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1、致:填入受益人公司名称TO: Beneficiarys Name 敬启者,Dear Sirs,本保函是为填入卖方名称(以下简称“卖方”按照PPG的规定,母公司可以为子公司在基础交易项下的义务向银行申请开立相关保函,此时母公司应当作为指示方填写保函开立申请书,子公司应当作为卖方被体现在保函文本中。该规定与URDG758中指示方和申请人的内容相符。)与贵公司于填入合同日期第填入合同编号号合同(以下简称“合同”)提供的维修保函。我行,即渣打银行(中国)有限公司xx分行(以下称“我行”),愿就卖方履行上述合同约定的质量保证或维修义务向贵公司提供如下保函:This guarantee is provid

2、ed in connection with underlying contract name (the “Contract”) dated with reference number entered into between Sellers Name (“Seller”) and you. We, Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited _ Branch (“We”, “Our”, or “us”) hereby undertake to provide the guarantee as follows in terms of Sellers warra

3、nty or maintenance of its obligation under the Contract.一、保函金额:累计不超过:填入大写币种、金额 。o允许;o不允分次提取。A. Guarantee Amount: in total not exceeding an amount of please specify the sum and currency (say in words: _). Multi-withdraw oallowed;onot allowed. 二、贵公司向我行提交的书面索赔通知应当声明贵公司索赔是由于卖方未履行下述任何一项合同义务而导致贵公司的损失,该损失并

4、未由卖方或其代理人以其他方式直接或间接地支付给贵公司:a. 未遵守其作出的产品或工程质量承诺b. 未能进行维修c. 未能支付因修理、更换而产生的费用d. 其他事由B. Requirement for demand should be in written and shall be supported by a statement indicating the demand is due to the Sellers failure to perform any of following obligations under the Contract, which causes losses to

5、 you, and such losses are not compensated by the Seller or its agent directly or indirectly:a. breach its quality warranties of the product or projectb. fails to make maintenancec. fails to pay the cost of the repairs and/or replacements d. other events三、索赔金额以保函金额为限,索赔通知应加盖贵公司/单位公章,并在本保函的有效期内通过贵公司开户

6、银行与本保函正本一并提交我行;索赔如采用电子方式,须以加押SWIFT或电传方式通过本保函通知方提交。 C. The demand may not exceed the guarantee amount, and shall be duly certified with your company/unit chop and submitted to us together with this Guarantee in original through your account bank before the expiry date of this Guarantee. If the demand

7、 is submitted in electronic form, then the demand should be presented in authenticated SWIFT or Telex via Advising Party of the guarantee. 四、在收到贵公司的相符索赔通知之后,经审查符合本保函要求,我行将在5个工作日内,在保函金额以内向贵公司支付索赔款项。D. Upon receipt of your demand, we will effect our payment to you according to your demand within 5 wor

8、king days following the day of presentation provided your demand is in accordance herewith. 五、本保函自签发之日起生效,最迟于xxxx年x月x日15:30北京时间(“到期日”)在我行柜台到期如果客户需要签发无确定到期日保函,需要按照CPA中规定的审批程序进行办理。,任何索赔通知需在到期日之前由我行实际收到。如果在到期日前保函正本被退回我行或者被我行全额支付,则视为保函提前到期。到期后本保函自动失效。请贵公司于本保函到期后将保函正本退回我行注销,但是不论本保函正本到期后是否归还我行,我行在本保函项下的义务

9、和责任将于到期日之后自动解除。E. This guarantee shall become effective upon its issuance and shall expire on 3:30pm of date Beijing Time (“Expiry Date”) at our counter. Any demand for payment hereunder must be received by us on or before the expiry date. If this guarantee in original is returned to us before the e

10、xpiry date or, this guarantee is paid by us in all, this guarantee will be deemed as expired already. And this guarantee shall become automatically void and null after it becomes expired. Please return the original guarantee to us for cancellation but our liability hereunder shall be automatically d

11、ischarged after the expiry date regardless of the original guarantee returned to us or not. 六、未经我行书面同意,本保函不可转让。F. This guarantee is not transferable or assignable without our written consent. 七、除本保函另有规定外,国际商会见索即付保函统一规则(URDG)2010年修订本(国际商会第758号出版物)的所有条款并入本保函。G. Unless otherwise excluded by this guaran

12、tee, all terms and conditions of Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 revision published by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Publication No. 758) shall be incorporated into this guarantee. 八、与本保函有关的任何纠纷,由我行所在地人民法院管辖如果客户同意第七条关于URDG的并入条款, 法律和司法管辖条款可以删除,否则客户需要就删除本要求签署承诺函。H. Any disputes in connection with this guarantee shall be subject to the competent jurisdiction of Peoples Court at the place of our office. 渣打银行(中国)有限公司 分行Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited Branch第3页, 共3页

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