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1、 等。2、不可数名词可以借助 来表示一定的数量。但也可以用much(许多), some/any(一些), a little(一点点),little (几乎没有) plenty of(很多) , a lot of(=lots of)(许多)等修饰不可数名词。一则新闻:a piece of news ; 两瓶水: two bottles of water ; 四条建议 ;六张纸 ;你能借给我一些钱吗?Could you lend me ?【中考真题再现】( ) 1. All the are made of , not plastics.A. glass; glassB. glasses, glas

2、sC. glasses , glassesD. glass, glasses () 2. Jenny gave us on how to improve English.A. some advicesB. many advicesC. some adviceD. an advice考点二:可数名词单数变为复数的几条规律1、一般直接加-s:比如:girl- map- 2、以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的单词常在词尾加es: 比如:bus 3、以辅音字母+y 结尾变y 为 i,再加es: story- 4、以-o 结尾的名词变复数常有下列2 种变化:【口诀:黑人和英雄正在吃士豆和西红柿。

3、】brush- baby- 说明:Negro(黑人),hero(英雄),potato(土豆),tomato(西红柿),这四个名词变复数时,在词尾加-es。其它以o 结尾的名词一般加-s,radio zoo kangaroo (袋鼠)photo (照片) kilo (千克)5、以“f”和“fe”结尾,一般改 f 或 fe 为 v,再+es【口决:树叶多半自己黄,妻子拿刀去割粮。架后窜出一只狼,就像盗贼逃命忙。】说明:leaf(树叶),half(半),self(自己), wife (妻子),knife(刀子),shelf(架子),wolf(狼),thief(盗贼),life(生命) 这九个名词变复

4、数时都要变f 或 fe 为 v, 再加-es。比如: leaf half myself wife knife 6、【可数名词变复数名词的不规则变化】1) 改变单数名词中的元音字母或其它形式。foot (脚)tooth- (牙齿)goose (鹅)woman - (女人)man - (男人)child - (孩子)mouse - (老鼠)与man 和 woman 构成的合成词,两部分都要变成复数形式。e.g.: woman doctor -women doctors(女医生) man drivermen drivers( 男司机)2) 巧记某国人单复数常有下列三种变化。Chinese (中国人)

5、- Japanese(日本人) 将 man 变为 menEnglishman- 其余全在后面加s German- Frenchman- American- Indian Canadian- Australian 【口诀:中日友好是一致,英法联盟a 变 e, 余国词尾添 s。() 1. They are from . Theyre .A. Germany; GermansB. Germans ; Germany C. German; GermanyD. Germany; Germen () 2. -Could you take for these ? - They are very beauti

6、ful.A. any photos; tomatoesB. some photos ; tomatoesC. some photos; tomatosD. any photo;() 3. How many are there in the international village?A. ChineseB. RussianC. AmericanD. Germen3) 有些名词只有复数形式。 (人们) (裤子) (衣服) (长裤) (短裤) (眼镜) (袜子) (鞋子)scissors(剪刀)7、有些名词虽然以s 结尾却表示单数。 (消息,新闻) (草) (政治) (物理)8、即可做可数名词也可

7、做不可数名词:room“房间”,可数There are five roomshere.“空间”,不可数Can you make roomfor the old woman?chicken“小鸡”,可数I think chickenscan swim.“鸡肉”,不可数Help yourself to“橘子”,可数There are a few orangeson the tree.“橘子汁”,不可数Would you like another bottle oforange?experience “经历”,可数It is a wonderful experi

8、enceto travel to Beijing.“经验”,不可数He has much experienceafter working so many“作品”,可数The worksof Luxun( 鲁迅)are very popular.“工作”,不可数I have a lot of workto do today.exercise“练习”,可数Doing morning exercisesis good for your health.“锻炼”,不可数You must take enough exercise.time“次数”,可数We have meals th

9、reetimes a day.“时间”,不可数Lets hurry! Theres littletime“玻璃杯”,可数There are two glasses of milk on the table.“玻璃”,不可数Glasscan be made into bottlespaper“报纸, 试卷”,可数Please help me hand out thepapers“纸张”,不可数Please give me a piece of paper.01. 】 29. What can I do for you?Err, I want a glass of milk,

10、 some bread and .A. some chickensB. any chickensC. some chicken02. Would you like some ? -Yes, please. Im a little thirsty. A. bread B. meat C. beef D. orange03. If you dont take more , youll get fat.A. medicine B. exercise C. lessons04. Could you move over a little and make some for me?Sure, please

11、.A. placeB. seatC. roomD. ground05. He had something to write down and asked me for .A. a paperB. some papersC. some pieces of papersD. a piece of paper06. I have to do this evening. A. a lot of worksB. many workC. a lot of workD. someworks07. Youd better do morning every day. Its good to do lots of

12、 .A. exercise, exerciseB. exercises, exerciseC. exercise, exercisesD. exercises, exercises08. Do you like ? -No. I prefer rose, the color of your dress.A. orange B. oranges C. carrot D. carrots9. 名词做定语作定语的名词用单数(man 和 woman 除外)1. 1)一棵香蕉树五棵香蕉树一位男教师七位男教师2)(2010 攀枝花)Its said that more than 100will atten

13、d this meeting in Shanghai. A man teachersB woman teachersC men teachersD womans teachers2. a shoe shop 一家鞋店 a bike factory 一家自行车工厂01. 【2014 黔西南州】 the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are teachers.A. A number of; womenB. A number of; womanC. The number of; womenD. The number of; woman02. 【2013 广西贺州】 What kind of porridge would you like, Alice?I would like .A. egg porridgeB. eggs porridgeC. fish porridgesD. fishes porridge03. There are three assistants in that shop.A. women, shoeB. woman, shoeC. woman, shoesD. women, shoes04. The music made me t

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