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1、北京普洋中泰资产评估有限公司;BeijingPuyangZhongtaiAss;A 资产评估报告书;目录 Catalogue;一、评估报告声明 The英语翻译欣赏 资产评估报告书The Written Report of Assets Evaluation普洋中泰评报字2011年第 x 号No. X the evaluation report of Puyang Zhongtai (2011)北京普洋中泰资产评估有限公司36 / 36LtdBeijing Puyang Zhongtai Assets Evaluation Co.,A 资产评估报告书The Written Report of A

2、ssets Evaluation of A目 录 Catalogue一、评估报告声明 TheStatementofevaluation report. 1二、评估报告书摘要 The abstract of written report of assets evaluation.3三、评估报告书正文 The body of written report ofassets evaluation.7(一)委托方、产权持有者和委托方以外的其他评估报告使用者The entrusting party, property right holder and other users of the evaluat

3、ion report except for the entrusting party 7(二)评估目的 Thepurposeofassetsevaluation. 7(三)评估对象和评估范围 Thetargetandscopeof evaluation. 7(四)价值类型及其定义 Thetypesofvalueand definitions. 7(五)评估基准日 Thebasedateofassets evaluation. 8(六)评估依据 Thebasisofassetsevaluation. 8(七)评估方法 Themethodsofassets evaluation. 9(八)评估程序

4、实施过程和情况 The implementation process and situation of the evaluation procedure 10(九)评估假设 Thehypothesisofassetsevaluation. 10(十)评估结论Theconclusionofassets evaluation. 10(十一)特别事项说明 Thespecialinstructions. 11(十二)评估报告使用限制说明 Theinstructionsfor use restriction of the evaluation report . 11(十三)评估报告日 Thedateof

5、evalutionreport. 12(十四)评估机构及评估人员 Evaluation agency and evaluation personnel12A 资产评估报告声明The Statement of Asstes Evaluation Report for A1.依据注册资产评估师所掌握资产基本情况,评估报告中陈述的事项是客观的。1. According to the basic information of assets which are mastered by the certified public valuer, the matters stated in the evalu

6、ation report should be objective.2. 注册资产评估师在评估对象中没有现存的或预期的利益,同时与委托方和相关当事方没有个人利益关系,对委托方和相关当事方不存在偏见。2. The Certified public valuers not only have noexistingoranticipatedprofitsinevaluationtargets,but also have no relationship of individual interests with the entrusting party and relevant parties conce

7、rned, and there is not any prejudice against the entrusting party and the relevant parties concerned.3. 评估报告的分析和结论是在恪守独立、客观和公正的原则的基础上形成的,仅在评估报告设定的评估假设和限制条件下成立。3. The analysis and conclusion of evaluation report is formed based on abiding by the principle of independence, objectivity and impartiality

8、 and only valid under the evaluation hypothesis and the restricted conditions which are specified by the evaluation report.4. 评估结论仅在评估报告载明的评估基准日有效。评估报告使用者应当根据评估基准日后的资产状况和市场变化情况合理确定评估报告的使用期限。4. Evaluate conclusion is just valid on the base date of evaluation which is specified in the evaluation repor

9、t. The users of evaluation report should reasonably determine the service term of theevaluationreportaccordingtotheassetsconditionsafterthebasedateofevaluationandthe marketchange.5. 注册资产评估师及其所在评估机构具备本评估业务所需的执业资质和相关专业评估经验。除已在评估报告中披露的运用评估机构或专家的工作 外,评估过程中没有运用其他评估机构或专家的工作成果。5. Certified public valuers a

10、nd the evaluation agencies which they are affiliated to have the certified qualifications that are required by this evaluation business and the relevant professional evaluation experiences. Except for the work which has applied the evaluation agency or the experts disclosed in the evaluation report,

11、 there is no other achievements which have applied evaluation agencies and experts in the evaluation process.6. 注册资产评估师本人和业务助理人员对评估对象进行了现场勘查。6. Certified public valuers and business assistants made scene investigation on the target of evaluation.7. 注册资产评估师执行资产评估业务的目的是对评估对象价值进行估算并发表专业意见,并不承担相关当事人决策的责

12、任。评估结论不应该被认为是对评估对象可实现的价格保证。7. The purpose that the certified public valuers execute the assets evaluation business is to estimate the value of evaluation target and offer the professional opinions, but they dont shoulder any responsibility of the relevant parties decisions. The evaluation conclusion should not be regarded as the achievable price guarantee of the evaluation target.8. 遵守相关法律、法规和资产评估准则,对评估对象价值进行估算并发表专业意见,是注册资产评估师的责任; 提供必要的资料并保证所提供资料的真实性、合法性

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