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1、三只松鼠;营销策略;市场营销Marketing strategy analysis of three squirrelsAbstractToday, the global economy has entered the era of the Internet economy, Internet has been around the world, peoples lives as the Internet entered the earth-shaking changes. State promulgated the Internet + action plans to promote e-c

2、ommerce, the Internet industry and Internet banking (ITFIN) healthy development, and guide enterprises to expand the Internet market, business model innovation, with the e-commerce network Send a rapidly up. Internet with its unique advantages and cohesion road, attracting a large number of traditio

3、nal companies to alter their business model in network marketing. Today, Taobao has become Chinas first e-commerce platform, the paper relies on Taobao established electricity supplier brands - three squirrels, for example, to analyze the development of Internet marketing strategies and problems, an

4、d I hope todays e-commerce and traditional businesses under the context of e-commerce into the category of advice having meaningful reference.The in order to achieve the following goals: one is to understand Chinas current electricity supplier industry environment; but the understanding of three lit

5、tle squirrels can in many food brand chiefs deus ex; three is through case studies on the three squirrels company marketing, points out three squirrels company marketing problems, and put forward the corresponding development strategy and promote the sustainable development of the three squirrels; f

6、ourth, through the research not only points out that the success of the three squirrels, but also provides reference for other enterprises in the marketing.In this paper, through the analysis of three squirrels marketing environment, now the marketing situation, marketing problems existing in the ma

7、rketing process and suggestions to solve the problem of a few unit three squirrels were analyzed. Which for the three squirrels positioning in pure online sales, emotional marketing, experience marketing, market positioning, production management, competition and so on were detailed analysis and to

8、the problem of finding provides solutions, for the further development of the three squirrels company to provide reference and for other enterprises reference.Keywords:Electronic commerce; three squirrels; marketing strategy; marketing目 录摘要IAbstractII目 录V第1章 绪论71.1 论文研究背景71.2 论文相关理论基础81.2.1 情感营销81.2

9、.2 体验营销81.2.3 PEST分析模型91.3 研究的目的与意义101.3.1 研究的目的101.3.2 研究的意义11第2章 三只松鼠营销环境分析122.1 电商企业市场环境分析122.2 三只松鼠宏观环境分析122.2.1 人口环境122.2.2 经济环境142.2.3 自然环境152.2.4 社会文化环境152.3 三只松鼠微观环境分析162.3.1 供应商162.3.2 营销中介162.3.3 顾客162.3.4 公众162.3.5 行业内的竞争者16第3章 三只松鼠的营销现状分析173.1 三只松鼠企业简介173.1.1 三只松鼠公司简介173.1.2 企业发展使命173.2

10、三只松鼠公司营销策略分析183.2.1 情感营销策略183.2.2 体验营销策略213.3 三只松鼠公司营销存在的问题分析233.3.1 纯互联网销售,线下市场份额被抢233.3.2 代工模式管理漏洞,爆发食品安全问题243.3.3 供应链不稳定,供货危机多发243.3.4 公司制度不完善,管理层缺乏管理经验24第4章 对三只松鼠经营策略改进建议264.1 拓广销售渠道,增加市场份额264.1.1 开发线下市场,线下线上相结合264.1.2 预测消费需求,抢占未来市场264.2 加强品牌营销,突出品牌独特性264.2.1 深化网络平台运用,扩大影响范围264.2.2 加大动漫营销274.3 完

11、善企业管理274.3.1 加强代工模式管理保证产品质量274.3.2 完善公司规章制度27结论29致谢30参考文献31附录A32附录B38第1章 绪论1.1 论文研究背景 经过价格战、倒闭潮,众多电子商务企业收兵息鼓、修炼内功,市场趋于冷静,资本开始复苏,中小型企业电商得以喘息。但安静的表象下暗藏着波涛汹涌,战场焦点的转移,随之而来的是更大的压力,对于中小型电子商务企业来说,电商任然是一片危机四伏的丛林。传统品牌大鳄、平台大佬、随着大数据诞生而来的新的挑战,前后夹击,内忧外患。 恰是在这种情况下安徽三只松鼠电子商务有限公司(以下简称:三只松鼠)横空出世,“三只松鼠”品牌一经推出,上线一个周实现

12、1000单的销售业绩;2012年淘宝“双11”期间,三只松鼠日销售额达766万元;2013年淘宝“双11”开启5分钟销售额破100万元,一小时破779万元,单日累计销售额超过3652元,一跃成为电商食品品牌销量第一。身处一个三线城市的电商企业,三只松鼠是如何做到的呢?图1-1三只松鼠销售业绩排名2015年11月2015年12月2016年1月1三只松鼠2百味草3良品铺子稻香村4楼兰蜜语周黑鸭费列罗5德芙五芳斋6来伊份华美7港荣美心西域美农8利口福9友臣10新农哥图1-2天猫零食坚果热销品牌排行榜1.2 论文相关理论基础1.2.1 情感营销情感营销就是把消费者个人情感差异和需求作为企业品牌营销战略

13、的情感营销核心,通过借助情感包装、情感促销、情感广告、情感口碑、情感设计等策略来实现企业的经营目标。情感营销是从消费者的情感需要出发,唤起和激起消费者的情感需求,诱导消费者心灵上的共鸣,寓情感于营销之中,让有情的营销赢得无情的竞争。在情感消费时代,消费者购买商品所看重的已不是商品数量的多少、质量好坏以及价钱的高低,而是为了一种感情上的满足,一种心理上的认同。1.2.2 体验营销体验营销通过看(See)、听(Hear)、用(Use)、参与(Participate)的手段,充分刺激和调动消费者的感官(Sense)、情感(Feel)、思考(Think)、行动(Act)、联想(Relate)等感性因素和理性因素,重新定义、设计的一种

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