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1、A. Which coat B. WhoseC. What colour is () 5. Whats that ? is a ruler.A. ItB. ThisC. The() 6. Is that car ? Yes, it is expensive car.A. a; aB. an; aC. a; an() your teacher ? The manthe black bag .A.Who,inB. Whose,withC. Who,with () 8. Mrs. Jenkins ismother.A. RobertsB. Robert isC. Robert () 9.

2、His book isthe desk.A. onB. ofC. with () 10. I very happy .A. isB. amC. are() 11. How are you ? A.I am nine.B. Thank you.C. Im fine.() 12. Is Amy a writer or a teacher ?.A.Yes, she is a writer.B. No, she is a teacher.C. She is a teacher. () you do ? I am a policeman.A.WhatB. HowC. Which() 14.t

3、he matter with him ? Im not sure. He is very hot.A. WhosB. HowsC. WhatsA onB. inC. with() 18. Whose is this pen ? .A. No, it isnt.B. Its HelensC. Its Helen. () 19. Its a camera.A.Whats this ?B. Whose is this?C. Is this a camera ? () this silver bicycle ? Oh, its Roberts.A. WhatB. WhoWhose() 21

4、 你想向对方介绍 Karen 应该说 :A Hes Karen.B. Its Karen. C. This is Karen. () 22. This is Mr. my teacher.A. SheB. HeC. His() 23. Whats this ? A. Thiss a hat.B. Yes, it is.C. Its a hat. () 24. How do you do A.Nice to meet you,tooB.I am fineC. How do you do.() 25. I amaccountant and his job isphotographer.

5、A.aaB. An aC. ana() 26. Who is the young manthe horse? He is my nephew.A.withB. inC. on() 27. Whose bicycle is this ?A. Its LucyB. Its LucysC. Its shes二、连词成句。is my cousinRobert.bicycleisPaulsblack.Welcomeyouforthankthe.dressisthiswhose?bagyourcoloriswhat?三、句型转换(基础版)1) That boy is a student. (变为否定句)2

6、) This is Lilys bag.(对划线部分提问That boya student.bag is this ?3) My sister is ill. (对划线部分提问)4) Her bicycle is blue.(对划线部分提问)() 15. Anna isnt very well. She is ill. Oh, poor Anna. . is ill ? is her bicycle ?A.I am sorry.B. Thats right.C. Better safe than sorry!5) Robert is happy.(变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)() 16. th

7、at boy on the black bicycle ? Oh, thats Tom. ?Yes, .A.WhatsB. WhosC. Whoses() 17. The woman the white umbrella is Mrs. Jenkins.四、补充完下面的表格中文主格宾格形容词性物主代词我你她 他 我们你们他/她们五、句型转换(升级版)1. This is her sister.(改为一般疑问句)2.3. He is my cousin.(改为否定句)4. Are you my friend. (改为肯定句)5.6. Is this my coat? (肯定回答)5. Is this my mobile? (否定回答)6. What do you do? (actor)7. Its Paulss key. (对该句子进行提问)8. The woman in the old car is Annie.(对划线部分进行)9. Whats her job? (a housewife)10. Who is thirsty? (Robert)家长签字: 签字日期:

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