1、一研究内容5二研究方法5第二章 仓储、配送理论基础7第一节 配送管理7一配送主要有以下几方面特点7第二节 仓储管理7第二章 顺丰速运的现状及问题的提出8第一节 顺丰速运的现状8第二节 顺丰速运存在的问题9一问题9第三节 存在问题的原因分析9一人工分拣的缺点主要表现在:9第四章 顺丰速运仓储及配送模式风险分析11第一节 仓储布置风险分析11第二节 配送线路风险分析11第五章 顺丰速运仓储优化设计12第一节 优化设计意义及方法12一仓库布置意义12二优化设计方法的步骤12第二节 顺丰速运仓库作业区原布置12第三节 仓库布置优化方案设计13一绘制从至表13二划分物流强度等级14三绘制作业单位物流相关
2、图16四作业单位非物流相互关系分析16五 作业单位综合相互关系分析18六绘制作业单位位置相互图22七平面布置及方案评选23八结论分析26第六章 顺丰速运配送线路优化设计27第一节 配送路线设计原则27一配送规划意义27二设计原则27第二节 配送路线确定方法28第三节 节约里程法定量分析28一引例28二建立模型29三计算30四结论32总结与体会33第一节 论文研究的主要内容33第二节 论文研究展望33一展望内容33谢辞34参考文献35物流仓储与配送优化设计-以顺丰集团为例摘要随着物流系统的信息化、现代物流的快速发展,物流市场间竞争也愈演愈烈,运输、仓储、配送一体化趋势日益明显,运作上也会出现一些
4、析法分析了它的系统特点、运作模式、风险分析、货运量及周转量的相关性分析。结论:最后是它的一些管理规划,并指出现已存在的问题,并试图就其信息方面给出一个优化方案设计,让配送线路节约2664公里,使企业在物流活动中达到物流、人员和信息的传递效率最佳,降低生产成本,从而使顺丰速运在激烈的市场竞争中处于有利的位置。仓储区布置能够增加货物周转量、改善物流品质、降低物流成本、提高物流服务水平,让顺丰速运在仓储、配送方面提高物流企业在市场的核心竞争力。关键词:顺丰集团;配送;仓储;优化;费用最小Logistics warehousing and distribution optimization desig
5、n - with suitable abundant group as an exampleAbstractWith the information of logistics system, the rapid development of modern logistics, logistics market competition has intensified, transportation, storage, and distribution integration trend is increasingly obvious, also can appear some risk on o
6、peration. How to manage the information effective transportation and distribution optimization, reduce the high cost of logistics, reduce logistics cost, avoid a series of risk is a big problem. In the process of this dissertation, with suitable abundant speed luck warehouse as an example for the ge
7、neral layout of the warehouse and the optimization of distribution line. Layout of logistics analysis and correlation analysis between operation department based on the knowledge. Give full consideration to the safety of working environment in the layout, the efficiency of logistics and transport co
8、nvenience, the continuity of process flow, personnel vehicle shunt, auxiliary service, management convenience, arrangement plan of extensibility and greening and pollution prevention, finally decorate a kind of ideal solution, make the enterprise in the logistics activities to achieve logistics, per
9、sonnel and information transmission efficiency of the best, reduce production cost, thus make constant road logistics in an advantageous position in the intense market competition. Distribution lines are mainly to save mileage method to design the optimal distribution route, mainly cost minimum, mod
10、eration, and the principle of dynamic optimization, make all involved in the distribution line in the library of upkeep, handling fee and transportation cost is minimum.This plan in motion group are analyzed in detail on the current situation of warehousing and transportation, the use of the intervi
11、ew method, literature comparison, analyses its citation analysis system characteristics, operation mode, risk analysis, correlation analysis, the final freight volume and turnover is planning some of its management. And points out the existing problems, and tried to give an optimization solution wit
12、h respect to its information design, make distribution lines to save 2664 kilometers, the storage area is decorated can increasing the flow of goods, improve quality, reduce logistics costs, improve logistics service level, an increase of the suitable abundant speed luck in warehousing, distribution
13、 logistics enterprises core competitiveness.Keywords: Suitable abundant group;distribution,;storage;optimization,;cost minimu41第一章 绪论第一节 研究背景顺丰速运有限公司成立于1993年3月,是一家主要经营国际、国内速递及报关、报检等业务的民营速递企业,总部设在深圳。它在我国包括香港、台湾都建立了庞大的市场开发、信息采集、快件收派、物流配送等大量业务,为广大顾客提供快速、高效、安全、经济、优质的专业物流服务。由于顺丰速运的运营网络基本覆盖了全国,为了还将重点发展珠三角
15、速、合理的布局设计,以及线路改善,满足市场需求,赢得市场。第二节 国内外研究现状一国外现代物流配送的发展研究现状 从20世纪60年代起1,货物配送的合理化在美国普遍得到重视,为了在流通领域产生效益,美国企业采取了以下措施:将老式的仓库改为配送中心;引进电脑管理网络;对装卸、搬运、保管实行标准化操作;提高作业效;连锁店共同组建配送中心;促进连锁店效益增长。在美国主要以批发型、零售型和仓储型这三种类型为主。在欧洲诸国,尤其是德国,物流配送是指按照用户的订货要求,在物流据点进行分货、配货以后,将配好的货物送交收货人的活动。德国的物流配送产业是第二次世界大战以后,8随着现代科技的兴起和经济的高速发展而逐步发展起来的。特别是近10年来,德国的物流配送已经摒弃了商品从产地到销地的传统配送模式,基本形成了商品从产地到集散中心,从集散中心到达最终客户的现代模式,走遍德国,丁立言说9德国的物流配送
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