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1、RURAL TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTINTRODUCTIONRural tourism is a segment of the total tourist industry which is particularly important in Hungary, in a country with no spectacular natural attractions, without seaside, high mountains, rainforest or herds of exotic animals. However, its attract

2、ive cultural landscapes with small villages, thermal springs, rivers and lakes, combined with the traditional hospitality, are able to offer pleasant experiences to the kind of tourist who is looking for relaxation and recreation in a calm setting.On one hand, rural tourism development can play an i

3、mportant role in the diversification of the Hungarian tourist supply and in the creation of a more complex and colourful country image. On the other hand, rural tourism is not only the end, but the means to stimulate economic growth, to increase the viability of underdeveloped regions, and to improv

4、e the living standards of local populations.If rural tourism is to fulfil all these roles, it has to be developed in a way that ensures the long-term sustainability of the resources and that of the development progress itself. But what is a sustainable way of development in rural tourism ? How can s

5、ustainability be monitored and promoted in rural destinations ? This paper attempts to answer these questions by presenting the current situation of Hungarian rural tourism through indicators that are considered to be relevant for this type of tourism.SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENTThe concept of su

6、stainable development was introduced by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the Brundtland Report in 1987, defining sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.Tourism is

7、one of the foremost economic activities around the world, having transported more than 617 million people internationally and generated 448 billion USD in receipts in 1997 (WTO, 1998). It is a major economic force, having generated in 1996 an estimated 3,153.3 billion USD in gross output, creating e

8、mployment for app. 255 million people, producing app. 10.7 per cent of world gross domestic product, investing app. 766 billion USD in new facilities and equipment annually, and contributing more than app. 653.3 billion USD to global tax revenue (WTTC, 1996).The volume and significance of tourism cl

9、early shows that it is not enough to develop new forms of alternative tourism in order to minimise the negative and maximise the positive impacts of tourism development. The whole sector must be developed and managed in a way that it does not damage the natural and socio-cultural environment and thi

10、s is the responsibility of the world-wide tourism industry.Though the Brundtland report made no special reference to tourism, since its publication, the role of tourism in the process of continuously misusing the Earths resources has been analysed and the concept of sustainable tourism appeared.Sust

11、ainable tourism has several - often seriously debated - definitions. According to the definition of the Federation of Nature and National Parks, sustainable tourism is all forms of tourism development, management and activity that maintain the environmental, social and economic integrity and well-be

12、ing of natural, built and cultural resources in perpetuity (FNNP, 1993). A publication by the Tourism Concern and the World Wide Fund for Nature defines sustainable tourism as tourism which operates within natural capacities for the regeneration and future productivity of natural resources; recognis

13、es the contribution that people and communities, customs and lifestyles, make to the tourism experience; accepts that these people must have an equitable share in the economic benefits of tourism; and is guided by the wishes of local people and communities in the host areas (Tourism Concern & WWF, 1

14、992).Though the existing definitions usually differ in their focus or level of elaborateness, the main message of the Brundtland Report seems to be more and more accepted by the tourism industry all over the world. However, the notion of sustainability is a very complex one and it has many ramificat

15、ions (Mowforth & Munt, 1998).Ecological sustainability, which means that tourism development does not cause irreversible changes in a given destinations ecosystem, is the most commonly accepted dimension, since there is an obvious need all over the world to protect natural resources from the negativ

16、e impacts of tourism activities. The general growth of environment-awareness has significantly contributed to this trend. Social sustainability refers to the ability of a community to absorb tourism (both the industry and the tourists themselves) without the creation of social disharmony. Cultural sustainability in the context of tourism assumes that a given community is able to retain or adapt their own distinctive cu

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