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1、是的,舰长,长官。 Every morning you will Drill them in their studies.I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays.Each afternoon, they march at the ground, breathing deeply.Bedtime is to be strictly observed. No exceptions.你得督促孩子学习,我不准他们虚度假期。下午他们要在庭院操练,还要严守就寢时间。没有破例。 Excuse me, when do they pl

2、ay?请问他们何时玩耍? You will see to it that they conduct themselves with the utmost decorum.I am placing you in command. 你要看着他们,确定他们循规蹈矩。我要你负责这一切。 Yes, sir.是的,长官。【上校吹响哨子,一阵嘭嘭关门声后,一群孩子出现在阳台上,排着队走下楼来】 Now,this is your new governess, miss Maria.As I sound your signals, you will step forward and give your name

3、.You. lady, listen carefully. Learn their signals so you can call them.这位是你们的新家教,Maria小姐。当我吹你们的讯号时,你们踏前一步报出名字。而你要仔细注意那讯号,以便日后召唤他们。【PPT上依次闪现孩子们的名字,Liesl.Friedrick.Gretl.Kurt.Brigitta.Marta.Louisa.】-Liesl: Liesl.-Friederick: Friedrick.-Louisa: Louisa.-Kurt: Kurt.-Bargitta: Brigitta.-Marta: Marta. And

4、Gretl. Now, lets see how well you listened.现在看看你的耳力如何。 I wont need it, Captain. It would be too humiliating. I mean, Ill use their names. Such lovely names.我想我不用哨子的,舰长,这是种很大的侮辱。我会叫他们的名字,尤其是有如此美的名字。 miss Maria, were you this much trouble at the abbey?小姐,你在修道院也是如此麻烦的吗? Oh, much more, sir.麻烦得多,长官。【capt

5、ain退场】 At ease. Now that theres just us. . .I have to tell you a secret. Ive never been a governess before. Ill need lots of advice.一点也不懂,我需要许多建议。【PPT字幕:当Maria想和孩子们进一步沟通感情时,管家来传达舰长让孩子们散步的命令并带着Maria去往她的房间】-Franz: Children, outside for your walk.Fathers orders. Hurry up.Quick, quick, quick.孩子们,出去散步。父亲

6、的命令,快点!快【孩子们退场】SCENE TWO【切换到Maria房间】 来到房间后,管家先生向Maria讲述了舰长自从妻子去世后不愿自己和孩子接触能想起妻子的事并像管理军舰般管理家事,以及舰长想娶男爵夫人的事。旁白:Ever since the captain lost his poor wife,he runs this house as if on one of his ships again. Whistles, orders. No more music, no more laughing. Nothing that reminds him of her. Even the chil

7、dren.】 The von Trapp children dont play. They march.Von Trapp家的孩子不玩游戏,他们只做操练。 Surely you dont approve of that. thats so wrong. How long will he be gone? It depends. The last time he visited the baroness, he stayed for a month.那得看情况,上次他在男爵夫人,那儿停留了一个月。 Wonderful! The children will have a mother again.

8、那太好了,孩子们会有新母亲了。 Yes.Well, good night.是的。晚安。 Good night.晚安【PPT文案:Maria在窗前祈祷,突然窗外电闪雷鸣,孩子们因害怕跑到了她的房间,她便开始教他们用歌声放松】 Dear Father, now I know why You sent me here. To help these children prepare for a new mother. And I pray this will become a happy family in my sight. 亲爱的天父,我现在知道为何你要我来此了。是帮助这些孩子,准备接受他们的新母

9、亲。而我也祈祷,它将会是个快乐的家庭。【屋外电闪雷鸣,Gretl跑进了来。 Gretl, are you scared? Youre not frightened of a storm, are you? You just stay right here with me. Where are the others?Gretl,你害怕吗?你不是怕这些雷电吧?与我一起就不用怕了。其他的人呢?-Gretl: Theyre asleep. Theyre not scared.他们睡着了,他们不怕。【女孩子们都跑过来站在门口】 Oh, no? Look.All right, everybody, up

10、here on the bed.是吗?看!好吧,大家都上床来。-Children: Really?真的吗? Come on.Now well wait for the boys.来吧。现在就等男孩们。 You wont see them. Boys are brave.他们不会来,男孩们是很勇敢的。【男孩子们跑过来站在门口】-Frederick: We just wanted to be sure that you werent.当然不怕,我们只想确定你不害怕。 Thats very thoughtful of you, Frederick.Whenever Im feeling unhapp

11、y, I just try to think of nice things.你想的真周到。当我感觉不快乐时,我会想一些美好的事物。 Does It work? Of course it does! You try it.What things do you like? Pussy willow!杨柳树!Christmas! Bunny rabbits!兔宝宝! Snakes! Chocolate icing!巧克力冰淇淋! No school! Pillow fights!枕头战! Birthday presents!生日礼物! Any presents! 任何礼物! Achoo!阿嚏! A

12、good sneeze!Gesundheit!See what fun it is?好的喷嚏!保佑你!看,多么有趣?【歌曲my favorite thingsMaria】“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens“玫瑰上的雨露,小猫的胡须Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens光亮的铜壶,温暖的羊毛手套Brown paper packages tied up with strings有细绳的褐色包装纸These are a few of my favorite things这些都是我心爱的事物Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels乳白色小马,香脆苹果馅饼Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles门铃声和雪车铃声还有那些炸猪排伴面条Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings飞翔的野雁翅膀上有月亮这些都是部分我喜欢的事物Together.一起来Girls in white dresses with

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