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1、 fungus harvested from _ dead caterpillars, known in some quarters these days as Himalayan Viagra.一代又一代想壮阳的中国男人一直迷信一种传统中药,那就是冬虫夏草。这是一种寄生在死去的毛毛虫体内的真菌,今天在某些地方被称为“喜马拉雅伟哥”。Now _Chinese investors are using _ rare fungus to try to boost something else - their investment returns. _ fungus has doubled in _

2、price over _ past two years and _ top grade now fetches more than $11,500 _ pound, according to Fuzhou-based brokerage firm Industrial Securities.现在,中国的投资者正试图利用这种稀有真菌来提振他们的另外一样东西:投资回报。据福州经纪商兴业证券(Industrial Securities)的数据,虫草的价格在过去两年翻了一倍,顶级虫草的价格现在达到了每磅11,500美元(约合每公斤20万元)以上。在股市下跌、房地产市场停滞、银行存款回报微不足道的情况下

3、,中国投资者寄希望于一些特别的投资品,有“喜马拉雅伟哥”之称的冬虫夏草便是其中之一。(视频:冬虫夏草能助力中国经济?)With _Chinese stocks falling, _ real-estate markets flat and _bank deposits offering measly returns, Chinese investors have been looking for help in _ strange places. Besides _ traditional medicinal products, they are plowing money into art-

4、based stock markets, homegrown liquors, mahogany furniture and jade, among _other decidedly non-Western asset classes.在中国股市下跌、房地产市场停滞、银行存款回报微不足道的情况下,中国投资者一直在一些奇怪的领域寻找帮助。除了传统中药产品之外,他们还把资金投到了艺术品份额、国产烈酒、红木家具以及玉石等产品上,所有这些都与西方的资产类别格格不入。On a micro level, _speculation has appeared, says Long Xingchao, _pre

5、sident of _ information center of _ China Association of _Traditional Chinese Medicine. _association says _prices of traditional medicines, including red ginseng and false starwort, have surged since 2010, partly because of speculators. Mr. Long insists, however, that _price bubble isnt forming. The

6、res nothing to pop, he says.中国中药协会(China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine)中药材信息中心主任龙兴超说,从微观层面看,投机已经显现。该协会说,自2010年以来,红参,太子参等中药的价格已经大幅上涨,部分原因就在于投机。但龙兴超坚持认为并未形成价格泡沫。他说,既然没有泡沫,也就不会破裂。Newfangled exchanges are sprouting across China to take _ advantage of _ excitement. Nanjing Pharmaceutical Co

7、. set up an exchange last year for trading _traditional medicines such as _deer antler. In November it extended hours so _investors could trade when they get home from work. Expanding _ hours gives investors more time to make _ profit, _ exchange said on its website.为利用这一热潮获利,中国各地涌现出各种花样迭出的交易所。南京医药股

8、份有限公司(Nanjing Pharmaceutical Co.)去年设立了一个交易所交易鹿角等中药,2011年11月,交易所延长了交易时间,这样一来投资者下班回家后还能交易。该交易所在网站上说,延长交易时间让投资者“坐在家里也赚钱”。Exchanges have popped up that allow investors to buy and sell _shares of _individual works of art. In _city of Tianjin last summer, _ unnamed seller floated about 30 million shares o

9、f _painting called Eternal Lotus Wind, at _ initial price of 1.61 yuan apiece - about 25 cents. Within two days, investors had bid _ shares up 52%, valuing _ painting at about $11.5 million. Then _ shares began sliding; they now trade at 36% below _ initial offering price.允许投资者买卖单件艺术品份额的交易所也已经出现。去年夏

10、季,天津一位未具名卖家发售画作荷风千秋的3,000万份额,首发价格是每份1.61元(约合25美分)。两天后,投资者就将其价格捧高52%,使画作的估值达到了约1,150万美元。之后,份额价格开始下跌,当前的价格比最初发行价低36%。Cui Ruzhuo, who painted Eternal Lotus Wind but didnt profit from _ offering, says _art market still has legs. We still havent arrived at _ high point,荷风千秋的作者崔如琢并没有从份额发行中获利。他说,艺术品市场仍有支撑,

11、现在还没有到达高点。Investors are taking to _ drink, as well. Maotai - the most popular variant of _ homegrown liquor called baijiu, and once _favorite of Chairman Mao - now sells for more than $300 a bottle, double _ price a year ago.投资者还对白酒产生了兴趣。茅台酒现在每瓶价格在300美元以上,比一年前翻了一番。茅台是中国最受欢迎的白酒,曾经为毛主席所锺爱。In the past,

12、 baijiu was only for _consumption, says Liu Xiaowei, _chairman of _auction house Beijing Googut Auction Co., which held _ baijiu action last month. But now its also _ collectors item and for investment.北京歌德拍卖有限公司(Beijing Googut Auction Co.)上个月举行过一场白酒拍卖会。该公司董事长刘晓伟说,白酒在过去仅用于消费,但现在也被藏家收藏用于投资。二、填写介词:_ t

13、he December auction, a businessman from Jiangsu province dropped $8,300 _ two dozen bottles of liquor _ uncertain vintage - their water-stained cardboard packaging suggested they were old - almost four times the starting price _ the auction docket. If I held these _ a while, I could definitely make

14、some money, said the buyer, who didnt provide his full name.在去年12月份那场拍卖会上,一位来自江苏的商人花8,300美元买了24瓶年份不明的白酒(从布满水渍的纸箱包装来看,年代应该比较久),接近拍卖起价的四倍。这位没有透露全名的买家说,如果持有一段时间,肯定能赚一笔钱。Chinas banks are getting in on the action. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Chinas biggest state-owned lender _ assets, set up a fund _ customers to invest in high-end puer tea, marketing it _ a low-risk investment. China Merchants Bank Co. is planning to allow some customers to trade diamonds through its website.中国的银行也开始参与其中。中国资产规模最大的国有借贷机构中国工商银行(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.)建立了一个

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