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1、A dashedB filedC strolledD swarmed22. Nothing can be more absurd than to say that human beings are doomed. A compellingB rationalC ridiculousD ambiguous23. The Chinese government continues to uphold the principle of peaceful co-existence. A supportB restrictC raiseD modify24. Patients are expected t

2、o comply with doctors instructions for quick recovery. A improve onB abide byC draw uponD reflect on25. Scientists have achieved findings substantial enough to remove our fear of GM foods. A abundantB controversialC conductiveD convincing26. Those students who have made adequate preparations for the

3、 test will be better off. A more wealthyB less successfulC dismissed earlierD favorably positioned27. If you hold on to a winning attitude, youll make a greater effort and also create positive momentum.A influenceB strengthC outlookD consequence28. Academic integrity is deemed essential to those dev

4、oted to scientific researches. A believedB discardedC advocatedD confirmed29. Customers in these markets of antiques are good at slashing prices. A assessingB cuttingC elevatingD altering30. The public attached great importance to the news that prices of housing would be brought under control .A joi

5、nedB ascribedC fastenedD divertedSection B(0.5 point each)31. It takes a year for the earth to make each , or revolution, around the sun. A tourB travelC visitD trip32. this dull life, the full-time mom decided to find a part-time job. A Tied up withB Fed up withC Wrapped up inD Piled up with33. In

6、the letter, my friend said that he would love to have me as a guest in his home. A humbleB obscureC inferiorD lower34. Tom is sick of city life, so he buys some land in Alaska, as far from as possible. A humidityB humanityC harmonyD honesty35. As an important for our emotions and ideas, music an pla

7、y a huge role in our life. A vesselB vestC ventureD vehicle36. The day is past when the country can afford togive high school diploma to all who six years of instruction.A set aboutB run forC sit throughD make for37. The wages of manuallaborers stay painfully low, meaning digitalization coulddrive a

8、n even deeper between the rich and poor.A boundaryB differenceC wedgeD variation38. A farmer must learn the kinds of crops best the soils on his farm. A accustomed toB committed toC applied toD suited to39. The sun is so large that if it were , it would hold a million earths. A elegantB immenseC hol

9、lowD clumsy40. This patients life could be saved only by a major operation. That would her to a high risk. A exposeB leadC contributeD sendPart III Cloze Test( 10 points, 1 point each)Harvard Universitys under-graduate is being reformed so that it includes some time spent outside the US and more sci

10、ence courses, the US Cable News Network (CNN) has reported. For the first time in 30 years, Harvard is41its under-graduate curriculum. William Kirby, dean of the faculty of arts and sciences, said this42what many people had said that Harvards curriculum did not provide enough choice and encourage pr

11、emature specialization.“Harvard needs to 43 its education for a world where global connections, cross disciplinary research, and science in general are ever more important,” said Kirby.Particularly 44 is the idea that students need to spend time overseas, either in a traditional study-abroad program

12、 or over a summer, perhaps doing an internship or research.Students can either find the program themselves or45some exchange programs offered by the university.“46” studying Chinese history without leaving the university, students interested in the subject should be spending a semester at a universi

13、ty in China.”It was also recommended that Harvard47its required “core curriculum”. The core curriculum was an effort created in 1978 to broaden education by requiring students to choose from a list of courses in several areas of study. Classes often focused on a highly48topic and emphasized “ways of

14、 knowing.”Under a new plan, the curriculum would be replaced with a set of 49 “Harvard College Courses”, emphasizing knowledge over methodology and 50 wider territory. A life sciences course, for example, might combine molecular and evolutionary biology and psychology, rather than focusing on one of

15、 those, said Bebedict Gross, Harward College dean.41. A reviewingB inspectingC searchingD underlying42. A in accordance withBin line withC in response toD in charge of43. A upholdB updateC upsetD upward44. A note-worthyB trust-worthyC praise-worthyD reward-worthy45. A turn outB turn inC turn overD turn to46. A In spite ofB As ifC Rather thanD Let alone47. A perishB de

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