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本文(情境教学法运用于小学语文教学存在问题的研究-毕业论文Word文档下载推荐.doc)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、程中的生成20三、改进小学语文情境教学法运用的建议21(一)充分做好备课工作,提高优化情境意识211.教师要合理运用教参,充分做好备课工作212.教师要提高优化情境意识,选择最佳情境类型22(二)丰富情境教学操作技能221.教师自觉加强理论学习222.学校为教师创设积累教学经验的机会22(三)尊重学生主体地位,关注学生生成情况231.以学生为中心,精心设计情境232.关注学生生成情况,充分发挥教育机智24结语25参考文献26致谢27附录28情境教学法运用于小学语文教学存在问题的研究摘要 在李吉林情境教学法问世之后,原本以灌输为主的传统语文教学,找到了新的教学模式,重新焕发出光彩夺目的一面。然而



5、教学操作技能;三是要尊重学生主体地位,关注学生生成情况。关键词 情境教学 小学语文 问题 对策A study of the problems in the application of situational teaching method in primary school Chinese TeachingAbstract Following the introduction of Li Jilins situational teaching method, traditional Chinese teaching, initially based on instillation, foun

6、d a new teaching model and regained its glorious aspect. However, the situation classes for Chinese teachers in primary school are only in the form of Li Jilins situational teaching method and have not really penetrated the level of promoting student development. Therefore, it is found that the situ

7、ational teaching method is applied to Chinese primary school education, and the reason for its occurrence is of great importance to Chinese primary school education. To this end, this article uses the literature method and the study method to study and analyze the current situation of the situationa

8、l teaching method applied to Chinese language teaching in primary schools and strives to find the existing problems, analyze the causes and propose similar teaching strategies. The main content of this paper has the following three aspects:First of all, this article theoretically explains the propos

9、al and proponent of Li Jilins situational teaching method and the connotation and characteristics of the situational teaching method. On this basis, it points out the practical application of Li Jilins situational teaching method and clarifies the implementation requirements for Li Jilins situationa

10、l teaching method. A thorough understanding of the theoretical system of situational teaching methods is a prerequisite for finding problems in the application of situational teaching methods to Chinese language teaching in primary schools.Second, using the survey method, the process of implementing

11、 situational teaching in six Chinese teachers classrooms was observed. The results show that teachers have the following three misconceptions when using situational teaching methods: First, the type of situations is fixed and simple, and there is a lack of diversity; secondly, the objective of situa

12、tional education has not been achieved; Get full play. To further analyze the causes of teachers misconceptions in the use of situational teaching methods, interviews were conducted with 30 students and 6 teachers. The results show that the main reasons for teachers misuse are: ; secondly, teachers

13、lack skills in situational teaching operations; third, teachers focus only on premise and ignore the generation in the implementation process.Finally, in view of the misunderstandings of teachers in the use of the Situation Teaching Method, appropriate improvements are proposed: firstly, teachers sh

14、ould do good work in preparing their lessons, raise awareness of the situation optimisation of teaching; secondly, they should enrich operational skills in Situation Teaching; Third, teachers are only aware of presets and ignore the generation in the implementation process.Key words Situational Teac

15、hing Primary school Chinese Problem Countermeasure引言情境教学法对于唤醒学生情感、启发学生思维和想象、调动学生学习积极性来说是一种有效的教学方法。然而,针对小学语文教学中情境教学的实施情况来说,教师在使用上存在一些问题。本研究以宿迁市S小学部分师生为研究对象,针对存在的问题,分析原因,提出与之相应的教学对策。(一)选题缘由新一轮课程改革深化了以人为本的教育理念,语文教学不再局限于单一的理论层面,而是积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力构建开放、动态的课程,致力于综合、实践的范畴。小学生的认知发展水平仍处于具体运算阶段,逻辑推理只能在实物和直观形象的支持下进行。而情境教学法恰恰就是通过创设形象直观的情境来进行教学,符合儿童认知发展规律的同时,还能在情境中调动学生情感,激发学生学习兴趣,有效提高语文教学效率,从而受到广大教师和学生的认可与喜爱。然而,随着众多教师的广泛使用,情境教学法在创设上的误区也逐渐显现出来,最终导致情境教学模式僵化,造成教学效果不明显,教学效率低下的后果。(二)研究意义1.

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