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1、投稿1.I want to contribute some money to Wuhan.2.Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.3.She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.contributor n.make a contribution/contributions to(doing sth)翻译:王老师对教学生英语做出了贡献。,Mr.Wang makes a contribution to teaching the students English.,

2、relief n 减轻,缓解to ones relief in/with relief 如释重负 He sighed in/with relief.relieve vt relieve anxiety 缓解焦虑shortage n 短缺,不足,缺乏food/water/housing shortages 构词法:以age结尾的名词marry=marriage 婚姻carry=carriage(火车的)车厢;四轮马车store=storage 贮藏;蓄积pack=package 包裹pass=passage 走廊;段落internal adj 内部的;内心的internal injuries/d

3、oubts反义词:external,effective adj 有效的,产生预期效果的take effective measures 词根:effect have an effect on 对产生影响fund vt 为提供资金,资助 n 基金 raise fundsrecycle vt&vi 再利用,回收利用 a recycling system 回收利用系统re-表重复rebuildrecallrenewreview preview,He is recycling!,fountain n.喷水池 喷泉;源泉Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and

4、 philosophy.,圆明园西洋楼大水法(大喷泉),earn vt.挣(钱)earn money=make moneyearn a/ones living 谋生He earns his living by being a network anchor.(网络主播)donate vt&vi 捐赠;捐献donate sth to sb donate blooda large/small donationa generous donor,break into a smile 突然笑起来break into a housebreak/burst into cheers/laughter/tears

5、/flames(火苗),foundation n.基金会;创建;基础the foundation of the first university 这是动词found变过来foundation course 基础课程set up a foundation,insight n(对复杂情况的)顿悟,猛醒 Cgive a real insight into the causes of NCP洞察力,眼光 U a man of great insightperseverance n 不屈不挠,坚持不懈 U词根persevere vi persevere with the task构词法:以ance结尾的

6、名词本单元的assistanceappearanceperformanceallowance 津贴;零花钱insure=insurance 保险guide=guidance 指导,reality n.真实,现实become a realityin reality=in fact同根词 Not really.realize my dreama realistic plan/novel构词法:以ity结尾的名词本单元的generous=generositycurious=curiositypopularitysimilaritycreativitymajorityequalityable=abil

7、itypossibilityelectricity,extend v 持续;延伸extend to March an extended mission 派生词:extension构词法:以d或de结尾的动词变成sionexpand 扩大=expansiondecide=decisiondivide=divisionexplode=explosionpersuade=persuasion,mission n 职责;使命;任务a peacekeeping mission 维和任务disease n 病,疾病suffer from a disease a cure for a diseasedisa

8、bility n 残疾,残障残疾人 the disabled(people)people with disabilities最后一个构词法:dis表否定disagreedisappeardisclose 揭露discoverdisobeydislikedishonestdissatisfieddisadvantagediscouragedisorder,其他否定前缀unhappyimpossibleinformalabnormal abusemisleadnonstop,territory n.地区,地方countries and territories领土,版图,领地Taiwan is a

9、Chinese territory.sensitive adj.敏感的,容易生气的be sensitive to 对敏感generous adj 慷慨的,大方的反义词:selfish,meanbe generous to名词的变化刚学完,how to change?,generosity 去u加ity,hesitate vi 迟疑,犹豫Dont hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.hesitate about/over his choice名词:hesitation without hesitationcancer n 癌症Smoking

10、causes lung cancer.die of cancer,royal adj 王室的,皇家的the British royal familya royal welcome 盛大的,institution n 机构,团体 Ceducational institution 教育机构assistance n 帮助,援助同根词:assistant n 助手同义词:help,aidwith the assistance/aid/help of registration n 登记,注册动词:register 注意变化,去e加ationregister for English classesconf

11、irmation n 证实,证明confirm the theoryconfirm thatconfirm a booking 确认预定confirmed case 确诊病例,Nazi n 纳粹党员,纳粹分子Jewish adj 犹太人的,犹太教的Jew n 犹太人,犹太教徒,aid vt&vi 帮助,援助n do/give/offer first aid 急救temporary adj 短期的,短暂的,临时的反义词 permanenta temporary job 临时工military n 军队 the military adj 军事的 take military action the m

12、ilitary training 军训rise to ones feet 站起身来struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来jump to ones feet 跳起来,achievement n 成绩,成就a sense of achievementachieve success/my goals 又不禁想起去e的argument了knighthood n(英国的)爵士封号或头衔knight n 骑士,武士,爵士 爵士是欧洲君主国的一种爵位,是指在战场上立过功劳或因某种特殊的意义,因而得到国王赏赐田地的人。不世袭。爵士来源于西欧封建制度,属于西欧封建制度中的第二等级,即大封建主,

13、一定程度上可以看作是贵族身份的象征。欧洲国家贵族爵位中,从最高级贵族爵位到最低级爵位分别是:公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵、男爵五个等级。,chief adj 最高级别的,首席的the chief problem 主要问题the chief editor 总编n 首领army chiefs 联想:roofs屋顶,cliffs悬崖,gulfs港湾,beliefs信仰major adj 重要的,主要的a major reasonthe major subjectsn.(大学里的)主修科目vi major in English名词:majority the majority of students反义词:m

14、inor minoritytreatment n 治疗;疗法treat asfair treatment 公平对待,obtain vt 获得 to get sth,especially by making an effortobtain his Doctors degree 获得博士学位drug n 药物,药材take drugs 吸毒Yes to life,no to drugs.certificate n 证明书,证书a graduation/birth/marriage certificateministry n(政府的)部the Ministry of Educationfurther

15、 adj 更多的,附加的抽象 further action/education do further research具体 go farther and farther,一、词性转换:1.contribute(变成名词)_2.relief(动词)_3.short(名词)_4.effect(形容词)_5.found(名词)_6.real(名词)_7.extend(名词)_8.ability(反义词)_9.generous(名词)_10.assist(名词)_11.confirm(名词)_12.achieve(名词)_13.far(比较级)_,contribution,relieve,shorta

16、ge,effective,foundation,reality,extension,disability,generosity,assistance,confirmation,achievement,farther,further,二、单词拼写:Every student wants to make c_to Wuhan.(贡献)To our great r_,they survived.(宽慰)The biggest problem is breathing mask s _.(短缺)We should take e_measures to control the situation.(有效的)He always d_ much money to charities.(捐献)He wanted to make his dream a r_,but in vain.(现实)E_ to th

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