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1、briljnt adj.(口语)极好的comprehension kmprihenn n. 理解,领悟instruction instrkn n.(常作复数)指示;说明method med n. 方法bored b: d adj.厌烦的;厌倦的embarrassed imbrst adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的attitude titju:d n. 态度behaviour biheivj n. 行为;举动previous pri:vis adj.以前的;从前的description diskripn n.记述;描述amazed meizd adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的embarrassing im

2、rsi adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的technology teknldi n. 技术impress impres vt.使印象深刻correction krekn n. 改正;纠正encouragement inkridmnt n. 鼓励;激励enjoyment indimnt n.享受;乐趣fluency flu:nsi n.流利;流畅misunderstanding misndstndi n. 误解disappointed dispintid adj. 失望的disappointing dispinti adj. 令人失望的system sistm n. 制度;体系;系统teenager

3、 ti:nid n. 少年disappear dispi vi. 消失move mu:v v.搬家assistant sistnt n. 助手,助理cover kv vt.包含diploma diplum n. 文凭;毕业证书Module1 重点短语1. in other words 换句话说2. look forward to 期待;盼望3. at the start of 在开始的时候4. at the end of 在结束的时候5. go to college 上大学6. be divided into 被(划)分成7. take part in 参加8. differences bet

4、ween A and B A 与 B 的不同之处9. be similar toin . 与在方面相似10. the attitude to/towards 对待的态度11. a city not far from 一个离不远的城市12. write down 记下,写下13. on the computer 在电脑上14. on the screen 在屏幕上15. information from websites 网站上的信息16. a woman called. 一个叫的妇女17. be nothing like 一点都不像18. speak a lot in class 在课堂上讲太

5、多19. have fun 玩得开心20. introduce oneself 自我介绍21. in groups 按组进行22. give sb instructions 给某人指示23. work by oneself 靠某人自己工作24. improve ones spelling 提高某人的拼写能力25. in a fun way 以一种愉快的方式26. in other words 换句话说27. for ones homework 为某人的家庭作业28. a description of 的描述29. look forward to doing 盼望做30. make a good

6、 impression on sb 给某人留下好印象31. A is the same size as B A 与 B 一样大32. the number of 的数量33. be fluent in Chinese 汉语流利34. speak Chinese with fluency 汉语讲得流利35. make a lot of/much progress 取得很大进步36. write to sb 写信给某人37. all over the world 全世界38. the smell of 的味道39. move to. 搬迁到40. have the biggest smile 拥有

7、最开心的笑容41. the American school systems 美国教育体系42. cover 7 years 有七年时间43. receive the high school diploma 获得高中文凭44. September through December 9 月到 12 月45. be free to do 自由做46. after-school activities 课外活动Module1 重点句型1. Were so much looking forward to seeing you again.我们非常渴望再见到你。2. The holiday we have

8、been looking forward to is drawing near.我们一直盼望的假期快到了。3. Word came that the mayor would soon pay a visit to our school.消息传来说市长不久就要来我们的学校参观。4. The books on the desk are of more value than those on the shelf.桌子上的书要比书架上的书更有价值。5. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, one I w

9、ill always treasure.这么多年后见到我的叔叔是一个难忘的时刻,一个我会永远铭记的时刻。6. To our surprise, we got twice as many people to attend the meeting as we expected.让我们感到惊讶的是,参加会议的人数是我们预想的两倍。7. The price of this house is three times what it was two years ago.这座房子的价格是两年前的三倍。8. The output of cars this year is twice that of last

10、year.今年汽车的产量是去年的两倍。9. Mary is now getting on well with her new job and she earns twice as much as she did last year.玛丽现在新工作进展顺利,她挣的工资是去年的两倍。10. The case of Li Gang had a bad effect on society, so did that of Guo Meimei.李刚事件对社会产生了不良影响,郭美美事件也是如此。11. He didnt finish his homework, neither did I.他没有完成家庭作

11、业,我也没有完成。12. Alice is a student and works hard.艾丽斯是个学生,学习努力。So it is with Tom./It is the same with Tom. 汤姆也一样。13. Youve left the light on. 你忘关灯了。Oh, so I have. Ill go and turn it off. 哦,是的。我就去关。Module1 语法一般现在时、现在进行时、-ing 形容词和-ed 形容词的用法。考点 1:一般现在时的用法1. 表示经常性、习惯性的动作。句中常出现 often, usually, sometimes, al

12、ways, every day 等状语。 He goes to school at seven oclock every day. 他每天七点去上学。 She always takes a walk in the evening. 她常在晚间散步。 We always care about and help each other. 我们总是互相关心、互相帮助。2. 表示普遍的真理、科学事实,也用在格言中。 Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。 Actions speak louder than words. 行动比言语更为响亮。3. 在时间状语从

13、句和条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 When I graduate, Ill go back to the countryside. 我毕业后将回农村。 They wont come to see us if it rains next Sunday. 如果下周日下雨,他们就不会来看我们了。4. 表示按规定或时刻表将要发生的动作,仅限于少数动词,如 begin, leave, go, arrive, start 等。 The meeting begins at eight. 会议八点开始。 The train starts at nine in the morning. 火车早上九点出发。5. 表示主语的特征、性格或说话时的感觉、状态。 This job calls for great patience. 这项工作需要极大的耐心。 I feel very cold. 我感觉很冷。考点 2:现在进行时的用法1. 表示说话时正在进行的动作。常与时间状语 now, at the moment 等连用。 I am writing a letter. Will you please turn down the radio? 我正在写信,请把收

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