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英国文学简史第十二章 Victorian Fiction优质PPT.pptx

1、Chapter 12Victorian Fiction DickensThackeray,the Victorian period was an age of the novel英国小说创作的黄金时代在女王执政期间共出版了约6万种为 成人和儿童写的长篇小说;#自称是维多 利亚小说家的约有7千人,其中三分之 一为女性。#,literacy improved-read both to learn about life and to seek entertainment-a family often read together in theirspare time-urgent need(often

2、 written in installments),Major writers,Charles DickensWilliam Makepeace Thackeray萨克雷the Bronte sisters,勃朗特姐妹George Meredith,梅瑞狄斯Anthony Trollope特罗洛普Samuel Butler塞缪尔巴特勒George GissingOscar Wilde,Louis Stevenson史蒂文森George Moore.Mrs.Gaskell盖斯凯尔夫人,Gissings work,Workers in the Dawn(1880)The Unclassed(188

3、4)Demos(1886)Isabel Clarendon(1886)Thyrza(1887)A Lifes Morning(1888)The Nether World(1889)The Emancipated(1890)New Grub Street(1891)Denzil Quarrier(1892)Born in Exile(1892)The Odd Women(1893),In the Year of Jubilee(1894)Eves Ransom(1895)Sleeping Fires(1895)The Paying Guest(1896)The Whirlpool(1897)Th

4、e Town Traveller(1898)The Crown of Life(1899)Our Friend the Charlatan(1901)The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft(1902)Veranilda(1904)Will Warburton(1905),Gissings fiction is broadly naturalistic and anti-,romantic in flavor and exclusively urban in setting.His,early novels are set among the London sl

5、ums and deal with the life there in remorseless and penetrating,but not very sympathetic,detail:#the best of these is The Nether World(1889),Apart from his slum,novels,the best of his work deals with social issues.Gissing was a deeply conservative,neurotic,restless man.He hated Jingoism and national

6、ism,predicting all too accurately where they would lead.He distrusted science and condemned the proponents of progress;#he scorned all the popular enthusiasms of his day.,Wilkie Collins柯林斯(1824-1889),first detective story writer in English historyauthor of the famous Moonstone(1868)and The Woman in

7、White(1860)secret of success,Letem wait,letem laugh,and letem cry,diz5reili迪斯雷利(英国著名政治家,小说家)(1804-1871/1888)the novelist-Prime Minister,famous for his authentic representation of English life then,lashing out vehemently at industrialism as culprit for prevailing poverty and wretchednessfamous two na

8、tions observation about the existing extremes of wealth and poverty=the England of the rich+the England of the poor,Charles Kingsley(1819-1875),crusaded for social improvement all his lifethe historically significant novel,Westward Ho!#(1855)(imbued with rich Elizabethan spirit),Elizabeth Gaskell(18

9、10-1865),touching,much-dissected novel,Mary Barton(1848)38岁玛丽巴顿portrayals of the social ills of timeher best work,Wives and Daughters(1866).妻子与女儿,1866Ruth 露斯,1853=similar to Tess by HardySylvias Lovers希尔维亚的情人,1863The Life of Charlotte Bronte,1857South and north 南方与北方,Mary Barton,“英国状况”小说Mary BartonJ

10、ohn Barton=kill Henry,confessed,forgiven by Henrys father and diedHenryJim WilsonEmigrated to Canada,Lewis Carroll(pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 5dCdVsEn道奇森,Alice Adventures in Wonderland(1865)Through the Looking-Glass(1872),Conan Doyle(1859-1930)柯南道尔,5kCnEn dCil,英国医师、小说家、推理小说家,创 造了私人侦探福尔摩斯

11、的形象),his bewitching Sherlock Holmes cycle of detective stories,Samuel Butler,5bQtlE巴特勒The Way of All Flesh 众生之道Erewhon 埃瑞璜Erewhon Revisited 重游埃瑞璜,Robert Louis Stevenson(1850-1894),a novelist,a poet,a prose writer,and a playwright.Treasure Island 金银岛(1883The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde(1886

12、).New Arabian Nights 新天方夜谭Kidnapped 诱拐A Childs Garden of Verses 儿童诗园,Charles Dickens(1812-1870)=Critical realism,(1)a poor background-blacking shoe factory+little formal education(2)works:#20-odd novels,Charles Dickens 狄更斯(18121870),(18121870),His Life,Portsmouth,Hampshire,extravagant/ikstrvignt/奢侈的

13、wasteful,prison for debt,blacking factory(鞋油作坊).,unhappiest timefather,His Life,restarted schoolingshorthandthe British Museum Library,15a lawyers officeparliamentary reporter,writing career in 1833,His Life,in 1836,Sketches by Boz特写集,married,humorous stories,first rank,without rest,apoplexy/ppleksi

14、/中风,脑溢血,Poets Corner at Westminster Abbey,Pickwick Papers匹克威克外传,Characteristics of Dickens Novels,Charles Dickens createdtwenty novels during his life.His novels offered us a profound complete realistic picture of the English society of mid-19th century.,Characteristics of Dickens Novels,exploitatio

15、n rapacity/rpsti/,greed,unreasonable rules and regulations,unforgettable figures,1)His striking feature is the wide spreading of critical,satiresimple&#clear language,hypocritical institution,Characteristics of Dickens Novels,2)The second feature is the spirit of democracy and humanism

16、.,character-portrayal,comiclaughter,tragedytears,humor and satire,a great humorist and satirist,Characteristics of Dickens Novels,3)The construction of plot in Dickens novels is pretty complicated.Besides the main core of the story,there are always more than one minor clues that are usually very loosely mingled with each other.,Major Works,18361841,youthful optimism1)Sketches by Boz特写集,the first book2)The Pickwick Papers匹克威克外传,Major Works,3.Oliver Twist奥克佛特维斯特,雾都孤儿4.Nichols Nickleby尼古拉斯尼克尔贝5.The Old Cu

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