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人教英语八下Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents单元.docx

1、人教英语八下Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents单元Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、单选题(每小题1分,共20分)( )1Children are not allowed _ in the river.Ato swim Bswim Cswimming Dswam( )2Do you like your new neighbors?No. The _ between us are getting worse,I think.Aresults Binvitations C

2、relations Dreasons( )3_ Mr. Green was very tired,he stayed up late to finish his work.How hardworking he is!AIf BUnless CAlthough DBecause( )4We came home and found Lisa _ on the sofa.Asleep Bto sleep Csleeping Dslept( )5When Peter learned I was interested in skating, he offered _ me.Ato teaching Bt

3、eaching Cteach Dto teach( )6The children from Beijing will _ with the children from Shanghai in tomorrows soccer match.Adisagree Bcompete Cdiscuss Dhit( )7I feel too sick to _. I have to take a break.Aappear Bagree Crest Dcontinue( )8If you dont understand, its best to say so and get things _.Aenjoy

4、able Bclear Cfair Dnecessary( )9Whats your _ about the writer?I think hes creative.Aadvice Bdecision Copinion Dpromise( )10If you compare him _ other children of his own age, youll find hes not very tall.Afor Bwith Cat Dabout( )11Could you explain to me _ next?Ahow to do Bwhat to do Chow to do it DB

5、oth B and C( )12When I crossed the street,I found Jim _ at the corner.Ato cry Bcry Ccrying Dcried( )13_ Dad was ill,_ he still went to work.AAlthough;but BAlthough;/ CThough;but DBut;/( )14_ you buy the computer?Its too expensive.I cant afford(负担得起) it.AWhy dont BWhy not CWhy DWhat about( )15A nice

6、day today, isnt it?Yes. _ go for a picnic and relax ourselves?AWould you like BWhy not CWhat about DWhy dont( )16 you say,I wont change my mind.AHowever BWhatever CWhether DIf( )17The old man feels very because he lives .Aalone ; alone BLonely; lonely Clonely;alone Dalone;lonely( )18Helens heart bea

7、t faster because she was in front of the foreign visitors.Aoutgoing Bcreative Cinterested Dnervous( )19We cant this math problem. Can you help us?Awork out Bcompare with Cprepare for Dput down( )20Cindy hopes to save some money she can buy a gift for her mother.Aeven if Buntil Cwhile Dso that二、完型填空(

8、每小题1分,共10分)When we asked about brothers and sisters,more than 2,000 children wrote to tell us about their brothers or sisters. Many children told us that fights often _21._.More than half of the children _22._ their brothers or sisters at least once a day. Most children said they shouted at their si

9、sters or brothers when they fought. _23._ half said they hit each other. But some of the children,about 20%,said they asked their mom or dad to help them solve the _24._And even more children said that after a fight,they said _25._ to their brothers or sisters.For now,you are _26._ a child. You may

10、be unhappy sometimes _27._ the fights with your brothers or sisters,but you will think they are funny experiences when you grow up. You will be the parent who will have to _28._ the fights! So stop shouting when you get angry with your brothers or sisters. It is not always easy,_29._ maybe you can s

11、tart with just making one day “No Fight Day”Then your mom and dad will be very _30._Remember that it is never OK to shout at your brothers or sisters and hurt them.( )21Aended Bhappened Cdeveloped Dstarted( )22Afought with Bwrote to Clooked after Dcommunicated( )23AInstead BHowever CAlmost DHardly(

12、)24Ahobby Bskill Cdeal Dproblem( )25Ahello Bsorry Cthanks Dgoodbye( )26Atoo Bstill Calready Deven( )27Asuch as Binstead of Cfor example Dbecause of( )28Astop Bwin Cshow Dremember( )29Aor Band Cbut Dso( )30Ahappy Bcrazy Ctired Dangry三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)(A)Tom? Are you in bed yet? called Mrs. White. The

13、re was no answer. Mrs. White put down her book and went to her 14-year-old sons room. Tom was sitting in front of a bright computer screen on which a motorbike was running fast.Oh, Tom. Youre still playing on that computer game. You must stop now, because its half past eleven. If you dont go to bed

14、soon, youll be very tired tomorrow. said Mrs. White.But Ive nearly won the game. Tom said to Mrs. White. She could see the excitement on his face. She sat down beside him.Youre always playing on the computer. You spend more time on this machine than on your homework.Today more and more families have

15、 computers. Parents hope computers can help their children improve their study at school. But many of their children use computers to play games and watch videos instead of studying. We often see that computer net bars are crowded with people, especially young boys. They spend a lot of money competi

16、ng (竞争) with the computerized (用计算机控制的) machines. The more they lose, the more they want to win. The result is that they dont want to work or study.In some countries, even scientists hate computers. They say computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble. Comput

17、er game addiction (瘾) is a serious problem in social (社会的) life. Something should have to be done to solve the problem.( )31How did Mrs. White feel when she saw her son playing late?AShe felt excited. BShe felt happy. CShe felt worried. DShe felt wonderful.( )32Parents hope computers can _.Ahelp the

18、ir children improve their study at schoolBhelp their children play wellChelp their children know a lot of Internet knowledgeDhelp their children relax themselves( )33Many children use computers to _.Awatch videos Blisten to songs Cplay games DA and C( )34The writer thinks _.Athe boys can go to the c

19、omputer net bars, but the girls cantBthe computer net bars are very usefulCthe children spend too much money on computer gamesDthe children should play computer games( )35Why do some scientists hate computers?AThey think computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs.BThey think computers cau

20、se them a lot of trouble.CThey think its a waste of time to use computers.DBoth A and B.(B)There was once a King. When he told people to do things, they would never obey him. One day, the King decided to let the cleverest man a wizard (男巫) to come up with the spells (咒语) which would get people to ob

21、ey him. The man made hundreds of spells, but none of them worked.A young man heard about it. He went to the palace, and told the King that he could help and then gave the king two small pieces of paper. “Use the first before saying what you want people to do, and use the second after they finish doi

22、ng it.” A servant was passing by (路过), carrying a large turkey in his arms. The King said to him, “Please, let me see that turkey.” The servant was surprised by the Kings kindness. He never heard him say please before. So he gave it to the King. The King, after looking at the turkey, said, “Thank yo

23、u. You may go.” And the servant left. The young mans spells really worked! The King asked him where he got the spells. “My teacher told me that we should use the polite (有礼貌的) words.”The King, understanding the truth, spent the whole (整个) life to learn how to be a polite King.( )36What does the unde

24、rlined word “obey” mean in Chinese?A服从 B威胁 C尊敬 D违背( )37What might the young man write on the second paper?APlease. BYou are welcome. CThank you. DGoodbye.( )38Why did the King ask the servant to show him the turkey?ABecause he was hungry and wanted something to eat.BBecause the young man asked him t

25、o do it.CBecause he wanted to try the spells.DBecause he wanted to give the turkey to the young man.( )39Which of the following is TRUE?AThe King first asked the young man to help him.BThe young man was cleverer than the wizard.CThe young man knew the words from his parents after he grew up.DThe pol

26、ite words let people listen to the King.( )40What is the best title of the passage?ATwo Special Spells BA Fair KingCA Clever Man DThe Strange Wizard(C)Last month we made a survey among 300 students at our school. The questions we asked were “Who would you talk with when in trouble?”and“Why?”. Here a

27、re some answers from them.Zheng Hao I would talk with my parents or teachers when in trouble. They are older than me and have more experience of life. They always listen to me carefully and give me helpful ideas. I trust them.Chen Lei Life is full of small troubles,but Im never afraid of them.I woul

28、d talk with my friends when in trouble,because we understand each other and they always give me good suggestions. I wont feel worried.Li Yan I am a quiet girl.I like to keep my secrets(秘密) . I think nobody can really understand me except(除了) myself.So I never tell others when Im in trouble.( )41Zhen

29、g Hao likes to talk with his _ when in trouble.Aparents Bclassmates Cfriends Dbrothers( )42Chen Lei likes to talk with his friends when in trouble because _.Athey are older than him Bthey always give him good suggestionsChe likes to keep secrets Dthey have more experience of life( )43From Li Yans an

30、swer we know she is _.Aoutgoing Bactive Cfunny Dquiet( )44From the passage we know that _ often ask others for help.AZheng Hao and Chen Lei BZheng Hao and Li YanCChen Lei and Li Yan Dall of the three( )45Which is TRUE according to the passage?AChen Lei is afraid to face the troubles in life.BZheng Hao and Li Yan like to keep secrets to t

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