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1、Your what? he called.My key, I shouted.Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.【课文翻译】我回到家时,肯定已是凌晨两点左右了。我按响 了门铃,试图唤醒我的妻子,但她睡得很熟。于是,我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子,把它靠在墙边,开始向卧室的窗口爬去。快要爬到窗口时,下面一个人用讽 刺的口吻说:“我看不必在夜里这个时候擦窗子吧。”我向下面看去。当我看清是一个警察时,

2、差一点儿从梯子上掉下去。我回答了他的话,但马上又后悔不该那样 说,我是这样说的:“我喜欢在夜里擦窗子。”“我也是的,”警察用同样的声调回答,“请原谅我打断了您。当一个人在忙着干活时,我是不愿意去打断他的,但请您跟我到警察局去一趟好吗?“可我更愿意呆在这儿,”我说,“您瞧,我忘带钥匙了。“什么?”他大声问。“钥匙!”我喊道。幸运得很,这喊声惊醒了我的妻子。就在警察开始向我爬上来时,她打开了窗子。New words and expressions 生词和短语fast adv. 熟(睡) ladder n. 梯子shed n. 棚子 sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,讥笑的tone n. 语气,

3、腔调【生词讲解】1. fast1) adv. 熟(睡)(soundly) eg:He is fast asleep . He is sleeping soundly . He is sleeping deeply . 他睡得很熟. 2) 快(rapidly rpidliad.迅速地) Airplanes can go much faster than trains. 飞机远比火车快。He ran to school fast. 他飞快地跑到学校。2. ladder 1) n. 梯子put up a ladder against a tree 请把梯子靠树放 set up a ladder ag

4、ainst a tree climb up a ladder 爬上梯子 climb down a ladder 爬下梯子Walking under a ladder is considered bad luck .从梯子下面走过会带来厄运。 2)(发迹、成功于)阶段、手段the ladder to success the ladder of success 成功的阶梯climb up the social ladder 踏上发迹之途knock down the ladder knock away the ladder 过河拆桥3. shed 1)n. 棚子、小屋、存放地a cattle she

5、d 牛棚; a wood shed 木棚子2) v. 滴、掉落 shed shed shedShe shed tears when she heard the news of his death. 当她听到他死亡的消息她就流泪了。3)v. 落叶、脱毛 shed leaves 落叶 ; shed skin 脱皮4) v. 散发(光、热、香气等), 放射、带来The girl shed happiness on people around her. 这女孩给身边的人带来快乐。4. sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,讥笑的sarcasm s:kzm, sr- n.讽刺irony airni n.

6、 反语,冷嘲;具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄与 irony 相比,sarcasm 通常含有欲伤及对方的敌意eg: Im sick of your sarcastic remarks.我已经听腻了你的冷嘲热讽 She talked with him with sarcastic tones.她用挖苦的语调和他说话。5. tone 1) n. 语气,腔调She spoke in a low tone. 她用低沉的口气说话。She spoke in an angry tone. 她用恼怒的口气说话。 The policeman answered in a sarcastic tone.警察用讽刺的口吻回答。

7、 The waiter greeted us in a friendly tone.那侍者用友好的口气同我们打招呼。He described the new building in tones of disapproval . 他以不以为然的语气描述那座建筑物。2) 音色、音调, 声调the sweet tone(s) of a clarinet 单簧管的甜美音色 You should use the rising / falling tone at the end of this sentence.在这句话的结尾你应该用升调降调。3) 色调、浓淡The mountains were in s

8、everal tones of green. 群山呈现出各种色调的绿色。4) 格调,风格,气氛: Her dress has a bright tone.她的衣服格调明快。 The building has a foreign tone.这座建筑物有一种异国情调。【课文讲解】1. Asking for trouble 自找麻烦make trouble 闹事, 捣乱、惹麻烦take the trouble to do sth 费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事get into trouble 陷入困境, 惹上麻烦have trouble with sb 与某人有矛盾 You shouldnt have

9、been so rude to her. You are asking for trouble.你不该对她那么粗鲁。你这是自找麻烦。 The boss seems to be annoyed. To talk to him now is to ask for trouble.老板似乎在生气。现在找他谈话是自讨苦吃。 You asked for it. 你自找的。2. It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. must have done 对发生完得事的一种比较肯定的判断 must+have+过去分词表示对过

10、去发生的事进行推测(其否定式为cant+have+过去分词,cf第17 课语法);need+have+过去分词表示过去不必做但实际已做了的事(cf第41 课语法);should/ought to+have+过去分词表示本来应该做而实际未做的事(cf第65 课语法): He had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. 他发现了5 只空的威士忌酒瓶子,这肯定是鬼魂前天晚上喝的。 The examiner must have been pleased with my per

11、formance. 主考人对我的表现想必是满意的。 You neednt have said that. 你没必要这么说。(实际已经说了)t have told him about my plans. 你本不必把我的打算告诉他。(实际上已告诉了他) He should have gone along a side street. 他应该走一条小街。(实际上他走了主要街道)3. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed i

12、n the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. try to do sth 尽力做某事 (主动):wake sb up wake up sb awake sb 叫醒某人(被动):sb be woken up 某人被叫醒1) wake up唤醒或吵醒某人Stop shouting or youll wake up the neighbors. 不要喊了,否则你会把邻居吵醒的。2) 清醒,警觉A cold shower will soon wake you up. 你洗个冷水澡,马上就清醒了。wake up to 觉醒At last they woke up to the serious

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