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1、15. Ache in the waist and legs腰腿痛16. According to根据17. The key to关键18. Recover from恢复19. Form good living habits形成好的生活习惯20. Alternate work and rest劳逸结合21. Exercise regularly 定期锻炼 22. Take part in open-air activities参加户外活动23. Make money 赚钱24. As for至于25. Point out指出26. Be rich in nutrient elements含有丰

2、富的营养元素27. At one meal一顿饭28. Digestives system消化系统29. A balanced diet 均衡饮食30. The last but not the least最后同样重要的事31. Cope with对付32. As well as也33. As if / though似乎34. As regards关于35. Help sb with sth帮助某人做某事36. Make great progress 取得很大进步37. Make it获得成功38. Ask sb for sth请求39. Belong to you属于你40. Ask for

3、 it罪有应得41. Living area居住地42. Enter tain our guest with beef用牛肉招待我们的客人43. Gain his wealth获得财富44. Underground lines地铁线45. Free time空闲时间46. Travel through small town在南方小镇旅游47. A comfortable place一个舒适的地方48. A whole new world一个全新的世界 49. The answer to question问题的答案50. A part-time job业余工作51. In this way用这种

4、方式 52. In a way在某种程度上53. In the way赶到54. Stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事55. A variety of各式各样的56. Jump to a conclusion过早下结论57. Do with 对于58. Go crazy发疯59. Stay calm保持冷静60. Take a six-week summer travel进行一次为期六周的夏季旅游61. Open their eyes开眼62. At least 至少63. Get the end of the money得到钱64. Have opinions on 有

5、意见65. Be amazed at 对.大为惊讶66. Clear out消除67. Pick up拾起68. Look forward to doing sth期盼做某事69. Hang around闲逛70. Be eager to盼望71. Sharp pain 剧痛72. Freezing cold冷极了73. Feel smooth摸上去很光滑74. Feel for同情75. Feel like doing.想做.76. Would like to do 想做.77. Feel ones way摸索前进78. Feel as if / though 觉得;仿佛79. Pay in

6、 cash 用现金支付80. By credit card用信用卡支付81. Pay a visit访问82. Pay a call on拜会83. Pay a compliment致意84. Pay ones respects致敬85. pay attention to注意86. Pay back偿还87. Pay off还请88. Pay off ones debts偿还债务89. Set the table桌上摆好餐具90. Set an alarm clock调闹钟91. Set about开始处理92. Set about solving the problem着手解决问题93. S

7、et aside储蓄94. Set aside $10,000 积攒10,000美元95. Set out出发96. Set out at down日出时出发97. Set off动身98. Set off a bomb炸弹爆炸 99. Set up 建立100. Set up a charity建立一家慈善机构101. Give a talk作一次讲座102. Give away 泄露103. Give back归还104. Give in递交105. Give off发出,放出(气味)106. Give out发出(光 热 声等)107. Give up中止,放弃108. Give one

8、self / ones life to.献身于.109. Give birth to生孩子110. Give way to让路111. Give rise to引起112. Prefer to.+rather than宁愿.也不113. Would rather not talk 宁可不谈114. Night markets夜市115. Take place发生116. The streets are like rivers of people街上人山人海117. Bargain with seller与商贩讨价还价 118. Lots of delicious food 很多美味的食物119

9、. Smelly tofu臭豆腐120. Shoot ballons with a toy gun 用玩具枪射气球121. Win a prize 得奖122. Have a great time = enjoy oneself玩得高兴123. Help oneself to请随便吃124. Be have oneself使举止规矩125. Express yourself in English 用英语表达自己的看法126. Introduce oneself to sb向牧某人做自我介绍127. Be not quiet oneself 身体不好128. Teach us English n

10、ext time下学期教我们英语129. Agree with sb / sbs opinions 同意130. Agree on a date 确定一个时间131. Agree to our plan / suggestion 同意我们的计划132. Agree about sth就某事意见一致133. Agree to do sth同意做某事134. Be independent独立135. Feel more comfortable感觉更舒服136. Drop sb off让某人下车137. Have cars of ones own有某人自己的车138. Look through浏览1

11、39. Try ones best 尽自己最大的努力140. Maintain a car 保养车141. Keep ones grades up 保持成绩在上游142. All through整个时期内143. A report card成绩单144. Straight AS 全优145. Two paycheck两份薪水146. Show sb around带某人参观147. A key element 主要因素148. Arm in arm 腕勾腕149. From door to door挨家挨户150. From beginning to end 自始至终151. Face to face面对面152. In

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