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2、功能。使用光电子镇流器,使光源具备自动调节功能。文中详细地描述了控制电路的设计过程,包括:光信号取样电路、人体信号采集电路、键盘与LED显示电路、RS485通信电路、照明灯控制电路、看门狗电路以及信号处理电路等。对于软件设计主要有主控制器、分控制器的有线通信程序设计以及灯光控制、定时控制、键盘扫描与LED显示等程序设计。工作时,光信号取样电路采集光照强弱、人体信号采集电路采集室内是否有人、是否为工作时间等信息并将信号送到单片机,单片机根据这些信息通过控制电路对照明设备进行开关操作,从而实现照明控制,以达到节能的目的。关键词:智能控制,主控制器,分控制器,单片机,定时控制The Control

3、System for Intelligent Lighting Based on Singlechip MicrocomputerAuthor: Li GuozhongTutor: Sun ManAbstractWith the rapid development of electronic technology, the system of control based on Single-chip Microcomputer is widely applied in industry, agriculture, electric power, electron, intelligent bu

4、ilding and so on. Microcomputer, as the subject and core of the embedded system of control, replaces the traditional systemelectronic circuit. At the same time, the development and maturation of the intelligent building have established the substantial foundation for the popularization and applicati

5、on of the control system for lighting based on single-chip microcomputer。In this paper,the Indoor Lighting Control System Based on AT89C51 and its principle are introduced. Some effective and energy saving control strategys of lighting system are brought forward. The current system uses a relatively

6、 mature sensor technology and computer control technology ,using multi-parameter to achieve the school classroom indoor lighting control. The system includes hardware and software design in two parts. The host controller of the control system for lighting is based on AT89C51 single-chip microcompute

7、r, and the auxiliary ones are based on AT89c2051. The system can do many jobs, such as wired communication, Signal Acquisition,wireless data transmitting, controlling and display.Use of electonic ballasts;thelight sourcewith automatic adjustment function .The paper describes the designing process of

8、 the circuit at length, including: Optical signalsampling circuit, the bodysignal acquisitioncircuit, keyboard and LED display circuit, RS485 communication circuit, wireless transmitting circuit, control circuit of lighting, watchdog circuit, etc. The designing of software mainly includes the severa

9、l programming, such as wired communication, lamplight controlling, timed controlling, keyboard scanning ,LED displaying and signalprocessing circuit. The wired communication programming function is that through Master-slave communication method based on RS485 the host controller sends orders to the

10、all auxiliary controllers or each one, including: turning on lighting, turning off lighting, regulating brightness of lighting, controlling timed lighting, etc. Work,the optical signal sampling circuit collecting lighting intensity,indoor collecting of human signal acquisition circuit if anyone,whet

11、her for work time and other information and signal to the microcontroller,MCUcontrol circuiti based on these information through the switching operation of lighting equipment in order to achieve lightingcontrols to sava energy.Key Words: Intelligent control,Host controller, Auxiliary controller, Sin

12、gle-chip microcomputer, Timed controlling目 录1 绪论11.1 课题研究背景11.2 智能照明控制系统的发展与现状11.2.1 智能控制技术的研究现状11.2.2 国内外智能照明发展概况11.2.3 智能照明控制系统的优点21.2.4 智能照明控制系统的组成21.2.5 现有智能照明控制系统的分析21.3 系统设计31.3.1 系统设计要点31.3.2 系统设计思路32 硬件电路设计与实现72.1 系统硬件总述72.2 CPU性能介绍72.3 主控制器电路设计72.3.1 键盘的接口设计82.3.2 LED数码显示的接口设计92.3.3 看门狗监控电路

13、的设计92.4 分控制器的电路设计92.5 RS485通信电路的设计102.6 光信号取样电路122.6.1 Microwire串行总线性能介绍132.6.2 TLC1549的接口设计142.6.3 TCL1549的数据采集程序设计152.7 人体信号采集电路162.7.1 人体红外探头162.7.2 信号处理电路192.7.3 比较电路202.8 DS12887时钟芯片接口电路设计212.8.1 DS12887的原理及管脚说明222.8.2 地址分配表及时间、日历和闹钟的数据格式232.8.3 DS12887状态控制寄存器232.8.4 DS12887初始化程序252.9 输出驱动电路设计2

14、72.10 延时时间选择电路282.11 零点检测与可控硅控制电路的设计292.12 数字可调光电子镇流器303 系统软件设计及实现313.1 人机交互程序设计323.1.1 键盘扫描程序设计323.1.2 LED数码显示程序设计333.2 照明启停控制程序设计343.2.1 全部启停控制程序设计353.2.2 单独启停控制程序设计373.3 照明控制程序设计393.3.1 全部定时控制程序设计403.3.2 单独定时控制程序设计413.4 RS485通信程序设计423.4.1 主机部分通信程序设计443.4.2 从机部分通信程序设计454 系统可靠性设计484.1 干扰产生的后果484.2

15、单片机应用系统的硬件抗干扰设计494.3 软件抗干扰技术524.3.1 数据采集误差的软件对策524.3.2 程序运行失控的软件对策52总 结54致 谢55参考文献56附 录571 绪论1.1 课题研究背景随着国民经济的快速发展和社会进步,教育在全社会愈加被关注和重视,校园规模也随着受教育者的数量增加而不断扩大。但由于学校开放型的管理模式,高校的教室在白天室内照度很高的情况下,仍然普遍存在开灯作业;即使室内无人或人数很少的情况下,也是全部开启室内照明,绝不会有师生因为只有少数人而仅开几盏灯。长明灯比比皆是,人走不熄灯的现象到处存在。这种有形和无形的浪费,给校方的水电支出带来了沉重的负担。学校的水电支出约占全校经费支出的1415,电费支出占据较重比例。能源短

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