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1、学 科 、 专 业:交通运输规划与管理所 在 单 位:交通科学与工程学院答 辩 日 期:2006 年 06 月授 予 学 位 单 位:哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index: U491U.D.C: 580Dissertation for the Masters Degree in EngineeringTHE STUDYING ON STORAGE SPACEOPTIMIZATION MODEL ANDALGORITHMSCandidate:Supervisor:Academic Degree Applied for:Specialty:Affiliation:Date of Defe

2、nce:Dong XizheAssociate Prof. Li SonglingMaster of EngineeringTransportation Planning& ManagementSchool of TransportationScience & EngineeringJune, 2006Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文摘要随着世界经济一体化和现代科技的迅猛发展,现代物流被认为是除降低资源消耗、提高劳动生产率以外的“第三方利润源泉”,提高物流效率成为了现代经济研

3、究的关键。在这一环境下,作为物流的重要组成部分的仓储,也越来越多的被人们关注。如何提高仓储管理效率,成为了现代经济研究的一个热点问题。目前我国仓储管理的卸车验货、入库管理、出库管理、库存管理等几个环节发展不平衡。其中卸车验货、出库管理和库存管理已经达到了比较先进的水平,但是仓储管理中的入库管理却比较混乱。当前大约 80%的配送中心或仓库,在入库管理时不能够进行正确的货位优化,只能凭借管理人员的经验选择货位,摆放货物,导致入库管理效率低下。因此,解决入库管理中的货位优化问题,势在必行。本文在总结现有货位优化成果的基础上,分析了现有货位优化模型的特点,建立了适合我国仓储业的货位优化模型,为解决入库

4、管理中的货位优化问题提供了技术支持。首先对现有货位优化模型的目标及其实现手段进行比较,根据比较结果,选择了本文中货位优化模型的目标和实现目标的手段;其次,建立了货位优化模型的目标函数,并分析了实现货位优化必须满足的约束条件,根据目标函数和约束条件,建立了货位优化模型;再次,应用遗传算法对货位优化模型进行求解;最终,选择邮政易通化妆品仓库作为案例,检验本文建立的货位优化模型。关键词仓储货位;优化模型;遗传算法-I-AbstractWith the world economics integrating and the modern science developing,the modern lo

5、gistics is deemed to “The third Profit Headspring”, except reducingresources consumption and improving labor productivity. Enhanced the logisticefficiency becomes the key of economy research. Under this environment,storage which is the important part of logistics, are paid more and more attentionby

6、people. How enhances the efficiency in storage management, has become amodern economy research hot topic.In our country, stores management in unloading a vehicle inspects goods,going into storage management, going out storage management, the stockmanagement and so on, develops not balanced. Unloadin

7、g a vehicle inspectsgoods, going out storage management, the stock management has alreadyachieved the quite advanced level, but going into storage quite to be actuallychaotic. Current about 80% match center or the warehouse, when goes intostorage, the management cannot carry on the correct optimal s

8、torage space. Thesewarehouses only can rely on administrative personnels experience to choose thestorage space, places the goods, causes the management efficiency in go intostorage to be low. Therefore, solving the storage space optimization question ingoing into storage, imperative.This article has

9、 summarized existing storage space optimization achievement,analyzed the existing storage space optimization model characteristic, establishedthe storage space optimization model which suited our country national condition.This model provides the technical support for the storage space optimizationq

10、uestion in going into storage.- II -First, according to the comparison of existing storage space optimizationmodel, the model method in this article have be choice. Second, this article hasestablished the storage space optimization model objective function and therestraint condition. Third, applicat

11、ion the genetic algorithms solve the storagespace optimization model. Last, this article chose the You Zheng Yi Tongcosmetics warehouse to take the case, examined the model.Keywords storage space; optimization model; genetic algorithms- III -目录要 .IAbstract . II第 1 章 绪论 . 11.1 课题研究的目的和意义 . 11.2 国内外研究现状及分析 . 21.2.1 国外现状分析 . 21.2.2 国内现状分析 . 41.3 课题研究内容及方法 .

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