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1、 Were thereany famous people in the family? Do I have any rich relatives?O.K., Mrs. Li said, but it will cost you$2,000.Arnold thought about this. Two thousand dollars was a lot of money.At last he said, All right. But for $2,000 I want a complete history. I want fulldetails.The expert agreed. Come

2、back in three months, she said. Three months later Arnold visited Mrs. Li again.Well, he said, have you found out everything about my family? Yes, she said. It is a very interesting family. However, my price is now$5,000.Five thousand dollars! Arnold shouted. But you told me the cost was onlyI know.

3、 It was $2,000 to find out about your family,It is another$3,000 to keep secret what I found out!New Words and Expressionsproud 自豪的history历史expert 专家famous 著名的complete 完整的detail 细节secret 秘密EXERCISE I1. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d, to these questions about the story.在 a,b,c,d 中选出一个最适合本故事的答案。A

4、. Why was Arnold Wu proud?(a) He was a very old man.(b) His family was famous.(c) His family had a long history.(d) He was very rich.B. What did Mr. Wu want to know?(a) the complete history of his family(b) how much he had to pay for his family history(c) the names of everyone in his family(d) a sec

5、retC. Who did Mr. Wu ask about his family history?(a) his rich relatives(b) some famous people(c) a person who knew a lot about family histories(d) his familyD. Why did the expert ask for more money?(a) She needed more time.(b) To say nothing about what she had found out about Mr. Wus family.(c) She

6、 found some rich people in Mr. Wu(d) To tell everyone the details of Mr. Wu2. Write T for True or F for False beside these statements about the story.在下列有关本故事的句子旁标上 T(对)或 F(不对)(a) Mr. Wu had a lot of pride (b) Mr. Wu was not very interested in the history of his family.(c) The expert in family histo

7、ry was not an honest person.(d) There were some secrets in Mr. Wus family history.(e) Mr. Wu had to pay the expert a total of $3,000 to find out about his family3. Find words or phrases in the story similar in meaning to the following.在故事中找出含有下列意思的词。(a) discover(b) return (c) certain (d) finally _(e

8、) once more 4. Complete these sentences about the story by putting in the correct form of the verb in parentheses.把括号内的动词变成适当的形式。(a) Mr. Wu often (to tell) people about his family.(b) He (to want) the expert to find out everything about his family.(c) After three months Mr. Wu (to visit) 1 the exper

9、t again.(d) The expert (to find out) many interesting things.(e) The expert asked Mr. Wu (to pay) more money.5. Answer these questions about the story in a few words.用几个词回答下列有关故事的问题。(a) What was Mr. Wu proud of? (b) What did Mrs. Li want $2,000 for?(c) How long did he have to wait?(d) What did the e

10、xpert find out about Mr. Wus family?(e) What did the expert want Mr. Wu to pay her $3,000 more to do? 6. Study the following pairs of words and write what part of speech each word is in the blanks: noun, verb, adjective or adverb.仔细看下列的各对词,并在空白处写出它们属于何种类型:名词,动词,形容词或副词。(a) history, historian , (b) ex

11、pert, expertly , (c) visited, visitor , (d) secret, secretly , (e) agreed, agreement , EXERCISE IIFill in the blanks of these sentences with relatives, related to or relationship.(a) My family is having a big dinner tonight, and I will see all of my(b) How is your with Frank?(c) Sandy has over 40 in China.(d) Even though she looks a lot like me, we are not each other.(e) My sister and I have always had a difficult-

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