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本文(60kv二次降压变电所电气工程部分初步设计Word格式.doc)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、主变压器的台数、容量、型号等主要技术数据的确定;电气主接线主要介绍了电气主接线的重要性、设计依据、基本要求、各种接线形式的优缺点以及主接线的比较选择,并制定了适合本所要求的主接线。变电所用接线包括:变电所接线的总要求以及变电所母线接线设计。短路电流计算是最重要的环节,因为它是变电所许多重要电气设备选择校验的重要依据。本论文详细的介绍了短路电流计算的目的、一般规定、元件参数的计算、网络变换、以及各短路点的计算等知识。高压电气设备的选择包括母线、高压断路器、隔离开关、电流互感器、电压互感器的选择原则和要求,并对这些设备进行校验和产品相关介绍 。在被此设计中,我们对主变压器和10KV母线进行了继电保

2、护设计。根据本论文所介绍的高压配电装置的设计原则、要求和60KV的配电装置,决定此次设计对本厂采用普通中型布置。变电所的防雷保护则主要针对避雷针和避雷器的设计。关键词 电气主接线,主变压器,电气设备选择,继电保护AbstactThis graduate design is a Substation Two Times Electrical Engineering (part) Design. Whole thesis besides summary graduate to design the book outside, returned the expatiation every kind

3、of most basic request that equipments choose with principle according to. The choice of the transformer includes: Main transformer use the main technique in number, capacity, model number etc. Designing in the process completing lord changing choice, electricity lord connecting linear draw- up, shor

4、t circuit computing, electricity equipments choosing, going together with electricity equipping, after give or get an electric shock the protection with the programming of the automatic device with defend protective programming in thunder etc. For this year, electric power is in international commun

5、ity energy with economy develop of the function increases increasingly, it have become modern the society is practical the most widely and need the quickest energy.Change the reasonable design that give or get an electric shock are a with developments very constituting the part importantly.Inset dat

6、a of the transformer to really settle; The electricity lord connected the line to introduce primarily the electricity lord connects the linear importance, design according to, the basic request, every kind of merit and shortcoming and lords that connect the line form connects the linear choosing mor

7、e, the lord that combine to establish the in keeping with my plant the request connects the line; The factory connects with the electricity the line includes: The factory connect the linear total request and factory to connect the line design with the mother line with the electricity. The short-circ

8、uit galvanometer is regarded as the most important link, this thesis introduced the calculating purpose in short-circuit electric current, assumption term, general provision, the calculation, network transformation of a parameter detailed, and each calculation etc. knowledge that short circuit order

9、; The choice of the high pressure electricity equipments includes the mother line, high pressure breaks the road machine and insulate the switch, electric current to feels with each other the machine, electric voltage feels with each other the choice principle of the machine, high pressure switch ca

10、binet with request, and proceed to these equipments the school check with the related introduction in product. But go together with the design principle of the electricity device, request to go together with the electricity device with 60 KV according to this thesis a high pressure for introducing,

11、decide this time design to adopt the cent the usually medium-sized arranging to the my plant. power plant with change to give or get an electric shock a design for defending thunder protecting then primarily aiming at lightning rod with lightning arrester. Key Words substation,Short circuit calculat

12、ion ,the choice of the equipment,relay protectioI第一部分 说明书1 变电所设计原则(1) 待设计的变电所应根据变电所设计技术规程中有关条例来进行设计,以保证待设计变电所可以安全供电。(2) 变电所的设计必须贯彻执行党的有关方针、政策。设计中不断总结实践经验,在保证安全运行、经济合理的条件下,力求接线简化、布置紧凑和逐步提高自动化水平,并积极慎重地采用新技术。(3) 本规程使用于电压为35330千伏,每台变压器容量为5000千伏安及以上新建变电所的设计,扩建工程的设计可参照执行。电压为35千伏,每台变压器容量为16004000千伏安新建变电所的设

13、计,可参照本规程的有关规定,但应予以适当简化。(4) 变电所应根据510年电力系统发展规划进行设计。枢纽变电所连接的电源数和回路数,还应根据电力系统运行的安全和经济等条件确定。(5) 变电所的所址应符合下列要求:1) 接近负荷中心;2) 不占或少占农田;3) 便于各级电压线路的引入和引出。架空线路走廊应与所址同时确定;4) 交通运输方便;5) 具有适宜的地质条件(例如避开断层、滑坡、塌陷区、溶洞地带等);如所址是有矿藏的地区,应征得有关部门的同意,避开有危岩和易发生滚石的场所;6) 尽量不设在空气污秽地区,否则应采取防污措施或设在污源的上逢侧;7) 110330千伏变电所的所址标高宜在百年一遇

14、的高水位之上,35KV变电所的所址标高宜在50年一遇的高水位之上,否则应有防护措施;8) 所址不应为积水淹沁,山区变电所的防洪措施应满足泄洪要求;9) 具有生产和生活用水的可靠水源;10) 适当考虑职工生活上的方便;11) 确定所址时,应考虑对邻近设施的影响。(6) 所区内建筑物、构筑物的布置应紧凑合理,充分利用地形,并应考虑便于扩建。为了减少所区内占地面积或当所区面积受限制时,配电装置中应尽量采用减少占地的电器,或在布置上采用高型或半高型方式等。(7) 所区的竖向布置,应符合下列要求:1) 尽量利用原有自然地形,减少土石方量,且不致减少扩建时填、挖土石的困难;2) 建筑物的标高,基础埋深、路

15、基和管线埋深,应互相配合建筑物的屋内地面一般高出屋外地面150300毫米,并根据地质条件考虑沉降量;3) 所区应有排水措施,各地段的设计坡度不应小于0.5%;4) 所区地面坡度不应超过8%;如土质易受冲刷,不宜超过5%,必要时可采用其他措施,如阶梯形布置等,但应便于所内运输。(8) 在装有同步调相机的变电所中,冷却塔或喷水池与主变压器、屋外配电装置 和建筑物间的距离不应小于规定的数值。冷却塔或喷水池应尽量布置在主变压器、屋外配电装置和建筑物的冬季主导风的下风侧。(9) 地下管线一般与道路平行布置。如地下管线和道路交叉,其交叉长度应为最短。(10) 各种底下管线之间和地下管线与建筑物、构筑物道路之间的最小净距,应根据敷设和检修的要求、建筑物基础的构造,管线的埋设深度、检修井的位置及当地其他条件确定。(11) 地下管线一般采用直埋敷设。110330千伏变电所一般设在给、排水管;所区内建有水井的35千伏变电所,一般不设给水管道,但变电所附近已有公用给水管道者除外。(12) 变电所应有道路与外部公路连接,其路面宽度一般不小于3.5米。变电所内应设置环行道路或回车道,环行道路面宽度一般为3 米。由变电

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