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1、英语选择题 第一单元There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. For the transaction(交易; 事务; 事务处理; 办理) to succeed, some means had to be found to _ the trustee(n. 受托人;信托公司) to c

2、omply with the terms of the trust. A) compile(vt. 汇编;编辑;编制;编译) B) confront()vt. 面对;使面对面,使对质;碰到,遇到;比较 C) compel(vt. 强迫,迫使;强制发生,使不得不) D) control 2. A number that must be entered by a user before a remote terminal(远程终端(设备), or point of sale terminal, can be used to _ information or complete a transacti

3、on. A) transform B) transfer(vt. 使转移;使调动;转让(权利等);让与) C) transfuse(vt. 输(血或别的液体);渗透;使被灌输或传达)D) transport(vt. 运送,运输;流放;使欣喜若狂) 3. All the countries and regions with developed market economies have mature chambers of commerce and industry(工商业联合会), and these organizations are playing _ roles in the marke

4、t economy system. A) replaceable B) irreplaceable C) substitutable D) changeable 4. We are experiencing an incredible _ from the age of industrial, mechanical artifacts to an age of digital, information objects. A) transmit(vt. 传输;传送,传递;发射;传染) B) transformation C) transmission D) transfer(n. 转移;调动;换

5、乘;(运动员)转会) 5. Nowadays, many people suffer from _ depression under the pressure of working. A) acute(adj. 尖的,锐的;敏锐的,敏感的;严重的,剧烈的;医急性的) B) sharp(adj.敏锐的;锋利的;狡猾的,聪明的;尖锐的) C) quick D) cute 6. At the end of the meeting, out of the blue(出其不意,出乎意料), he asked whether the President had _ decided on visiting

6、South Korea. A) yet B) just yet(恰好现在这时还(不能) C) as yet(到现在为止) D) not yet(尚未,还没有) 7. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, such a noisy reception as that is _ to be very off-putting. A) liable B) opt C) apt D) supposed 8. Her enormous patience was wea

7、ring very thin because of the daily _ of abuse. A) circle B) habit C) recycle D) cycle 9. Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library _. A) reservation B) conservation C) preserve D) maintenance10. Although 20 years passed, Mary still remembers some _ of that conv

8、ersation. A) pieces B) chips C) fragments D) shatters 第二单元 Man and Technology1. A recent report from the Appma National Pet Owners Survey indicates that there is a _ to the higher sales in pet markets, however: increased abandonment. A) downside B) prominence C) preference D) consumerism 2. A modern

9、 hotel uses a great deal of _ equipment, involving its heating and air-conditioning systems, elevators, escalators, electricity, and plumbing, to name only the most important. A) profound B) complicated C) delicate D) perplexing 3. His hands were white and small, his frame was _, his voice was quiet

10、 and his manners were refined. A) brickle B) delicate C) fragile D) breakable 4. In a _ sense, civilization is measured by how well people can get along with each other and work together. A) large B) wide C) expansive D) broad 5. Not only does this tool provide output of the current structure of the

11、 Communication Plan, but it also allows a user to _ that structure directly through drag-and-drop interactions. A) exchange B) transfer C) modify D) convert 6. Lower tariffs(关税)and the growth of population and industry caused trade to _ in the 19th century. A) soar B) ascend C) hover D) glide 7. Inc

12、reasing the military share of the _ world product has been possible only by reducing civilian consumption. A) clumsy B) crude C) coarse D) gross 8. The wonderful world which lies before us today has been _ by hardworking men with clear heads and inventive genius. A) built in B) built into C) built u

13、p D) built on 9. If I _ make a preparation for my experiment this afternoon, I would have gone to see the film with you last night. A) were not to B) am not to C) shall not D) have not to10. Thanks to the advance of science, many _ materials have been invented which can be used instead of natural ru

14、bber. A) analytic B) synthetic C) counterfeit D) synthesis 第三单元 Knowledge and Knowledge TransferThere are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. _ before we depart the da

15、y after tomorrow, we would have a wonderful dinner party. A) Had they arrived B) Would they arrive C) Were they arriving D) Were they to arrive 2. X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make _ details that are otherwise impossible to observe. A) it visible B) visibly C) visible D) they are

16、 visible 3. _ his IQ and his present state of study, he should be admitted to Tsinghua University this year if nothing special happens. A) To judge from B) Judged by C) Judging from D) Be judged by 4. _, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command

17、 of language is poor. A) Other things being equal B) Were other things equal C) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal 5. He didnt get involved in the business with the man, _ he accused of lying. A) that B) as C) when D) whom 6. Tom had an advantage over other employees _ had the e

18、xperience of working abroad. A) in that he B) for that he C) in which he D) because that he 7. Franks dream was to have his own shop _ he could produce the workings of his own hands. A) that B) in which C) by which D) how 8. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in th

19、e jobs, _ they are being trained. A) in that B) for that C) in which D) for which 9. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _ it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped. A) what;when B) that;which C) what;which D) which;that10. Your performance on the driving test didnt

20、 reach the required standard, _, you failed. A) in the end B) after all C) in other words D) at the same time 第四单元 Work and Career1. She felt it impossible to leave him, and her tears came rapidly as she thought of the difference _ their present state(目前的状态) and the ardent love of a year ago(一年前的热烈的

21、爱). A) from B) in C) between D) about 2. As he moved onward(adv. 向前 ; 在前面), Cadmus retreated before him, holding his spear(n. 矛 ; 枪 ; (某些植物的)嫩枝 ; 貌,标枪 ;) _ the monsters opened jaws(怪物的大嘴). A) on B) opposite to(相反) C) above D) by 3. Most of the young men of this region(n. 地区,地域,) bordering the sea(毗邻

22、大海) go _ training(参加培训) in navigation(n. 航行(学) ; 航海(术) ; 海上交通 ; ). A) against B) on C) under D) in for 4. In other words(换句话说;就是说), we conclude that peoples _ toward compensation(n. 补偿,赔偿 ; 修正 ; 补救办法 ;) is independent of geography(独立的地理). A) opinion B) view C) attitude D) idea 5. A man who has made

23、so many mistakes cant afford to _ the corrections of his friends(一个人犯了这么多错误不能忽视他的朋友改正。).A) ignore B) slight C) despise(vt.鄙视,看不起) D) contempt(n. 轻视 ; 轻蔑 ; (对规则、危险等的)藐视 ; 不顾 ; ) 6. Those members requested that US undertake an appropriate commitment(适当的承诺) to _ these practices. A) cut off B) eliminate

24、(vt. 排除,消除 ; 淘汰 ; 除掉 ; 干掉 ;) C) remove D) struggle 7. The article is to _, analyze and appreciate the formation and translation of puns in the play. A) classify(vt. 分类,归类 ; 把列为密件 ;) B) glorify(vt. 赞美;颂扬;美化;使更壮丽) C) horrify(vt. 使震惊,使感到恐怖) D) intensify(vt.& vi. (使)增强,(使)加剧;) 8. The communication barri

25、ers implicit(adj. 不言明含蓄的 ; 无疑问的,绝对的 ; 成为一部份的 ; 内含的 ;) in _ differences are frequently heightened(vt.& vi. (使)变高 ; (使)加强 ;) by language differences.A) ethic(n. 伦理,伦理观 ; 道德体系 ;(复数)行为准则 ;) B) moral C) behavioral D) ethnic(n. 少数民族的成员) 9. Its an important component(n. 成分 ; 零件 ; 数要素 ; 组分 ;) of preschool (

26、n. 育幼院,幼儿园 ;)education to help and instruct(vt. 教,讲授 ; 教导,指导 ; 通知 ; 命令 ;) young children to develop a positive _.A) self-reality(自我的现实) B) self-evidence (自我的证据)C) self-service(自助服务)D) self-concept(自我概念)10. We hope children can have a healthy body and optimistic attitude that they can develop a _ and

27、 positive outlook on life(积极的人生观).A) softened(v. (使)变软 ; 缓解打击 ; 缓和 ; 安慰 ;) B) lighthearted (adj. 轻松愉快的 ; 无忧无虑的 ; 随便的 ; 漫不经心的 ;)C) delighted D) curious 第五单元Fame and Success1. The politicians tried to smear the governors _ in order to elect the man they wanted. A) celebrity B) prestige C) reputation D

28、) renown 2. Sometimes the boys would rout out little ground squirrels and _ them into the bush. A) catch B) chase C) search D) chess 3. I felt more than ordinary human _ for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer. A) agreement B) sorrow C) symbol D) sympathy 4. An important t

29、ask of the space shuttle is to _ a space telescope and place it in an orbit about 500 kilometers above the earth. A) launcher B) launching C) launce D) launch 5. Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without _ to color or sex. A) consider B) regard C) respect D) regardless

30、6. The drunk was _ clear-headed to observe the trucks arrival and George s departure on foot.? A) sufficiently B) efficiently C) enough D) abundantly 7. We must conserve our soil and water resources to _ that these key natural elements are available to support productivity. A) secure B) convince C)

31、assure D) insure 8. You cant _ an operation on the presumption that miracles are going to happen. A) basis B) form C) base D) create 9. For any Chinese or Asian, the successful launch of Shenzhou 5 is _ a cause for jubilation. A) doubtable B) doubtless C) doubtful D) undoubted10. Without law, _ also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness.? A) liberation B) l

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