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本文(高考英语听力十大必考难点01-人物关系推理型PPT文件格式下载.pptx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1.了解事实与细节(如时间、地点、数据等)的能力;2.揭示对话或独白的主要意义的能力;3.明确说话人的语气与意图的能力;4.辨认人物的角色和关系的能力;5.分析人物的态度和感受的能力;6.简单地进行逻辑推理与判断的能力。5种常见题型1.人物关系推理题型2.身份推理题型3.场所推理题型4.数字题型5.易错-干扰永恒的偏好!复合句增多高考英语听力真题中,几乎每年都会出现人物关系和身份推理类 题型。这类试题要求学生从谈话或 说话的话题和语气来推断出对话双 方的职业身份,彼此之间或与他人 的关系。这类题型要求考生在听的 时候抓住各类人物身份、职业、关 系的词汇(音)。常考查的十大人物关系:师生、朋友、

2、夫妻、父女、母子、同事、同学、邻居、老板与职员、医生与病人、司机与乘客等。以下是常见的对话者关系必备词汇精选:classmates同学,roommates室友,schoolmates校友colleagues/fellow workers同事husbandwife夫妻parentskid 父子或母子father/mother-son/daughter brothers-sisters兄妹teacherstudent师生bossemployee老板和员工doctorpatient 医生和病人waitercustomershop assistantcustomer general manager总经

3、理secretary秘书应聘者 employee招聘者 employer 申请者 applicant 总裁 president总裁助理 assistant presidentcompanion/fellow同伴,伙伴【考点】考查考生简单推断的能力。【解题方法】人物关系题要求考生根据对话情节及对话者的语气去推断说5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?AA.Classmates.B2.0T1e8aTcehxet r5and student.CW.:DHoic,tAonrdayn.dI dpiadtni e tnst.e e

4、 you inProfessor Smiths class yesterday.话W人h之a间t的h关系a。p这p类e试n题e需d要?分析、推断,而不能直接通过录音材料获得。【M试:题W分e析l】l,女I士h问男a士d怎a么昨h天e没a有d在a课c上h看e到.他S,男o士,说I 他c头a疼l,l e请d假 h了i m。由a此n推d知,a对s话k双e方d很可f o能r是“s同i c学k”。leave.若【音录频音无原法文播】放请联系钱老师150281329【8参8 考答案】【录音原文】【参考答案】2016-8.What is the probable relationship between t

5、he speakers?AA.Schoolmates.B【.考点C】o考ll查e考a生g简u单e推s断.的能力。C【.解题R方o法o】m人物m关a系t题e要s求.考生根据对话情节及对话者的语气去推断说话人之间的关系。这类试题需要分析、推断,而不能直接通过录音材料获 得。【试题分析】此题为人物关系推断题。略有难度。根据材料中女士问男士“How are your classes?”及男士的回答“Im glad this is my last term here,though.”可知男士还是一名学生,再根据女士自己说的“I still have three terms to go until Im

6、done.”可推知两人是校友。2016Text 7M:Hi,Sue.Hows it going?W:Oh,hi,Frank,just fine.How are your classes?M:Pretty good.Im glad this is my last term here,though.W:Why is that?I thought you were enjoying school.M:I was.But now Im getting tired of it.Im ready for the real world.W:What are you planning to do when y

7、ou graduate?First,I want to get a job as a computer programmer,and then after five years or so,Id like to start my own business.W:Sounds good.I still have three terms to go until Im done.M:Youll make it for sure.Well,see you later.W:Bye!【返回】2017-16.What is the probable relationship between the speak

8、ers?【参考答案】A.Fellow-travelers.B.BColleagues.C.Classmates.【考点】考查考生简单推断的能力。【解题方法】人物关系题要求考生根据对话情节及对话者的语气去推断说 话人之间的关系。【试题分析】此题为人物关系的推断题。根据材料中女士的话“Well,thats the way it is normally in our company,I suppose.”可知【他们录是音同事原,故文选】B。2017Text 9W:Hey,Bill.I hear theyre going to send you to Germany for the new proje

9、ct.M:Boy,news travels fast around here!I only got the orders a couple of hours ago.Rachel doesnt even knowW:Oh,no?So,what are you waiting for?When do you plan to tell her?Well,she is at work at the moment.She doesnt finish until 5.Ill have to wait until tonight now,I suppose.W:Well,I was posted ther

10、e before,back in 2008.Its OK a bit like England,really.At least the weather is similar,and the people arent much different.The only thing I didnt like is the food,especially the sausages.What do you intend to do about the family?Are you going to take them with you?【返回】M:Well,Id like to,but I dont kn

11、ow much about the situation at the momentyou know,about schools and all that.But I hope to move the family out there in a couple of months time.I dont think I want to spend a year and a half out there on my own.I mean,without Rachel and the kids.I mean,I dont see that much of them now as it is.W:Yea

12、h.Well,thats the way it is normally in our company,I suppose.M:Yeah.Well,well see.Let me pay for the coffee.W:No,no.Ill pay.【返回】2014-12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?【录音原文】【参考答案】A.Driver and passenger.B.Husband and wife.CC.Fellow workers.【考点】考查考生简单推断的能力。【试题分析】谈话者在谈论如何去机场,公司负

13、责此次旅行的费用,每人200美元,由此可知,谈话者之间是同事关系。Hey,Lucy!Do you have some time to talk about next weeks trip with me?Sure,Dave.M:OK.So were leaving on Monday from Hartsfield International Airport and returning on Friday.Do we take ourselves to the airport?Maybe we need to book a taxi,or just go by bus.W:No,we dont

14、 have to.The company car will pick us up and take us there.M:Oh,thats good.When?Our flight leaves at 11 am,so they should pick us up between 8 and 9 am.Besides,the company pays for our trip,including hotel and food.M:How much will that be?Well,New York is a pretty expensive city,so each of us will g

15、et 200 dollars a day.M:Oh,OK.Thanks for telling me that.W:Youre welcome.【返回】B.Boss and secrecary.C.Customer and salesperson.【录音原文】【参考答案】10.What is the relationship between t he speakers?AA.Fellow clerks.2006 Text 8M:Hi,you must be that new secretary,welcome!Im Tom Robison from public relations.W:Hi,Mr.Robison,Thanks.My names Lisa Jones,working in sales now.M:Please call me Tom,Lisa.W:OK,Tom.Have you worked here long?Yes,over 20 years.W:Wow that is a long time.Do you enjoy working here?Well,yes.I suppose I to

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