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1、t last and I dont want to end up like.But this is happening so quickly, I.(再次望向兔子)I think I .I need a moment. (看见兔子,跑走)Unsure of how to reply, and increasingly confused, she runs away to chase after a rabbit in a blue waistcoat, and accidentally falls into a large rabbit hole. She is transported to

2、a world called Underland. (同时暗灯光,上仙境的布景)兔子和Alice从树洞里钻出来,兔子跑走第二幕(进入梦境) 画卷 (Alice, 胖兄弟, Mad Hatter, White Queen)(疑惑,到处张望)Curious and curiouser.胖子兄弟布景后出场(动作设计)胖1:Is she the right Alice?胖2: yes, I suppose she,I dont think so.Who are you if I might ask?(疑惑地望着胖兄弟)Fat brothers: Oh, I am Tweedlee and

3、hes Tweedledum. (有点唱腔,高兴)Mad hatter出场Mad hatter:Alice you are back.(激动)Its Absolutely Alice. Youre absolutely Alice.I know you anywhere. 情绪的起伏 白皇后出场(优雅,手执画卷,见到Alice后交给胖1)White Queen: I am always waiting for your return. (抓住Alice的手)And we need to get on to the FrAbjous Day. Alice: The FrAbjous Day?(疑

4、问)White Queen: Now all we need is a champion.(淡定)Mad hatter: We are going to rise up against the Bloody Red Queen! (坚定) Who is the Red Queen? (疑问) She is my sister. (冷静)She has usurped my throne. But who will step forth to be champion for me? (期待) Of course me. (自告奋勇) No, me.胖2: No,its me.画卷不小心被展开,胖

5、兄弟围观胖兄弟:No other slayer, nohow. If it aint Alice, he aint dead.目光投向Alice. WHITE QUEEN: Alice, you cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours because when you step out to face that creature, you will step out alone.第三幕(红皇后霸气上场、表演者上场)新增两个随从搬上宝座(兔子痛苦而悲剧地跟着红皇后上场)红皇后坐下,兔子躺在皇后脚下被折磨。R

6、ed Queen: Show me your talents. (霸气)表演者表演 13463322Red Queen:Off their heads! (生气)(把兔子踢走,两随从吧兔子拖走)Stayne(单眼人)带画卷上场Stayne :Majesty. I have found the Oraculum。That? Looks so ordinary for an Oraculum. (不耐烦)Stayne:Look here. FrAbjous Day. I know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.Is it Alice?I believe it

7、 is.What is she doing with my darling JAbberwocky?(生气) She appears to be slating it She killed my JAbberbAbywocky? (愤怒) Not yet. But it will happen if we dont stop her.(动怒超生气)Find Alice, find her! Find her!边讲边走, 渐消音(随从撤宝座)第四幕(决战之日) 道具:剑,一小瓶药水旁白Here comes the FrAbjous Day! On this the Frabjous Day, t

8、he Queens, Red and White shall send forth their champions to do battle on their behalf.白皇后手持剑牵着Alice进场,把剑给Alice。Today is the FrAbjous Day, But I am afraid. You can Alice, just be brave. Heres the Vorpal sword.ALICE:(害怕地对疯帽子说) But this is impossible.MAD HATTER:Everything is possible. Only if you beli

9、eve it is. (鼓励)然后向红皇后走去WHITE QUEEN: Oh my sister. We dont have to fight. (劝导)The Red Queen 抱着怀疑的眼神RED QUEEN:I know what youre doing.(不屑) You think and Ill melt like Mums and Daddy did. (鄙视)Just give me my Crown. Its my crown! Im the eldest! (霸气) JABBERWOCKY! (大声召唤)面具男出场 So , wheres your champion, li

10、ttle sister?(勇敢走上前) Here.How dare you! (嘲笑)Off with her head! (霸气)Alice和面具男决战,大战两回合,面具男败并躺在舞台上。(双胖拖走面具男)(生气指着Alice)Kill her!随从们:We follow you no more.bloody big head. (丢下武器)Red Queen跪下失败状,挣扎低语。 Now, you are banished to the Outlands. No one is to show you any kindness or ever speak a word to you. You

11、 will have not a friend in the world. (红皇后扯白皇后的手,但被甩开)红皇后被双胖拖出去了(挣扎,喊叫同时Mad hatter骄傲地把红皇后的皇冠取下戴到白皇后头上。)众人拍掌。Oh Frabjous Day! Callou! Callay! 高兴跳舞 福特韦根舞舞后Mad hatter把药水交给White Queen,然后再递给Alice(向Alice走去)And blood of the Jabberwocky. You have our everlasting gratitude. And for your efforts on our behalf

12、.(拿着)Will this take me home?If that is what you choose.Alice望着药水,Mad Hatter上前You could stay.(望着Mad hatter)What an idea. a crazy, mad wonderful idea. But I cannot. There are questions I have to answer. And things I still must do.Alice喝掉药水 (众人依依不舍擦眼泪)MAD HATTER(凑到Alice耳边): Farewell, Alice.Though Hatte

13、r suggests that she could stay in Underland, she decides that she must go back. So she drinks the vial and return to the real world.第五幕(返回现实)仙境幕布撤,Hamish,几对舞者HAMISH: She left me standing there without an answer.女1: A case of nerves, no doubt.People fall silent as Alice wanders back onto the lawn, looking like shes been through a war. Alice? Good Lord. Are you all right?女

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