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1、精通三年级英语上册第四单元练习题docx三年级英语上册练习题班级: _ 姓名: _一找出不属于同一类的单词。1. () A. mouthB.noseC.catD.face2. () A.monkeyB.elephantC.dogD.pinkD.f3. () A. huntB.pandaC.climbly4. () A.coolB.duckC.greatD.superC.5. () A. earB. eraserpencilD. ruler6.() A. catB .dogC. duckD. zoo) A.B.7.(reallyelephantC. mouseD. bear8) A.B.C.(s

2、quirrelrabbityellowD. monkey二选择正确的答案,把编号填在前面的括号里。WORD格式_elephant.C.A. aB. an/) Look! I _ a6.(rabbit .A. isB. haveC. has) -Here youC.Thank7.(are.-_ .A.SureB.ByeyouB.8.() look_the cat.A. at areC. in) -Look! I have a1.(dog.A.IItslovely.B.t) -May I have a2.(look?-_.A. Yes, I-_.syello C. sdogw It .I mnot

3、can.B. Sure.C. No,.3.() The eagle comes from _A.China B. USAC. Australia4.() Follow _,monkey.A.I B. myC. me5.()Walk like专业资料整理WORD格式三英汉互译。猫_ 猪 _ 狗 _鸭_monkey _elephant_ squirrel_panda_ rabbit _四 .读一读,选择恰当的答句。1.() Look!I have panda.A. Fine, thanks2.() Here you are.B. SuperC. Sure. Here you3.() May I h

4、ave a look?are.4.() Nice to meet you.D. Thank youE. Nice to meet5.() How are,too.五 . 选择。1()表演得像猫一样。A. I have a rabbit.B. Walk like an2()我有一只兔子。elephant.3()像大象一样走路。C. Follow me.4()我可以看一看吗?D. Act like a cat.E. May I have a5()跟着我。look?6()给你。F. Here you are.六把正确答句或问句的标号写在横线上.A. I have a toy rabb

5、it.B. Thank you .C. May I have a look ?D. Here you are.E. Oh, itsnice. I like it.A:_.B: Oh,really ._ ?A:Sure._.B:Thank you._.A:_.专业资料整理人教版三年级英语上册练习题Class:_Name:_一、找出不属于同一类的单词。(15 分 )B. pencil-C.()1.A. blackcaseorangeD. greenA.()2.sharpenerB. mouthC. crayonD.pencilA.()3.schoolB. eraserC. rulerD. penB

6、.()4.A. legbagC. footD. face()5.A. bodyB. headC. redD. nose二、 Read and choose. (读一读,选择恰当的答)(30 分 )句。() 1. Good afternoon.A.Good morning!() 2. What s yourB.Me 3. Hello!C.Fine, thank you .D. Nice to meet you,() 4. Goodbye!too.) 6. Good(morning!E.My name s John.) 7. How are(you?F.See you!)

7、8. Nice to meet(you.G.Good afternoon.) 9.(Let s paint!H.Hi!)10. I have a yellow(pencil.I.OK!三找出不同类的单词,把答案的序号填在括号(内。)分)(B.mouthC.nose .A.bagWORD格式)B.gree( .A.headnC.hand) .A.legtC.fineC.afternoo() .A.morningB.armn笔试部分( 40分)四、找出不同类的单词,把答案的序号填在括号内。)(10分)(B.mouthC.nose

8、me)C.blac( .A.bagB.bluek专业资料整理WORD格式)( .A.headB.greenC.hand)( .A.fingerB.footC.fine)( .A.morningB.armC.afternoon六、选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。(15 分))1.GoodA.Great(morning.!()2.Nice to meet,you .B.Fine,thank you.()3.How are you?C.Good morning.()4.Let sD.Me too.paint!)5.I have a yellowE.Nice to meet(,t

9、oo.七、情景反应,把答案的序号填在括号(15内。分)( )1. 你想问对方身体怎么样,应说:.How old areyou? .How are you?.Fine,thank you.( )2. 你想让同桌出示蓝色铅笔,应说:. Show me your blue pen. Show me your blue pencil.Show me your black pencil.( )3. 你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说: .Brown,brown .Sit down . .Black,black.Stand up. Black,black.Sit down.( )4. 你想让同桌把图片里的

10、书包涂成粉红色,应说: . Colour the bag pink. .Colour the bag purple. Colour the book pink.( )5. 你提议大家一起来画画,应说: .Let s play! . Let s sing! .Let spaint!专业资料整理WORD格式请写出下列词意思 。8. Who are you?cat monkey dog duck panda-I m Monkey.- - - - -book bag pen pencil pencil-boxbear pig rabbit bird mouse- - - - - - - - -rule

11、r eraser sharpener glue marker重点句型- - - - -1. Hello! I m Kate.重点句型2. What syour name?1. Glad to meet you.-My name sPeter.-Glad to meet you, too.3. Goodbye!2. Nice to meet you.4. Good morning, Miss Liu!-Nice to meet you, too.-Good morning, boys and girls!3. Welcome!5. Good afternoon.4. Open your penc

12、il-box.6. Good evening.5. Take out your ruler.7. Good night.专业资料整理WORD格式6.Show me your pencil.-Wow! It sbig!7.Point at your pen.2.Touch your nose.8.This is my eraser.3.Touch my eye.9.Wow! It snice!4.He has a big face.10. Look at my book.5.How are you?11. Find the same one.-Fine, thank you.noseeyefac

13、emouthhead6.Draw a face, a nose, two eyes and a mouth.-7.How are you? Not very well.earneckarmhandlegknee8.Look at my arm! Oh, Im sorry!-9.Nod your head.Foot10.Open your mouth.-11.Close your eyes.重点句型12.Touch your neck.1.Look at my nose.13.Clap your hands.专业资料整理WORD格式14. Wave your arm. 挥挥你的胳膊。 9. Co

14、ol!doll ball kite balloon car bus 10. I have a new bike.- - - - - - -Really? Can I see it?Biketaxitrainshipplaneboat-Sure! Here you are.-Thank you.重点句型-Youre welcome.1.I have a ball.redblue yellowgreenpurplebrown2.I have a nice doll.3. How big! white black pink orange my kite.5. I have a n

15、ew car. 重点句型6. Really? 1. What colour is it?7.It s super!-Red and blue.8.Look here!-Oh, how nice!专业资料整理2.Guess!3.Let s draw a panda.-Great.-Colour it black and white.-OK.-All right.4.Let s fly it.hamburger hot dog Coke cake eggorange pear apple banana milkjuice water rice noodles chicken1. I like hot dogs. How about you?WORD格式-Me too.2.Here sa cake for you.-Oh, thank you!-Happy birthday to you!3.Have an apple.-No, thanks. I like pears.-OK. Here you are.4. Mum, can I have some juice, please?-Sure! Here you are.-Thank you!-That s OK.5.Can I help you?-Some rice, please.专业资料整理

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