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本文(外国语言文学论文 对小说《双城记》的分析Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外国语言文学论文 对小说《双城记》的分析Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、IntroductionviSummary of A Tale of Two CitiesviBrief Introduction of theAuthorCharles DickensviThe Research and Development at Home and Abroad Which are Related to This Topi.cviiThe Purpose of This PaperviiChapter IixBackground Analysis .i.xThe Social and Economic Background ofA Tale of Two Citiesix

2、The Comparison between the Social and Economic Background of Paris and London .x.iiChapter IIxiiiCharacter Analysis .x.iii Doctor Alexandre Manette (Dr. Manette) .x.ivLucy Manette, later Darnayx. viCharles Darnay. x. viiSydney CartonviiiTherese Defarge (Mrs. Defarge)x. xErnest Defarge (Mr. Defarge)x

3、.xiMs. ProssxiiMr Lorry x. xiiiChapter IIIxxivContrast.ConclusionxxviiWorks CitedxxixxivAcknowledgementsFrom the topic choosing to materials collecting, from writing to modifying repeatedly, I have experienced joy, noise, pain and anxious. My mood was so complex during this process. Now, with the fi

4、nal finished manuscript,thecomplexmoodevaporated. EvenIhaveasenseof accomplishment which is like a grand awards entertainment, I am now in the entertainment scene and watching others receive awards one by one with calling my name. However, after a long timewaiting, finally a guest shouts my name so

5、that I forget the previous long and boring waiting time. I go up to the stage with great joy and can not wait to express my feelings. This essay is my stage and the following words are my sincere and heartfelt gratitude and feelings after gaining the accomplishment of my essay.I am very grateful to

6、my tutor Ms Yao Chenghe. She is easy going and always with enthusiasm. She is careful and rigorous when she is working. I like to chat with her because she is like my good friends and always encourages me. In writing the paper, she would always require me to repeatedly modify my assay using “profess

7、ionalstandards”. From the beginning to the end, Ms Yao is always conscientious and responsible to give me profound guide in detail and helps me open up research ideas. It is Ms Yaos selfless help and encouragement that makes my assay completed successfully.I also want to thank myteacher of writing c

8、lass,Mr Zhang Hongfeng.He took the time from his busy schedule to help me sort out the writing ideas and put forward many valuable comments and suggestions on my assay. And he also told me the principle of our life which had given me a lot of help. Here, I express my sincere gratitude to Mr Zhang, m

9、y writing teacher.I thank my parents very much, during the process of my writing, they are always supporting me and make a great contribution to my collecting materials. Thank you my dear parents, I love you.Abstract in EnglishIn order to understand the novel A Tale of Two Cities, I have written thi

10、s essay to analyze this novel. The story took placed in the period of the French Revolution; I find some relationship between the background and the characters in the novel. So I used the methods of theoretical discussion, search for the datas, reading and quotation to analyze respectively the socia

11、l background and the economic background which had resulted in the different characters of the people with different classes. Charles Dickens is a master of using unique tones to portray the personality traits. I analyze this point based on the describing details in the article. At the last part of

12、my assay, I gave a comparison between the novel A Tale of Two Citiesand Les Misrables to find the differences and similarities so that we can understand this novel better. The author wanted to tell us that blood cannot wash off the hatred and it also can not be a substitution of love and the hatred

13、of the civilians towards the aristocratic tyranny can not make up for their lost loved ones. Let us learn the Luciess kind, Dr. Manettes mercy , Darnays upright, Cartons selflessn ess, Lorry and Prosss warm hearts so thatour world will be full of love.Key words: A Tale of Two Cities,French Revolutio

14、n, relationship, characters, love.Abstract in Chinese双城记中的故事发生在法国大革命时期,在阅读小说的过程中, 我找到一些当时法国的社会背景与小说中塑造的不同阶层的人物性格特 点之间的一些关系,于是我通过理论探讨,资料搜集,阅读和引用等方 法对当时法国的社会背景和经济环境分别做了详细的分析,并且分析了 由这些环境所导致的主要人物的性格特点。狄更斯是一位善于用不同腔 调来塑造不同性格的大师,在论文中,我用小说中描写的细节之处分析 了狄更斯的这种写作手法,从而使我们更好地理解小说中的人物特点。 在文章的最后部分,我把小说双城记和法国作家雨果的小说悲惨 世界做了一个比较,从而找到文学中在塑造人物性格特点和社会背景 上的不同之处和相同之处。这篇小说旨在告诉我们:再多的鲜血也洗不 掉仇恨,仇恨永远不能成为爱的替代品。人民对暴政的恨再深再多也弥 补不了

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