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1、,B R _ main,An English Song Get a Job,Background Information,About the Author Harvey B.Mackay,Warm-up Exercises,B R _ 1_main,An English Song Get a Job,Fill in the Blanks,Listen to the Song,B R _ 2_main,Background Information,Michael Jordan,Sir Roger Bannister,Marathon,B R _ 3_main,About the Author H

2、arvey B.Mackay,A Brief Introduction,An Authors Speech Overcoming Obstacles,B R _ 1_1.1,Fill in the Blanks,Listen to the introduction to the song and fill in the following blanks.,The song you are about to hear was written by one of a group of four singers known as the Silhouettes.He wrote the song b

3、ack in the,shortly after leaving the army.It is easy to that it may well his own experience of suddenly finding himself having to look for a job.If the song is anything to go by,his wife was largely,suspecting him of,1950s,_,imagine,_,reflect,_,unsympathetic,_,laziness,_,B R _ 1_1.2,and not trying h

4、ard enough.Every morning she would get him out of bed,telling him to get a job;#every breakfast she would throw the paper down in front of him,the jobs he could apply for.And when he got home at the end of the day without having had any she would him of lying about his job hunting,no doubt,that he h

5、ad not to try.,pointing out,_,success,_,accuse,_,suspecting,_,bothered,_,B R _ 1_2,Listen to the Song,B R _ 2_1_1.1,Michael Jordan,1.A Brief Introduction of Michael Jordan,American professional basketball player,considered by many to be the greatest player in basketball history.The 6 ft 6 in(198 cm)

6、shooting guard first became known as an explosive individual scorer,but as he matured as a player he adopted a more,more team-oriented approach to the game.Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association(NBA)championships(19911993,19961998).His widespread appeal to fans has helpe

7、d keep basketball one of the worlds most popular spectator sports.,B R _ 2_1_2.1,2.Michael Jordan Enters the Hall of Fame,1.Where did Michael Jordan begin his career as a basketball player?#,He began his career as a basketball player in Laney High School before he entered the University of North Car

8、olina.,2.How many times did Michael win the NBA championships?#,He all together won 6 NBA championships.,B R _ 2_1_2.3,3.In which year did Michael enter the Hall of Fame?#,He entered the Hall of Fame in 2009.,4.According to Michael,why did he play basketball at first?#,He wanted to get a chance to c

9、ollege.,B R _ 2_2_1,Sir Roger Bannister,1.A Brief Introduction of Sir Roger Bannister,Roger Bannister was the first athlete who ran a mile in less than 5 min.,F,(),2.Sir Roger Bannister received higher education.,T,(),3.On May 6,1954,Bannister established a world record,and this record was not bette

10、red for a long time.,F,(),4.After retiring from athletic competition,Bannister became a lawyer.,F,(),5.Sir Roger Bannister was knighted 21 years after he retired.,T,(),B R _ 2_2_2.1,Sir Roger Bannister,2.A Video Clip about Sir Rogers Success,1.What did Bannister dream of?#,For years,Bannister dreame

11、d of being the first man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.,2.After how many laps,Gracchi gave way to Chastely?#,After two and a half laps.,B R _ 2_2_2.2,3.What did Bannister suffer in the past?#,Bannister suffered some criticisms because he adopted his own training method.,B R _ 2_3,Marathon,The

12、 marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometers,and is usually run as a road race.The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides,a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.The marathon was one of the orig

13、inal modern Olympic events in 1896,though the distance did not become standardized until 1921.More than 500 marathons are contested throughout the world each year,with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes.Larger marathons can have tens of thousands of participants.,B R _ 3_1,

14、A Brief Introduction,Harvey Mackay(born 1932 in Saint Paul,Minnesota)is a businessman and columnist.Mackay is perhaps best known as the author of five business bestsellers,including Swim With the Sharks(Without Being Eaten Alive),Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt and Dig Your Well Before

15、 Youre Thirsty.He is a nationally syndicated columnist,and one of Americas most popular business speakers.He is also founder,Chairman and CEO of Mackay Envelope Corporation,whose story he tells in anecdotes sprinkled throughout his books.,B R _ 3_2.1,An Authors SpeechOvercoming Obstacles,B R _ 3_2.2

16、,1.What does the author expect people to do?#,The author expects people to believe themselves even though no one else does.,2.What is life according to the author?#,Life is filled with bumps and lumps.,3.What kind of person had the author never met?#,The author never met a successful person who hadnt overcome little or large adversities in his or her life.,B R _ 3_2.3,4.Who was the man described in the authors speech?#,The man described was Abraham Lincoln,former American president.,5.What do you know about

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