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1、基于 FPGA 的 MACRO 运动控制网络的研究及实现(注:黑体二号 固定值 30 磅)Research and Realization of MACRO Motion Control Network based on FPGAArial 小三号 固定值 25 磅 居中)姓名: 张三专业: 计算机网络指导教师姓名: 李四指导教师职称: 副 教 授宋体 三号 固定值 35 磅)2014 年 5 月长春师范大学本科毕业论文摘要基本养老保险制度是我国社会保障体系的支柱性制度安排,决定着社会保障制度是否与当前经济社会发展相适应,是否有利于促进经济又好又快发展和人民群众生活水平的提高,是社会保障制度发

2、挥其公平、正义、共享等功能的有效手段,在对缩小居民贫富差距,维护社会稳定和构建和谐社会等方面都发挥着重要的作用。经过近 30 年的改革,我国基本养老保险在制度模式建设上取得了很大成就,在促进社会和谐稳定、保障退休职工的基本生活水平等方面发挥了积极的作用,然而在基本养老保险由“现收现付”制向“统账结合”制转轨的进程中,现行的基本养老保险模式出现的内在缺陷和不足,正在限制着这一制度正常功能的全面发挥。目前基本养老保险模式存在的主要问题包括:应对转制成本模式的缺失、养老保险逆向分配扩大了社会贫富差距、缺少全国统筹下的政务操作平台、养老金调整政策不规范等。同时,本文分析了基本养老保险全国统筹的进程缓慢

3、的原因:基本养老保险长期处于碎片化管理,各地基金征缴、发放模式各不相同;全国统筹后, 据预测基本养老金会在 2042 年后面临巨大的财政赤字,这些不足部分将由国家财政兜底,我国的中央财政支出将面临巨额的支付需求;基本养老保险的逆向分配进一步加剧了贫富分化;缺少全国统一的基本养老保险政务操作平台等严重阻碍了基本养老保险全国统筹的步伐。针对文中出现的问题,本文从基本养老保险运行现状和养老金财务收支平衡两方面对我国基本养老保险全国统筹问题进行研究,对其妥善应对转制成本过大、区域发展不平衡、群体之间差距大等现实挑战提出对策建议,适当分配养老金利益, 充分发挥养老保险的二次分配功能,为全国统筹奠定良好的

4、基础;科学确定养老金调整政策,确保养老金发放在全国统筹下的稳定性;对养老保险政务操作平台进行改进设计通过运用 J2EE 技术和 C/S/S 结构设计基本养老保险政务平台的框架体系;对基本养老保险全国统筹下的基础养老金梯度转移模式进行研究,使其能够发挥缩小贫富差距的能力。对基本养老保险制度在符合我国国情下的顺利运行提出建议,有利于实现这一制度的稳定和可持续发展。关键词:基本养老保险全国统筹养老金中文“摘要”二个字之间空二个字符,冒号与中文关键词之间不要求空格, 关键词与关键词之间空二个字符)中文关键词若要是在一行内写不下的,则第二行的第一个字要与第一行冒号后面的字对齐)如下面范例所示:基本养老保

5、险全国统筹养老金基本养老保险全国统筹基本养老 Y老本老保险全国统筹养老金VAbstractBasic pension insurance system is the backbone of Chinas social security system of institutional arrangements, determine whether the social security system suited to the current economic and social development, is conducive to promoting sound and rapid ec

6、onomic development and peoples living standards, social security the system is fair, just, effective means of sharing and other functions, in the narrow gap between rich and poor people, safeguard social stability and building a harmonious society have played an important role.After nearly 30 years

7、of reform, Chinas basic old-age insurance in the system model construction has made great achievements in promoting social harmony and stability, guarantee the basic living standards of retirees has played a positive role, but in the basic old-age insurance by the pay as you go system to system Acco

8、unt system of the transition process, the existing basic pension insurance model the inherent defects and deficiencies occur, the system is limited by the normal function of the overall play.Currently the basic pension insurance model the main problems include: lack of response to transformation cos

9、t model, reverse distribution of pension wealth gap in society expanded, the lack of national co-ordination of the government platform, pension adjustment policies is not standardized. Meanwhile, the paper analyzes the basic pension insurance national co-ordinating the reasons for the slow process:

10、the basic pension insurance in the fragmentation of the long-term management, local fund collection, distribution patterns vary; national co-ordination, the basic pension will be projected after 2042 facing enormous budget deficits, some of these shortcomings will be the states financial reveal all

11、the details, Chinas central government spending will face a huge pay demands; reverse distribution of basic pension insurance divide between rich and poor exacerbated; the lack of a unified national government operating platform of basic pension insurance, serious impediment to the basic pension ins

12、urance co-ordinating the pace of the country.Problems for the paper, the paper run from the basic old-age insurance and pension status of the financial balance the two aspects of the national co-ordination of basic insurance study the issue properly deal with their conversion cost is too large, regi

13、onal development imbalances between groups gap between the practical challenges such as proposed in this paper, the proper allocation of pension benefits, full pension secondary distribution function, as overall lay a good foundation; scientifically determine the pension adjustment policies, pension

14、s in the country to ensure the stability of co-ordination sex; ofold-age insurance designed to improve government operating platform - through the use of J2EE technology and C / S / S structure, the basic design of the framework of old-age insurance system of government platform; on the national bas

15、ic pension insurance of pension under the aegis of the transfer mode of gradient so that it can play the ability to narrow the gap between rich and poor. The basic pension insurance system in line with the smooth operation of Chinas national conditions under proposals conducive to the stability of the system and sustainable development.Key words:Basic Pension Insurance National Co-ordination Pension关键词与上文空一行,冒号与英文第一个关键词之间空一个字符,关键词与关键词之间空二个字符)英文关键词若要是在一行内写不下的,则第二行的第一个字母要与第一行冒号后面的字母对齐)如下面范例所示:Key words:Basic Pension InsuranceN

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