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1、It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.(Websters New Collegiate Dictionary,1973),委婉语:用转弯抹角的说法来代替直截了当的话,把原来显得粗鲁或令人尴尬的语言温和、含蓄地表达出来,“好听的话”或“讨人喜欢的话”,Definition,Functions,IneffableFunction,PoliteFunction,PalliativeFunction,

2、Euphemism,Humorous Function,Ineffable Funcion(避讳功能),One of the terms that seem to be almost universally avoided is death.Therefore many nations have created a number of inoffensive substitutes for the word death or 死。英语 1,to pass away 2,to depart 3,to leave us 4,to go to sleep 5,to go to heaven 6,on

3、es heart has stopped beating汉语 1,羽化 2,圆寂 3,仙逝 4,不在,人们在交流时,在涉及某种不便表达的生理器官或生理行为的情况下如直言不讳地述说,往往会令人感觉不舒服,受话人也会认为对方没涵养,很粗俗。事实上,英语中有很多委婉的表达可以化解这种尴尬 急冲冲跑出办公室,某小姐问声“急啥?”通常他不会说“尿尿”(to urinate or defecate)1,去洗手间(go to the bathroom)2,有事(do business)3,方便(answer natures call),Ineffable Funcion(避讳功能),Polite Funct

4、ion(礼貌功能),Euphemisms are also used when refer to physical shortcomings to show politeness.1,肥胖的(fat)plump,stout,out-size or over-weight 2,对于一位身体清瘦的妇女称之为slender或slim3,相貌丑陋的(ugly)人说成homely或plain 4,耳朵聋的(deaf)人说成hard of listening5,盲人(the blind)叫做the visually challenge,教师,千万不能当着家长的面说他的孩子笨(stupid)1,“他学得慢”

5、(a slow learner)2,“他尚未发挥潜力”(under-achiever),Polite Function(礼貌功能),当人们谈到低层的服务性行业或职业时也往往采用委婉语,从事这些职业的人engineer来代替worker1,pipe engineer 实际上就是plumber 管道工2,packing engineer 是porter 搬运工3,appearance engineer 是美容师,现在服务性行业常用industry 来代替trade 1,the tourist industry 旅游业2,the hotel industry 旅馆业3,the womans beau

6、ty industry 美容业,Palliative Function(掩饰功能),一,英语里看不到穷国poor nations,有的只是 backward nations(滞后国家)二,underdeveloped nations(欠发达国家)developing nations(发展中国家)三,emerging nations(新兴国家)四,在西方,工人罢工go on strike 被说成industrial action(工业行动),没有了一点“罢工”的痕迹。,Palliative Function(掩饰功能),1、be sent into prison-live at govermen

7、ts expense(享福利)2、death-be in Abrahams bosom(温馨,享受)3、protracted war of anti-obesity-Battle of the Bulge(“突出部”之战),Humorous Function(幽默功能),Translation Strategies,1.Literal translation,Although there are differences between Chinese euphemism and English euphamism,many similar expressions exist as well.I

8、n order to maintain the original meaning and style,the translator should try to use literal translation.e.g.On the 14th of March,at a quarter to three in the afternoon,the greatest living thinker ceased to think.He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes and when we came back we found him in an

9、 arm chair peacefully gone to sleep but forever.3 月14 日下午两点三刻,当代最伟大的思想家停止思想了。让他一个人留在房间里总共不过两分钟,等我们再进去的时候,便发现他在安乐椅上安静地睡着了,但已经是永远地睡着了。,(凤姐儿低了半日头,说道:“这个就没法了!你也该将一应的后事给他料理料理。冲一冲也好。”)尤氏道:“我也暗暗地叫人预备了。就是那件东西,不得好木头,且慢慢地办着罢。”(曹雪芹:红楼梦,第十一回)原文中用迂回陈述法将“棺材”婉转地说成“那件东西”,以达到委婉效果,因此译成英文时也可以直接用“that”来代替“coffin”.译文:“I

10、ve secretly sent people to get things prepared.But they havent found good wood for that yet,so we have to wait.”,Old people did not like that description of themselves,and like aged or aging no much more;Soon they came to be called the elderly.Even the euphemism seemed unduly doddering,so we were tr

11、eated to senior citizen and golden-ager and old women keep their chins up by calling themselves mature.译文:老人们对自己的称呼感到不满意,他们也不喜欢被叫做年纪大的或上了年纪的人;很快人们称他们为长者。他们觉得这个委婉语也不尽人意,于是人们便以高级公民或金色年华的人相称,而老年妇女则信心十足地叫自己是成年人。,2.Liberal translation,Many Chinese and English euphemism are different both in content and f

12、orm;at this point,we have to translate the euphemistic meaning directly.e.g.This student is too free with fists.这个学生爱打架。Harry used an Angol-Saxon word.哈里用了一脏词(Anglo-Saxon 在这儿是委婉语。就一般而言,英语中最脏的粗话多源于古英语,因此得名)。Wait a minute,I want to pick a daisy 等一下,我要去方便一下 他有”断袖之癖“He is homosextual.,Got a booster for

13、you.The chunky girl in blue at the lace counter.(Dashiell Hammett)译文:给你抓到一个小偷,就是站在蕾丝织品柜旁那个又矮又胖身穿蓝衣服的女孩子。“booster”的本义是“热情的支持者”,如果直译完全曲解了原文意思,因此在这里必须采用其委婉义,3.Annotation(注释),Sometimes it is not enough to just use literal translation or liberal translation,so it is necessary to make further explanation.

14、In the blue grass region,A paradox was born:The corn was full of kernels And the colonel full of corn.(H.L.Menchen,1945.),译文:在肯塔基州出现了 一个似是而非的怪现象:玉米上长满粒 上校身上也是粒。(注:这首小诗中上校指的是农民。因为美国没有世袭的贵族封号,于是创造了一系列尊称来寻求安慰,“上校”最为常见。本文讽刺了名为“上校”,实为农民的社会现象。)上文中如果将“colonel”译成“上校”而不加注,读者就不能体会该诗的深层涵义;如果直接译成“农民”,则令人觉得莫名其妙了

15、。,每日家偷狗戏鸡,爬灰的爬灰,养小叔子的养小叔子,我什么不知道?.day in and day out scratching in the ashes.(A slang term for adultery between a man and his daughter-in-law.)。爬灰指的是翁媳之间的乱伦关系(incest)。译文采取加注法,弥补了译语相应词汇空缺(lexical gap)带来的问题。,“If I don t have a drain o rum,Jim,I ll have the horrors;.and if I get the horrors,I m a man that has lived rough,and I ll raise Cain”(Robert Louis Stevenson Tresure Island)译文:“我要是不喝一口朗姆酒

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