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1、village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years late

2、r, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening r

3、eform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the G

4、eneral layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a and the improvement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys constr

5、uction in the area of institutional reform. The programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place

6、 importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Centr

7、al Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme personnel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central

8、 Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third汽车钢板弹簧 服役条件:弹簧在冲击、振动或长期交应力下使用,所以要求弹簧钢有高的抗拉强度、弹性极限、高的疲劳强度。在工艺上要求弹簧钢有一定的淬透性、不易脱碳、表面质量好等 碳素弹簧钢即含碳量WC在0.6%-0.9%范围内的优质碳素结构钢。合金弹簧钢主要是硅锰系钢种,

9、它们的含碳量稍低,主要靠增加硅含量W、si提高性能;另外还有硌、钨、钒的合金弹簧钢。近年来,结合我国资源,并根据汽车、拖拉机设计新技术的要求,研制出在硅锰钢基础上加入硼、铌、钼等元素的新钢种,延长了弹簧的使用寿命,提高了弹簧质量。性能要求:弹簧钢应具有优良的综合性能,如力学性能(特别是弹性极限、强度极限、屈强比)、抗弹减性能(即抗弹性减退性能,又称抗松弛性能)、疲劳性能、淬透性、物理化学性能(耐热、耐低温、抗氧化、耐腐蚀等)。为了满足上述性能要求,弹簧钢具有优良的冶金质量(高的纯洁度和均匀性)、良好的表面质量(严格控制表面缺陷和脱碳)、精确的外形和尺寸。失效形式 一是永久变形,即总成自由弧高降

10、低至严重影响车的性能,二是钢板弹簧断裂,如汽车钢板弹簧(如图)在汽车行驶过程中承受各种应力的作用。其中以反复弯曲应力为主,绝大多数是疲劳破坏。性能要求 有弹簧钢应较高强度以及适当的韧性。有高的弹性极限以及弹性减退抗力好,较高的屈强比,为防止在交变应力下发生疲劳和断裂,弹簧应具有高的疲劳强度和耐蚀等性能通常为0.21160MPa , b1280MPa ,10 5% ,25% 。同样材料处理是否正确,其寿命相差也很大。因而材料通常为淬火得到马氏体后进行回火处理,得到碳化物尚未发生明显的聚集长大,保持弥散的分布状态的回火组织。淬火所造成的第二类内应力几乎全部消除,但未发生再结晶,仍保留马氏体针状结构

11、和强化效果,故而有较高的弹性极限。材料选择 20Cr 碳C:0.180.24,硅Si:0.170.37,锰Mn:0.500.80, 铬Cr:0.701.00 该钢是我国目前产量最大的几个合金结构钢之一,用途广泛。硬度较高。且此钢比相同含碳量的碳素钢具有较好的淬透性、强度和韧度。为了提高该模具钢的耐磨性,常进行渗碳处理(注意:渗碳时钢的晶粒有长大倾向),然后进行淬火和低温回火,从而保证模具表面具有很高硬度、高耐磨性而心部具有很好的韧度。其中Cr是中强碳化物形成元素,加热时溶入奥氏体的Cr能强烈地提高淬透性。钢中的Cr一部分形成碳化物,另一部分溶入基体产生固溶强化,提高钢的强度和硬度。Cr不仅能使

12、C曲线明显地右移,而且使珠光体和贝氏体转变的C曲线明显分开。常用于制造截面小于30mm的、形状简单的、转速较高的渗碳件或氰化件,如活塞销、小轴等;也可以用于调制钢零件60Si2Mn碳 C :0.570.65,硅 Si:1.502.00,锰 Mn:0.600.90,铬 Cr:0.35 Si本身不仅有固溶强化作用,而且能改变钢回火时析出碳化物的数量、尺寸和形态等,提高钢的回火稳定性,因此,对提高材料强度、硬度有好处。当合金元素和C含量在一定的范围内时,Si对弹性减退抗力的贡献居各种合金元素之首。Si增强抗弹性减退的能力随着含量增加而增强,在含量1.5%时效果最佳。Mn具有较强的固溶强化效果,Mn对

13、铁素体的固溶强化作用仅次于P和Si。同时Mn是奥氏体稳定化元素,能扩大奥氏体相区,钢中加入Mn还能显著提高钢的淬透性,改善热处理性能,强化基体、降低珠光体的形成温度,细化珠光体的片间距离,从而提高钢的强度和硬度。 由于硅含量高,其强度和弹性极限均较55Si2Mn高,抗回火稳定性好,淬透性不高,易脱碳和石墨化。主要用作汽车拖拉机上的板弹簧、螺旋弹簧等。是用于制造承受交变载荷及高应力下工作的重要弹簧、抗磨损簧等。65Mn 碳C:0.620.70硅Si:0.170.37锰Mn:0.901.20 Mn是弱碳化物形成元素,在钢中主要以固溶的形式存在于基体中。一部分固溶于铁素体(或奥氏体),另一部分形成含Mn的合金渗碳体(Fe、Mn)。Mn还能显著提高钢的淬透性,改善热处理性能,强化基体、降低珠光体的形成温度,细化珠光体的片间距离,从而提高钢的强度和硬度。总体上,钢中加入锰为0.9%1.2%,使淬透性和综合性能有所提高,脱碳倾向减小,但有过热倾向及回火脆性,易出现淬火裂纹。且锰钢价格便宜,资源丰富。

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