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1、32. Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is looking for now.A. itB. himC. them考查代词。句意迈克今天早上丢了学校的身份证,他现在正在找它。. A 它;B 他,宾格;C 他(它、她)们。这里用 it 它,代替前面的名词 IDcard 身份证,答案是A。A33. I cant see Lucy because she is the tree.A. in front ofB. behindC. next toA. in front of 在前面;B. behind 在后面;C. next to 挨着。由我

2、看不见她可判断她是在树的后面,所以才看不见,选 B。34. Our English teacher wants us English stories out of class.A. readB. readingC. to read考查动词不定式短语。我们的英语老师想要我们在课下读英语故事。want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事。固定短语。根据题干 Our English teacher wants us English stories out of class.可知应是我们的英语老师想要我们在课下读英语故事。故选 C。C35. Hi,Amy,you live on Center

3、Street. Can you tell me ?Sure. There is one called Grandmas Home.A. where it isB. how I can get thereC. if there is a restaurant on it根据 Can you tell me ?再结合选项,可知 Can you tell me 后面是跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语。再根据 you live on Center Street. 是说要问的地方在这条街上,再根据 There is one called Grandmas Home,可知这里是指的是

4、否有一家餐馆的事情。故选:C。36. This pair of glasses be Tonys. Hes the only one who wears glasses.A. mustB. mightC. cant考查情态动词。这副眼镜一定是 Tony 的,他是唯一一个戴眼镜的人. A.must 一定;表示可能性大;B. might 也许;可能性小;t 不可能。根据题干 Hes the only one who wears glasses.他是唯一一个戴眼镜的人。可知这里表推测的可能性很大,即这副眼镜一定是 Tony 的,故选 A。37. Many people still try to cl

5、imb Qomolangma every year it is very dangerous.A. whenB. ifC. though考查连词辨析。每年有许多人仍然试图去爬珠穆朗玛峰,尽管那是很危险的. A. when 当时候;B. if 如果;C. though 尽管. 根据题干 Many people still try to climb Qomolangma every year. 每年有许多人仍然试图去爬珠穆朗玛峰,可知应该说尽管那是很危险的. 故选 C。38. Jim studies better than Tom,but Tom is and he has more friend

6、s.A. friendlyB. more friendlyC. the most friendly考查比较级。吉姆比汤姆学习更好,但是汤姆更友好,他有更多的朋友。A 友好的,形容词原级;B 比较级;C 最高级。结合语境吉姆比汤姆学习更好,但是汤姆 ,他有更多的朋友,可知,两者比较用比较级形式,答案是 B。39. A kind of shared bike is called bluegogo is getting more and more popular in Chengdu.B. itC. which分析句子可知空格处引导定语从句作定语修饰先行词 bike,表示一种叫作小蓝单车的共享单车,

7、先行词指物,且从句中缺主语,要用 that 或 which 引导,选 C。40. Did you hear someone knock at the door just now?Sorry. I to my friend on the phone.A. was talkingB. talkedC. am talking考查时态。你刚才听见有人敲门吗?不好意思,我在给我的朋友打电话。由 just now 刚刚,可知问句是一般过去时态,表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作, 这里指刚才敲门的时候,我正在打电话,所以句子应该用过去进行时态,结构是was/were+动词的现在分词,主语是 I,用 was.

8、talk 的现在分词是 talking。故选 A。B) 补全对话. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话. 并将选项中的编号字母依次填在相应位置。(满分 10 分)A: Good morning! Can I help you?B: 41. I need a Tshirt for sports. A: OK. 42. . Blue. How about this one? 43. How much is it? A: 80yuan. Thats too expensive. 44. OK. And we have socks for 5yuan each pair. Do you ne

9、ed a pair? B: Great! 45. . Here you are.41.选句题。根据上句 Can I help you?我能帮你吗?可知,应该回答是的,请。选 E。42. 选句题。根据下句 Blue 蓝色. 可知,上句应该问你喜欢好颜色的呢?选 B。43. 选句题。根据上句 How about this one?这个怎么样?可知,下句应该是它看起来不错。,选 D。44. 选句题。根据上句 80yuan. Thats too expensive. 80 元. 太贵了. 可知,下句应该说60 元怎么样?,选 C。45. 选句题。根据上句 Do you need a pair?Grea

10、t!你需要一双吗?太好了!及下句 Here you are. 给你. 可知中间应该是那么我要一件蓝色的 T 恤衫和一双白色的袜子。选 A。41. E42. B43. D44. C45. A七、完形填空通过阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共 20 分)A famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon animalMickey Mouse. Mickey first 46. in a cartoon in New York in 1982. Walt Disney was the father

11、 of Mickey. He made lots of cartoons with Mickey. Many people around the world love the mouse with two 47. ears. He was so popular because he was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger and solve the problems all by himself. In Disneys early films,Mickey was 48. , he lost his house

12、and girlfriend,Minnie. 49. ,he never gave up his efforts and always won at last. Most people want to be like him. Now Mickey Mouse is still one of the most popular50. characters in the world. 46.A. ran outB. hung outC. came out 47.A. large and roundB. small and shortC. long and white 48.A. richB. ha

13、ppyC. unlucky 49.A. AlsoB. HoweverC. So 50.A. cartoonB. playC. novel46.考查动词。根据上文 A famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon animalMickey Mouse.美国文化中的一个著名标志是卡通动物米老鼠,结合选项,A. ranout 耗尽,B. hung out 闲逛,伸出;C. came out 出现,出来。可知这里说的是在 1982 年米老鼠第一次出现在纽约卡通片里,故答案为 C。47. 考查形容词。根据图片上的米老鼠的外形可以看出,结合选项,A. lar

14、ge and round 又大又圆;B. small and short 又小又矮;C. long and white 又长又白。可知是说世界上的人都喜欢这个长着又大又圆的老鼠. large and round 修饰名词 ears. 故选 A。48. 考查形容词。根据上下文 InDisneysearlyfilms,helosthishouseandgirlfriend,Minnie. 在迪斯尼的早期电影里,他失去了他的房子和女朋友 Minnie。结合选项,A. rich 富有的;B. happy 高兴的;C. unlucky 不幸的。可知应该说 Mickey 是不幸的。49. 考查副词。根据上下文 he los

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