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1、六级真题第一套答案解释2013年12月六级真题(1)答案详解Part 2 Listening ComprehensionSection A 1. W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week. M: I called the company this morning. They had some labor problems, so your order will be shipped late. It should be here by the end of the week. Q; What has caus

2、ed the delay of the shipment? B)【精析】事实细节题。对话中,女士询问订单是否到 货,男士回答说由于劳工问题,将会延迟发货。由 此可知,造成货运延迟的原因是劳工问题。 2. W: I dont agree with Mr. Johnsons views on social welfare. He seems to suggest the poor are robbing the rich. M: He might have used better words to express his idea, but I think what he said makes a

3、 lot of sense. (有道理)Q: What does the man mean? C) 【精析】观点态度题。对话中,女士表示她不同意 Johnson先生就社会福利问题提出的观点,男士则认为Johnson先生的观点很有道理。由此可见,男士同意Johnson先生的观点。 3. M: Liz, I just found out I have a meeting and I cant pick up the kids after their soccer practice. Would you be able to pick them up in time? W: Yes, that wo

4、nt be a problem. I think I can finish early today. Q: Why does the man say he cant pick up the kids? D) 【精析】目的原因题。对话中,男士说他刚发现自己 有个会议要参加,所以他无法去接孩子,因此询问 女士是否可以去接孩子。由此可知,男士不能去接 孩子的原因是他要去参加一个会议。 4. W: Mary is going to get a little dog from one of her relatives. M: Really? But I hear her apartment buildi

5、ng is about to place a ban on pet animals. Q: What does the man imply? A)【精析】弦外之音题。对话中,女士提到Mary将会从亲戚那里得到一条小狗,男士却说听说Mary所住的公寓楼将要禁止养宠物。由此可知,Mary不能在公寓里养狗。 5. W: I can never tell whether its Lisa or Gale on the phone. Their voices sound incredibly similar. M: Thats about the only thing they have in comm

6、on for twins, believe it or not. Q: What does the man mean? C) 【精析】弦外之音题。对话中,女士表示自己在电话里分不出Lisa和Gale的声音,男士则表示声音是这对双胞胎唯一相同之处。言外之意,她们有很多不同点。 6. W: Jay, what does the fax from our associates in Britain say? M: They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we sig

7、ned last November. Q: What are the speakers talking about? B) 【精析】综合理解题。对话中,女士询问英国合伙人发来的传真内容,男士回答说合伙人想知道金触危机是否会影响去年11月份所签协议的执行。由此可见,两人谈论的话题是合伙人传真的内容。 7. M: Do you think youll be able to get this ink stain out of my pants? W: It wont be a problem, but I need to send them over to our main cleaning fac

8、ility. Thats an extra days time. Q: What does the woman mean? A) 【精析】语义理解题。对话中,男士询问是否可以洗掉裤子上的污淸,女士表示没有问题,但是需要送到主洗衣设备那里去涨,因此需要额外加一天。由此可见,清洗这条裤子需要比平常多的时间。 8. W: That looks like a protest rally. I wonder what they are protesting against. M: That sign says they are against importing luxury goods from Eu

9、rope. They seemed to be getting so worked up about that. Q: What are the speakers talking about? D)【精析】综合理解题。对话中,女士说人们在抗议集会游行,并向男士询问人们抗议的原因。男士回答说标语上写着他们反对从欧洲进口奢侈品,游行人群似乎很激动。由此可见,两人谈it的话题与抗议集会有关。 Conversation One W: What is it, Bob? (9)You sounded pretty serious on the phone. Have we still got a budg

10、et problem? M:I don know. I hope not. The meetings on Friday. But thats not what I want to talk to you about. Er, close the door, will you? Its Marsha. W: Marsha? What about her? M: Im worried. I don*t know what to do. (10)Shes just not performing. We may have to let her go. W: Fire her? Shes been w

11、ith us a long time, Bob. If she leaves, itll be a big loss to us. Shes done really excellent work. M:Yes. But lately, the last month or so, in fact, there have been a lot of problems. Shes changed. Not only does she have a tendency to be moody all the time, but she misses appointments, doesnt follow

12、 through on projects, and doesnt seem to plan anything till the last minute. W: Em, did she ever explain why she didnt show up for the Denver trip? M:No. She said she was sorry and that it wouldnt happen again. (11) Something about a mix-up on arrangements to get to the airport. Now, whenever anybod

13、y mentions the subject to her, she just goes silent. I dont know. Thank goodness, David pulled us out of the hole on that one. W: Yes, he did a really fine job, filling in for Marsha like that at the last minute. M: (12)I dont think it was the first time hes had to do that. If we knew all the facts,

14、 I think wed find that hes been covering for Marsha on quite a few projects. 答案详解 9. What did the man do before he came to see the woman? A)【精析】细节推断题。对话开始,女士问Bob发生 了什么事,并表示他在电话里的声音听起来很严肃,这表明两人刚才通了电话。 10. What does the man say about Marsha? B)【精析】事实细节题。对话中男士表示很担心 Marsha,因为她表现很差,公司有可能要解雇她。 11. How did

15、 Marsha explain why she didnt show up for the Denver trip? C)【精析】细节推断题。对话中女士询问男士, Marsha是否解释了丹佛之行没有出现的原因,男士回答说是因为她把去机场的(时间)安排弄错 了,也就是说Marsha没有准时到达机场。 12. What does the man say about David? B)【精析】细节辨认题。对话进行到后半部分,两人提到了另一位男士David,他就是本选项中的He。David在丹佛之行中补上了 Marsha的空缺,而这也不是唯一的一次,他已经在好几个项目中补救 过Marsha的过失了。

16、Conversation Two M:You also hire the mistresses of Oxford High School for girls. How many girls do you have here? W:We have 615 girls. M:in your experience, do girls do better academically and later professionally in single-sex schools? W:Yes. I think they do better academically and you can measure

17、that very crudely from the examination results, (13) I also think they do better academically because they have more opportunities to take the leading role in discussions and in managerial responsibilities. (14)I think they see the role models of the chief positions in the school being held by women

18、. M:I wonder if you could say then in a few words what the advantages are for a girl at a single-sex school. Weil, 1 think within the classroom, shes going to have full opportunity to express her own opinions. She isnt going to be shouted down by over-confident young gentlemen. W: Are teenagers in p

19、articular, do you think, sheltered too much from contact with the opposite sex? Does this cause them difficulties when they find themselves in mixed groups? M:Well, I would like to find the parents who could shelter girls from the opposite sex if they live in Oxford. (15)They encounter boys all the

20、time socially out of school, and through debating societies and things like that, some school activities as well. M: So, no disadvantages at all? W:I dont think there are any disadvantages. I think that its grossly overstated that one needs to have contact with the opposite sex right through the who

21、le of life, in the classroom and outside the classroom and at all ages. 答案详解 13.What does the woman say about the girls in her school? D)【精析】事实细节题。女士指出,女生们在学习成绩上更加出色是因为她们有更多的机会在讨论会 和管理责任中担任领导角色,也就是说她们有更多的机会发展领导技能。 14. What do we learn about the womans school? C)【精析】细节推断题。对话中女士指出,她认为女学生们视学校里那些担任高级管理人

22、员的女性为榜样,也就是说学校的主要职位是由女性担任的。 15. What does the woman say about the girls social life? A)【精析】细节推断题。对话中女士指出,她们的女学生在校外的社交活动、辩论会以及其他的学校活动中总是能够和男生接触。 Section B Passage One Larry arrived early for his speaking engagement. He positioned the table so that he could move close to the audience thats the strateg

23、ic point in the speech. (16)He had read that speakers can be more persuasive if they invade the personal space of listeners, encouraging an emotional response. For the same reason, he placed the chairs close to each other and raised the temperature to a slightly uncomfortable level. (17)The purpose

24、of the speech was to encourage the audience of corporate executives and local business owners to support local sports groups. To enhance his credibility with the audience, Larry had brought some slides of his family attending sports events. One photo showed him at an award ceremony, where he had bee

25、n honored for his financial contribution to a local baseball team. Realizing that this particular audience would find his regional accent unattractive, Larry planned to speak with an accent that would be more acceptable to his audience. (18)After reading a book on how to address for success, he had

26、purchased an expensive dark navy suit and golden tie. He chose colors and styles known to communicate power and influence. (19)Just before people began entering the hall, Larry dimmed the lights and turned up the sound system, which was playing soft music, hoping to create a warm personal atmosphere

27、 for the speech. He hoped that these added effects would encourage his audience to support local sports teams. He had also planned the content of his speech to focus on the teams with the best records, the ones that had won the most games in the last season. 答案详解 16.How can a speaker make himself mo

28、re persuasive when delivering a speech? D) 【精析】细节辨认题。短文中提到Larry从一本书 中学到,如果演讲者以进入听众的个人空间,就 会使演讲更具有说服力,激发听众情感上的回应。 17.For what purpose was Larry going to make a speech? C)【精析】目的原因题。短文中提到,演讲的听众是公司管理展和地方的企业家,演讲的目的是鼓励 他们支持地方的运动团体。 18.Why did Larry purchase an expensive navy suit and golden tie? C)【精析】目的原

29、因题。短文中提到,演讲者购买了昂贵的深蓝色西装和金色领带是因为这样的照 格和颜色可以传达气势和影响力。 19.Why did Larry dim the lights and turn up the sound system before people entered the hall? A)【精析】目的原因题。对话中提到,Larry在观众入场之前将灯光调暗,调高轻音乐的音量,是希望能够力演讲创造一种温暖的私人氛围。 Passage Two Phillis Wheatley was a young African-American slave who belonged to landowner

30、 John Wheatley in Colonial America. (20)She was also a poet and the first African-American ever to publish a book. Her poems on various subjects, religious and moral, were printed in Boston in 1773, three years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Early slaves were generally denied

31、 education, but Wheatley was allowed by her owner to study poetry, Latin and the Bible. And by the time she reached her late teens, she had written enough poetry to put together a slender book of verse. Even so, publication was difficult. (21)The publisher, fearful of being cheated, forced her to su

32、bmit to his scholarly examination by a board of educated men, including the colonial governor. The board of judges questioned Wheatley extensively and ruled that she was educated enough to have written the book. Only then was publication permitted. Wheatley may have been the first, but she was not the only slave to write books during the growing days of the Republic. Unfortunately, most of the early popular African-American writers have been all but forgotten in modern times until now

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