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1、PEP教材小学英语五年级下册教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)小 学 英 语(PEP)第六册教案 XXXX-XXXX学年第二学期教学计划一、内容分析:本学期使用教材是九年义务教育六年制小学教科书英语(五年级下)(PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK 6),本册教材分为六个单元,两个复习单元。内容安排单元题目话题Unit 1This is my dayDaily routineUnit 2My favourite seasonSeasons; weather;seasonal activitiesUnit 3My birthdayBirthday

2、Recycle 1Unit 4What are you doing?Housework ; indoor activities; telephone EnglishUnit 5Look at the monkeysAnimalsUnit 6A field tripField tripRecycle 2本册教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出了兴趣的激发,重视双向交流,融合学科内容,重视灵活扩展,实现整体设计。二、主要教学目标:教学目标:目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习

3、惯;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础1、能听、说、读、写81个短语和单词以及16组句子和11个单句(包括日常活动、季节、生日、电话用语、动物和野营等几个话题)。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2、能听、说、认读21个单词。3、能学会4个手工制作。4、能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。5、能听懂、会吟唱10首歌谣。6、能完成6个自我评价活动。7、能理解6个幽默小故事。8、能了解6项简单的中西方文化生活知识。三. 教学重点与难点:重点:1.能听懂会说

4、14组会话,并能进行简单的交流。 2.能听,说,读写83 个单词,并能简单运用。难点:会话,词汇和故事。 四、 提高教学质量措施:1.上好导言课,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2.(Lets talkLets play)融会话教学于情景表演之中,让学生在表演中练,在交际活动中用。(语言的示范性、巩固性、创造性表演)3.(Lets learnLets do)巧用实物和卡片;融词汇于会话教学中;充分发挥TPR活动优势;注意单词发音的示范性教学。4.(Story time)对不同学生分层次进行教学。5.(Recycle)由趣味性活动组成。6.(Assessment)以形成性评价为主。.五.学情分析:大多数

5、学生已经具有一定的语言学习的能力,具有较好的语言学习的习惯。本学期需要培养学生学习的良好态度和课后听录音的好习惯。但也有少数同学学习习惯和态度不好,需要慢慢培养和纠正。周 次时 间课 时课 题12.26-3.22 Unit 1 Part A23.5-3.92 Unit 1 Part B33.12-3.162 Unit 2 Part A43.19-3.232 Unit 2 Part B53.26-3.302 Unit 3 Part A64.2-4.62 Unit 3 Part B74.9-4.132 Recycle 1 84.16-4.72 Revision94.10-4.202 Unit 4

6、Part A104.23-4.302 Unit 4 Part B115.1-5.72 Unit 5 Part A125.11-5.182 Unit 5 Part B135.21-5.252 Unit 6 Part A145.28-6.12 Unit 6 Part B156.4-6.82 Recycle 2166.11-6.152 Revision176.18-6.222 Examination186.25-6.292 19授课时间科 目班 级课 题Unit 1 This is my day! A教 学目 的1Can understand read and say the phrases:do

7、morningexercises, read say and practice the drill: 重点与难点When do you_?At _.Words and drill.教学方法TPR Pairwork Groupwork survey教 具Vocabulary cards and pictures教 学 过 程教 学 程 序 及 内 容学生活动设计Step 1. warming up and revision:1.Sing some English songs.2.Question and answer drill.1.sing some English songs.2. and

8、answer drill to review the time T:What time is it? S: Its _.Step 2 Presentation and practice:1. Use body language to demonstrate the verb phrase:Do morning exercises and do.4.Listen and read.5.Draw a big clock and ask the class to and answer work.7.listen and say. S:En T: I am doing mo

9、rning exercises.The same way with other verb phrases.2.Make the class read after the teacher several timesabout the verb phrases.3.Play the audiotape of Lets talk as the Ss followalong their books.4. Play the game “I say ,I do”to practice Verb phrases.5.Draw a big clock on the BB. Then the T says I

10、get up at 6:30. What about you?Help the class to answer “I get up at _.”Then and answer drill like this:T:When do you get up? S: I get up at 7:00.6. Practice the drill with a group work.7. play the audiotape of Lets talk as the Ss follow along their books. 8.pair work to finish the exercises.9.make

11、a survey.10.lets try.Step 3: consolidation and extension:1.Practice the drill in a pair work and finish exerciseof P5 Lets find out.2.Make a sruvey: divide the class into small groupsand make the class and choose the correct answer.Homework:1. Write the verb phrases.2. Make a survey with your parent

12、s to practice the drill: When do you _? At _.Blackboard:Lesson 1 This is my day! When do you get up? I get up at 6:30.Teachers notes:授课时间科 目班 级课 题Unit 1 This is my day! B教 学目 的1.Ss can understand read say and practice the drill When Do you _? At _. They can practice the following Words: usually, oft

13、en, always.2. Theycan read and write. 重点与难点Sentences:When do you get upeat dinner? I eatusually get up at _.教学方法Pair work Group work.教 具Chart clock timetable 教 学 过 程教 学 程 序 及 内 容学生活动设计Step 1 warm up and revision:1.Lets chant.2.Read and do.3.Question and answer drill.4.Pair work.1.Say the chant of pa

14、ge 2.2. Use the vocabulary cards to review the verb phraseAsk the class to read and do.3. Have a question and answer drill with the wholeClass: T: When do you get up? S: I get up at _.4. Have a pair work to practice the drill.Step 2 Presentation and practice:5.listen and look.6.listen and read.7.finish the timetable.8.Write.9.Make a timetalbe.10.Question and answer drill in a pair work.11.Present the dialogue.12. Make a survey.1. Demonstrate the new contepts with the big

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