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1、re hearing is actually real.机器人电话的问题已经变得如此严重,以至于许多人现在拒绝接听他们不知道号码的电。话到明年,我 们收到的电话诈骗的一半(欺诈)。我们终于意识到问题的严重性了,我们支持并开发了一组工具、应用程 序和方法来防止骗子通过。不幸的是,它太少了,太迟了。当这些“解决方案”广泛使用的时候,骗,子会转移到更聪明的手段上(使你相信)。在不久的将来,你将会怀疑你在屏幕上看到的数字。很快你也会怀 疑你听到的声音是不是真的。(第二段就机器人电信欺诈做进一步说明)Thats because there are a number of powerful voice m

2、anipulation (处理) , and automation technologies that are about to become widely(副词做状语) available for anyone to use. At this years I/O Conference, a company showed a new voice technoology able to produce(不定式表目的) such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and boo

3、k a reservation without detection(核心词汇).这是因为有很多强有力的声音操纵(处理),和自动化技术,这个技术可以被任何人大规模的使用。在今年 的I/O 大会上,一家公司展示了一种新的语音技术,这种技术能够发出如此令人信服的人声,以至于它能够在不被察觉的情况下与接待员通话并预订房间。(进一步讲解机器人电信欺诈的“厉害之处”)These developments are likely to make our currentproblem with robocalls much worse. The reason that robocalls are a heada

4、che has less to do with amount than precision. (关键句翻译:机器人电话之所以让人头疼,与数量无关,而准与确性有关)。A decade16of data breaches ( 数 据 入 侵 ) of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mothers name, and far more. Armed with this knowledge, theyre able to carry out individually ta

5、rgeted campaigns to cheat people(. 该句话为39 题答案A 选项直接来源)This means for example, that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank tellers, tricking (现在分词作状语)you into confirming your address, mothers name, and card num

6、ber. Scammer follow money, so companies will be the worst hit. A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it isbased on(固定搭配) trust and existing relationships. Voice manipulationtechnologies may weaken that gradually(副词做状语).这些发展可能会使我们目前的机器人电话问题更加严重。机器人电话之所以让人头疼,与数量无关, 而与准确性有关。十年的数据泄

7、露了个人信息情况,骗子很容易了解你母亲的名,甚字至其它更多的信息。有了这方面的知识,他们就能够开展针对个人的活动来欺骗人们。这意味着,例如,一个骗子可能从一个看起来很熟悉的号码打电话给你,用一个听起来和你的银行出纳员的声音说话,欺骗你“确认”你的地址、 母亲的名字和卡号。骗子跟踪资金,所以公司将受到最严重的打击。许多业务仍然是通过电话完成的,其中许多是基于信任和现有的关系。语音操纵技术可能会逐渐削弱这一点。(提出解决问题的方法)We need to deal with the insecure nature of our telecom networks. Phone carriers and

8、 consumers need to work together to find(不定式表目的) ways of determining(of+doing) and communicating what is real. That might mean either developing a uniform wayt o mark(不定式表目的)videos and images, showing(现在分词作状语)when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards dat

9、a-based communications-using like FaceTime or WhatsApp,which(定语从句引导词) can he tied to your identity.(最后一段描述作者对于该问题解决方法的态度)Credibility is hard to cam but easy to lose, and the problem is only going to get harder from here on out.我们需要解决电信网络的不安全问题。电话运营商和消费者需要共同努力,找到确定和沟通什么是真 实的方法。这可能意味着要么开发一种统一的方式来标记视频和

10、图像,显示视频和图像是何时、由谁制作 的,要么完全放弃电话,转向基于数据的通信使用FaceTime或 WhatsApp,后者可以与你的身份绑定。信誉很难建立,但很容易失去,而且从现在开始,问题只会越来越难(。本文来自2019 北京高考真题C 篇)38. How does the author feel about the solutions to the problem of rohocalls?A. Panicked.B. Confused.C. Embarrassed.D. Disappointed.panic/pnk/ n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的39. Taki

11、ng advantage of the new technologies, scammers can.A. aim at victims preciselyB. damage databases easilyC. start campaigns rapidlyD. spread information widely40. What does the passage imply?A. Honesty is the best policy.B. Technologies can be double-edged.C. There are more solutions than problems.D.

12、 Credibility holds the key to development.41. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Where the Problem of Robocalls Is RootedB. Who is to Blame for the Problem of RobocallsC. Why Robocalls Are About to Get More DangerousD. How Robocalls Are Affecting the World of Technolog

13、y重点词汇归类学习:reachapproach/ prt/ v. 走进;与接洽;处理;v. 走进;n.处理;临近refuse toidentity/a dentt/n.身份;同一性,一致;特性identify/a dentfa/vt. 确定;鉴定;识别,辨认出identifiedidentificationactactiveinactiveinteractreactactually effectaffectefficientefficiencyautocar autonomy automation autonomous automaticautomatically 上述词汇与“自主”有关manipulationcarcurcurrentcurrency precisionstatesituationconditionindividuallytargetcampcampuscampaigncred

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