last few years. 在过去的几年中,这个国家新生儿出生率大幅下降。8. Juvenile delinquency is on the increase, with over 15% of serious crimes being comm

7、itted by children under the age of 17. 青少年行为不端的情况正在增加,17岁以下的少年儿童犯下了超过15%的重大罪行。9. Parents should look after their children, but they should not be overindulging. 家长应照顾好自己的孩子,但不应溺爱。10. I always put my money in a bank. I never make investments. 我总是将钱存入银行。我从不进行投资。 Unit 3 1. Over 250,000 people have died

8、 in alcohol-related car-crashes since the drinking age was lowered. 由于喝酒者的年龄降低,超过25万人死于酒后驾车导致的事故。2. Actions have been taken to check jaywalking. 检查行人是否横穿马路的行动已开展了。3. The number of cyclists running traffic lights is on the decrease. 骑自行车的人 闯红灯的现象正在减少。4. Im afraid youve failed the driving test because

9、 you dont know the Highway Code. 你恐怕没有通过驾驶测试。因为你不了解高速公路规则。5. The plane crashed two minutes after taking off, claiming 128 people. 这架飞机在起飞两分钟后坠毁,导致128人丧生。6. The train derailed 35 miles short of London, resulting in 35 deaths. 这辆火车在离伦敦35英里的地方出轨,导致35人死亡。7. A lot of drivers are fined because they dont p

10、ay attention to the speed limit. 许多驾驶员被罚了款,因为他们没有注意限速。8. More people have been leaving their cars in designated areas outside a city and catching a bus into the city center. 越来越多的人将车留在城外的指定区域,然后搭乘公车进入市中心。9. The policeman gave me a heavy fine and two points on my license. 交警给我开了罚款额很大的罚单,并给我的驾照扣了两分。10

11、. The government is encouraging people to use public transportation. 政府正在鼓励人们使用公共交通工具。Unit 4 1. Humans are responsible for nearly every loss of species in the past few thousand years. 人类对过去几千年中每个物种的灭亡几乎都负有责任。2. Humans have destroyed forests, spoiled agriculture and polluted the air, water and soil.

12、人类破坏了森林和农业,污染了空气、水和土壤。3. Our own survival depends on the survival of other species. 我们的生存依赖于其它物种的生存。4. Low-lying Pacific Islands are suffering coastal erosion and crop failures. 地势低洼的太平洋岛屿正面临着海岸侵蚀和作物歉收的困境。5. If pollution continues to increase at the present rate, aerosols in the atmosphere will caus

13、e the onset of an ice age in about fifty years time. 如果污染按目前的速度持续增加,大气中的悬浮物会导致未来五十年内一个冰河时代的开始。6. The reduction in woods areas has already led to increased flooding, water-shortages in the dry seasons and the loss of farmland. 森林的减少已经导致洪水增加,干旱季节缺水以及农田的减少。7. As much as 70% of the woods in Asia will be

14、 gone in 20 years unless actions are taken now to save them. 除非现在人们采取措施拯救树木,否则亚洲70%的森林在未来20年后会消失。8. As a developing country, China is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. 作为一个发展中国家,中国正面临着发展经济和保护环境的双重任务。9. The US decision to withdraw from the international accord on climate change has caused international alarm. 美国退出气关于候变化这一国际协议的决定引起了各国的担忧。10. The weather around the world is changing from mild weather to weather that is growing warmer every year. 全世界的气候正在从温和变为越来越暖。11. In fact, dese

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