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1、Cognitive Factor;English TeachingI . IntroductiooForeign language teaching has being highlighted the ratio nality of brain and the function of cognition while neglecting the development of irrationality for so many years, resulting in the emotional illiteracy. As the development of humanistic psycho

2、logy, the affective factors are paid more and more attentio n to the language teaching. In order to make the English teaching develop more smoothly and ideally, the English teachers must focus on the affective factors in the English teaching and are hoped to take actions into practice to enhance the

3、 quality of English language teaching by using the theory of the aftective filter hypothesis. (项茂英, 200 3)II . Affective Factors2. IThe De n ition of AffectOnes affect toward a particular thing or actio n or situation or experie nce is how that thing that action or that situation or that experience

4、fits in with ones needs or purposes, and its resulting affect on ones emotions(Dulay,Burt&Krashen,1982).In English teaching, a 朊 ct will be broadly considered as aspects of emotion, feeling, mood or attitude which condition behavior(Amold&Brown, 1999).Researchers have shown the learners affe c t and

5、 sta te directly influence their studys behavior and results.2.2 The Scope of Researc h for the Affective FactorsThere are so many affective factors influence the English teaching, such as motivation, self-confidence and anxiety, Krashen calls them the affective filter factors. But in the practical

6、English teaching, there are some other factors influence the English teaching, including attitude, inl1ib 山 o n, self-estcem, extrovcrsion and introversion, empathy, classroom transactio11S and cross-cultural processes and so on. The following will show the four main factors of them which affect the

7、 foreign languageteaching.2.2.1 MotivationIt can be defined as an inner dr ive, impulse , e motion or desire that moves one to a particular action(Brown,1987).ln the ear ly work of Gardner and Lambert(J972),motivationwas seen to be divided it1to two very general orientations: integrative and inst11.

8、11ne ntal. The former refers to a desire to learn the language in order to relate to and even become part of the target language culture, such as passing an exam or finding a job. The latter has to do with practical reasons for language lea rning, sucb as getting a promotio n(Arnold , 1999). Ellis(

9、l 994:508 -51 7) made a comprehens ive induction, besides the lvo above kinds, there are also result motivation(deriving from the successful study),target motivation(inner motivation, when the learners do different tasks they will enjoy different interest),control motivation(in order to control the

10、learners of the target language, they have to learn the langtiage).Tbe better the acbievemeot is, the more intense tbe motivat io n is, tbe more actively the students perform. When the students then1Selves can make the aims and ways of study and appraisa l the process of study, the inner motivation

11、is more motivated. Arnold and Brown made a general difference: extrinsic and 血 rinsic.motivation. The fonner comes from the desire to get a reward or avoid punishment;-the focus is on sornetbing e xternal to the lea romg activi ty itself.With intrinsicmotivation the learning experience is its own re

12、ward. Research indicates that, while extrinsic motivation can also be beneficial, learning is most favo rably influenced by intrinsic o rientations, especially for long-term retention. It is clear that motivation is a 阻 oup of factors which st imulates ones behavior and points out ones direction, it

13、 is crucial to the second language acquisition.(戴曼纯, 2000)2.2.2 Self-confidenceIt is another important affective factor for the fore心1 language teaching, it is the basis of psychology that one gets to success and self-rate to worthiness, no matter cognition or affect, self-co nfidence is cruc ial to

14、 them. A large number of studies have been shown that when selt confidence is protected and encouraged, the students cognitive activities are best, so whether we can cultivate the students self-confidence or howmuch we can cultivate will decide whether the teachers teach them success fully, a successf

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