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本文(高考英语听力十大必考难点02-人物身份推理型PPT资料.pptx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、考生应具备:1.了解事实与细节(如时间、地点、数据等)的能力;2.揭示对话或独白的主要意义的能力;3.明确说话人的语气与意图的能力;4.辨认人物的角色和关系的能力;5.分析人物的态度和感受的能力;6.简单地进行逻辑推理与判断的能力。5种常见题型1.人物关系推理题型2.身份推理题型3.场所推理题型4.数字题型5.易错-干扰永恒的偏好!复合句增多高考英语听力真题中,几乎每年 都会出现人物关系和身份推理类题型。此类题的选项一般为表示职业或身份 的名词或由两个名词构成的表示人物 关系的并列词组。对话中不会直接提 到某人的职业或关系,通常只用一些 相关词作为暗示。主要考查考生能否 根据对话内容、说话者的

2、语气及态度 等判断说话人之间的关系或说话人的 职业、身份。常见设问方式:What is the mans(womans)job(occupation,profession)?What is the persons probable job?Who is the woman(man)speaking to?Whats the profession of the man?Who is the woman most probably speaking to?Who is the speaker?What is his(her)job?What does he(she)do?常考查的人物职业:医生、工

3、人、教师、司机、秘书、服务员、售货员、图书管理员、警察、工作人员、作家、经理、学生等。应试技巧1.熟悉常见的职业相关词,抓住了这些与说话 人职业相关的词,也就等于抓住了关键词。2.通过关键词并结合对话的语气判断说话人的 身份和关系。女演员actress农民peasant/farmer文员clerk编辑editor销售员salesman/girl 艺术家artist男演员actor 清洁工cleaner 助理assistant电工electrician出纳员cashier会计accountant护士nurse 司机driver翻译员translator 厨师chef/cook 搬运工carrie

4、r快递员dispatcher服务员waiter/waitress 保姆babysitter发型师hairdresser设计师designerpatient 病人教授professorsoldier军人Business people商人Office clerk:职员 Office staff上班族operator:电话接线员personnel职员photographer:摄影师pilot:飞行员policeman:警察postman:邮差priest:牧师technician:技术人员Tourguide:导游英语职业单词【录音原文】【参考答案】话人之间的关系。这类试题需要若分析音、推频断无,而法

5、不播能直放接通请过联录音系材料获得。3.Who might Mr.Peterson be?A2 0.1A4nTeewx tpr3of essor.BW.:AD iddeypoaur thmeeanrtt h aat dM.r.Peterson is CcCo.mA icnogmnpeaxnt ywdeier ekc,tGoor.rdon?【M考:点Y】e考s查.考S生对o所I听c内a容l的l简e单d推a断l能l 力o。f the【d解e题p方a法r t】m人物e关n系t题h要e求a考d生s根据t对o话m情节y及o对f话f者i c的e语气t去h推i s断说morning.We need to g

6、ive him reports【o试n题o分u析r】对p话r o中g男r士a说m今天.钱早上老已经师叫1了5各0部2 8门1负3责2人9 8到8他办公室,他们需要向Mr.Peterson汇报工作。由此可知,Mr.Peterson 是公司 负责人。【录音原文】【参考答案】2016-17.Who is Wang Ming?AA.A studentB.An employer C.An engineer【考点】考查考生人物身份推断能力。【解题方法】人物身份题要求考生根据对话情节及对话者的语气去推断说 话人之间的关系。这类试题需要分析、推断,而不能直接通过录音材料获 得。【试题分析】此题为人物身份推断题

7、,难度不大。根据材料中“Wang Ming,who is about to get an engineering degree”可知WangMing 是一名马上就要毕业的学生。M:Hello.Welcome to the program.In America,May and June are the traditional months for graduations.A listener in China,Wang Ming,who is about to get an engineering degree,wants to know how American college graduat

8、es find jobs.Right now,the answer is:not very easily.A latest study on the college job market showed that employers wanted to hire 22%fewer graduates this year than last.The study also showed that just 20%of those who looked for jobs before graduation have found one by now.This is compared to half o

9、f students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago.But one difference:fewer of this years graduates have started to search for jobs.Engineering graduates were more likely to have started their job search already,and to have accepted a job.This is among the best-paid professions for peopl

10、e with just a college degree.On average,engineering majors expect to start at about$62,000 a year.2016-14.What does John do now?【录音原文】【参考答案】A.Hes a trainer.B.Hes a tour guide.CC.Hes a college student.【考点】考查考生对具体信息的理解能力。【解题方法】人物关系题要求考生根据对话情节及对话者的语气去推断说 话人之间的关系。【试题分析】由“I will graduate from college the

11、 coming June.”可知答案。2014Text 9W:Please sit down.Lets see.Youre Mr Smith.Is that correct?Yes,John Smith.W:And youre interested in this job?Yes,I am.I will graduate from college the coming June.My major is Chinese.W:I see.Have you ever done any work in this field?Yes,I used to be a tour guide for Chine

12、se travelers.W:Good.Now how much money do you expect to have for a year?From what Ive read,it seems that the starting pay would be around$12,000 a year.W:Here you will start at$10,500 for the first year,a kind of training period.Then you would go to$15,000.M:That sounds fair enough.What do you think

13、 of the chances for me to get the job here?W:Well,Im talking to three people today and four tomorrow.We will be hiring two people.Youll hear from us sometime next month.Good luck,and thanks for coming in today.15.Who is the woman talking to?A.A student.C.A secretary.16.What does the man say about Fr

14、ank?A.He is quiet.C.He is honest.17.What does the woman think good student should be like?A.They should ask questions.【录音原文】BB.A teacher.【参考答案】【返回】BB.He is active.BB.They should pay attention in class.C.They should not be afraid of making mistakes.2007北京Text 10W:Oh,Franks in your class?He was in my

15、class last term.I didnt like him at all.M:What?You didnt like Frank?Hes one of my best students.W:Oh,no.Not Frank!He was always asking questions.Frank always interrupted me and the other students.He was never quiet.M:Yes,thats Frank.Thats why he is such a good student.He is always thinking and trying to use English.He laughs a lot.Frank doesnt worry about making mistakes.I enjoy having him in class.W:Not me.I love students like David.Do you have him in your conversation class this term?Yes,but to be honest,David is too quiet for me.I cant tell if hes learning.David is so silent.He doesn

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