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1、届高考英语书面表达总复习专题19高考英语作文万能模板+Word版含答案 高考英语作文万能模板1提纲作文控制性的作文类型,它要求考生根据所提供的题目和提纲要点,紧扣短文的中心思想进行写作。 万能模板1:Nowadays,theres a widespread concern about_/Nowadays,_are becoming more and more popular in _(引出话题)In _,there are various kinds of _,for example,_(对提纲一的描述)。WE enjoy them very much._are my favorites,wh

2、ich_.Besides,they also _(对提纲二的描述).Here I have some suggestions.To students,youd better _;to school,they should_(提纲三的阐述).Dear fridnds ,please actively take part in _,which will not only _,but also_(发出号召).万能模板2:_(某一现象)is more and more common among _(人群)。Concerning this,different people have different

3、opinions.Some people hold the view that_(观点一)。It not only _(持观点一的原因)but also_(持观点二的原因).Whats more,_(持观点三的原因). While others hold the opposites opinion about this.They believe that_(持观点二的原因之一).Meanwhile,_(持观点二的原因之一). From my point of view/In my opinion/From my standing point/As far as Im concerned,we

4、should _(我的观点).We should pay more attention to _,and only by doing so can we_(我的建议).2图画作文主要以图画为裁体,附带少量文字提示或说明,要求考生从观察入手,通过对话面的理解,发挥想象力,用文字清楚的描述图画的内容。其中一种题型为:要求考生根据图画的寓意联系某种现象或道理,并发表自己的见解。万能模板1(寓言故事较多):As is shown in the picture,_(图画内容介绍).It is a common phenomenon in China that _(图画现象).There are many

5、 reasons for that.Firstly,_(原因一).Secondly,_(原因二).Thats why_(图画寓意).In my opinion,only by_can they _(阐述观点).万能模板2:_(人物)and _(人物)took part in_(活动/事件).yesterday/today/last week.On the way to _,we_(活动/事件起始),and then we_(活动/事件发展).By the time we_(活动/事件结果).Through this _(活动/事件),we learned_(总结意义和收获).It was qu

6、ite an experience for us,which Ill never forget for the rest of my life.3图表作文图表类作文通常以表格形式或图形形式来呈现,题材多为说明文、应用文和议论文。此类题型要求考生根据图表提供的数据和文字内容进行分析讨论,得出令人信服的结论,或对某一结论进行分析评价。万能模板1: According to a recent survey,_(指出一种现象),while_(同时有别的情况发声). There are chiefly three reasons for it.Firstly ,_( 原因一);secondly,_(原因

7、二).Apart from the above reason,_(原因三). By doing _(上文涉及之事),_will _(将有什么样的好处或坏处出现).Whats more,_(介绍另一方面的意义).万能模板2: As is shown in the chart,_%_(现象一),and _%_(现象二).Another _%_(现象三).The rest_(现象四). As we all know,_do much harm to_(引出不良现象的弊端),even causing people to _(后果一).At the same time,_(后果二).But to our

8、 sadness,_(不良现象). How do we protect ourselves from _(不良现象)?I think we should _(方法一).In addition,its very important for us to _(方法二).Do remember that _(号召).4开放作文开放类作文不等同于一般的提纲作文,因为它不像提纲作文那样所给的要点很全面,写作是按照一定的“框框”进行发挥即可,而要求考生凭借试卷上所提供的线索(包括文字提示和图画),利用发散性思维,去合理的想象、推理,然后写出一篇合情合理的文章。图画类开放作文要求考生根据对所给画图画的理解描述

9、图画所表达的内容并发表自己的看法。万能模板1: From the picture we can see /As can be seen in the picture_(描述图片内容).Obviously_(表面情况分析),which means _(相关结论).But actually_(深层分析),because_(提出理由).For example,_(提供例证)and it shows_(另一结论).In my opinion,it may be right that_(观点一),but_(观点二).In this way,_(建议与期待).万能模板2: As the saying go

10、es_(名言或谚语).It reminds us that_(释义).However,_(阐述对立现象). First of all,_(理由一).For example,_(举例说明).Secondly,_(理由二).Another case is that _(举例说明).Furthermore,_(理由三). In my opinion,_(我的观点)。In short,whatever you do,please remember the saying_(名言或谚语).If you undersand it and apply it to your study or work,youl

11、l surely benefit a lot from it.5应用文1. 普通书信 Dear., Im _(自我介绍)。I am writing to talk about_(主题).I like it very much mainly for the following reasons.First,_(原因一),I think_.Whats more,_(原因二).However,_(存在问题).Therefore,Id like to suggest_(提出建议). Best regards. Yours sincerely, _(署名)2. 申请信 Dear., Im_from _(自

12、我介绍).Im writing to_(写信目的),for I believe that_(申请的主要原因).Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation . I think I am qualified for_(申请的事件).For one thing,I_(本人优点一)。For another,I_(优点二)。I hope I can _(表达渴望)。 I paln to _(计划一),have them _(计划二)and_(计划三).Whats more important is _(达到的效果). I hope you

13、 can offter me the opportunity./Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours _(署名)3. 求职信. Dear. , My name is _.Im writing to get a chance of _(职位). Now ,Id like to introduce myself myself to you.I graduated from_(毕业学校)and I have worked as _(介绍本人工作经历).Im good at_(特长).I work hard and _(工作态度)。Im hones

14、t,kind and _(性格优势).I was born on_(出生日期)and live at _(住址). I have great interst in your firm.If I am accepted,I will _(表达对这份工作的渴望)。Im sure I will be fit for the position.If you agree with me,please call me at_(联系方式) Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours truly, 署名4. 推荐信Dear. , It affords

15、me much pleasure to recommend _(要推荐的人),to be/do_(要做的职位或事情)。 His /Her performance was outstanding.First,he /she is a diligent boy/girl,who can_(能力一).Whats more,_(能力二).In addition,_and working with hin/her is always _(与此人共事的感觉).I can state that he/she has all the qualities of being_(肯定此人的能力)。 Therefor

16、e I recommend him/her to you with all my heart. I am sure that his/her future work will prove worthy of your trust. I would be grateful if you would like to consider my recommendationLooking forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.Yours sincerely,(署名)5. 邀请信 Dear(称呼)There will be

17、a/an_(活动).It would be pleasant to have you here.Will you give me the pleasure of your company?During the_(活动), we will have lots of activities/points you will be interested in. First,_(介绍要举行的活动一).Second,_(活动二).I n addition_(活动三).I know/believe you will be very interested in_.(引出受邀请人参加的理由).Fist/ For

18、one thing_(希望受邀请人参加的理由一). Second/For another,_(理由二)The _(活动) will begin at_(活动地点).Is it possible for us to meet at_(活动时间)? I reallyhope you can make it./Looking forward to your early replyYours(署名)6. 祝贺信Dear.,I am delighted to learn that_(得知消息). It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long tim

19、e. I feel very happy for you. At the same time, I would like to express my hearty congratulations and good wishes to you.What a_(对对方的评价)! I know this is entirely due to_(总结对方成功的原因).I am sure that you will_ (表达对对方的信心),Meanwhile,I hope_(表达自己的愿望).Again, please accept my sincere congratulationsBest wish

20、es for youSincerely yours,(署名)7. 感谢信Dear.Im writing to thank you for/to express my sincere thanks for/to extend my sincere gratitude for_(感谢的原因)During_(得到帮助的时候),you_(对方的帮助一). Besides,you_(对方的帮助二),you_(对方的帮助三). If it had not been for/But for/Without your assistance, I fear that I would have been_(没有对

21、方帮助的结果).Thank you for your kindness again /Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Yours sincerely,(署名)8. 慰问信Dear. ,I am sorry /shocked to hear that/of_(对方遭遇).I know you _(对方处境).Don t worry about_(安慰). Thinking about your present situation, I cannot wait a minute to make every bit of my

22、 effort to help you. We are best friends so I will(所能提供的帮助一).Besides,_(所能提供的帮助二). I do hope that_(鼓励).Remember we wont be far away when you need any help. Yours truly, 署名9. 道歉信Dear. ,I am terribly/excessively sorry for_(就某事道歉).Now I am writing you this letter to_(写信目的:表达歉意).I do hope you can underst

23、and me and excuse me for_(请求对方原谅的事由). I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. The reason why_was that_(解释原因).I apologize again for_(再次道歉). I will make my great effort on/I would appreciate your allowing me to_(补救方案).I wonder if_(询问对方能否接受道歉及补救方案).Sincerely yours,(署名)10. 投

24、诉信Dear. ,My name is/Im_(自我介绍).I am writingto you for something/to tell you something about/Recently, I have found_(授诉的内容) .If you_(现象一).In addition,_(现象二)._(简述导致矛盾的事件). Faced with these phenomena,I feel_(针对以上现象表达感受).I_(表达本人曾做过的努力).But_(投诉原因一). Besides,_(投诉原因二). To be frank,_(客观的评论,以示诚恳). I do hope/

25、require that_(表达本人期待的解决方案).Thank you for your time and kind consideration/Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,署名11. 建议信Dear.,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to_(引出对方需要建议的主题).Here are_(引出作者的建议). First, It Is important to_(建议一).Then, it also helps to_(建议二).Be

26、sides, it should be a good idea to_(建议三). You can also_(建议四). Im sure_(预测可能的结果).I hope_(表达愿望).Yours sincerely,署名12. 发言稿Good morning /afternoon/evening, everyone,Im_(自我介绍).I feel honored to have the opportunity to make a speech./ /its a great pleasure for me to speak here. The topic of my speech is/ Today I will talk about_(主题).To begin with/First of all,_(内容一) Besides/ Secodly,_(内容二). Whats more/ Last but not least,_(内容三).As far as I am concerne

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