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1、外国留学生汉语比赛试题“华为杯”中国文化知识竞赛题库地拉那大学孔子学院“Huawei Cup - Chinese Culture Knowledge ContestOrganized by Confucius Institute at the University of Tirana一、英汉部分(一)单选题1.中国历史上第一个朝代是( )? cA秦朝 B清朝 C夏朝 D唐朝1.Which is the first dynasty in Chinese history?A.Qin Dynasty; B.Qing Dynasty; C. Xia Dynasty; D. Tang Dynasty2.

2、甲骨文出土于中国的哪个城市? bA西安 B安阳 C北京 D上海2.Which city in China is the Oracle-bone Inscription unearthed in?A.Xian; B. Anyang; C. Beijing; D. Shanghai3.中国历史上最长的一个朝代是( )? bA汉朝 B周朝 C元朝 D明朝3.Which is the longest dynasty in Chinese history?A.Han Dynasty; B. Zhou Dynasty; C. Yuan Dynasty; D. Ming Dynasty4.桃花扇是( )的戏

3、剧作品。 dA关汉卿 B汤显祖 C王实甫 D孔尚任4.Who wrote the famous Chinese dramatic work, The Peach Blossom Fan?A. Guan Hanqing; B. Tang Xianzu; C. Wang Shifu; D. Kong Shangren5.中国历史上的“三家分晋”是指哪三家? aA韩、赵、魏 B郑、魏、韩 C燕、赵、韩 D魏、赵、鲁5.Which three families divide state Jin into three parts in Chinese history?A.Han, Zhao, Wei;

4、B. Zheng, Wei, Han; C. Yan, Zhao, Han; D. Wei, Zhao, Lu6.下列哪个国家不属于“战国七雄”? dA楚 B齐 C燕 D宋6.Which state did not belong to “the Seven Overlords” in Warring States Period?A.Chu; B. Qi; C. Yan; D. Song7.秦国通过( )一跃成为战国时期最强大的国家? cA 戊戌变法 B庆历新政 C商鞅变法 D熙宁变法7.Which reform made state Qin became the most powerful s

5、tate in the Warring States Period?A.Hundred Days Reform; B. Qingli Reform; C. Xining Reform; D. Shang Yangs Reform8.道家的创始人是( )? bA孔子 B老子 C庄子 D荀子8.Who is the originator of Taoism?A.Confucius; B. Lao Zi; C. Zhuang Zi; D. Xun Zi9.记录孔子重要言论的书是( )? aA论语 B礼记 C史记 D春秋9.What is the name of the collection of C

6、onfucius sayings?A.The Analects; B. The Book of Rites; C. Shih Chi; D. The Spring and Autumn Annals10.下列那部书不属于“五经”? cA尚书 B周易 C道德经 D诗经10.Which book does not belong to “Five Classics”?A.Shangshu; B. Zhouyi; C. Daodejing; D. Shijing11.( )首次对中国的文字、货币、度量衡进行了统一? bA周文王 B秦始皇 C汉武帝 D孔子11.Who standardized Chin

7、ese characters, currency, and weights and measures first time?A.King Wen of Zhou; B. Qin Shi Huang; C. Emperor Wu; D. Confucius12.汉朝的( )两次出使西域,开通了中国通往西亚、欧洲的贸易通道“丝绸之路”。 bA班固 B张骞 C郑和 D鉴真12.Who was sent to the Western Regions two times in Han Dynasty, opening the trade route between China and West Asia

8、 as well as Europe?A.Ban Gu; B. Zhang Qian; C. Zheng He; D.Jian Zhen13.公元105年,东汉的( )改造了原有的纸张制造技术。中国的造纸术在7世纪传入日本、朝鲜,8世纪传入阿拉伯,( )世纪传入欧洲,极大的促进了世界文化的发展。 cA张仲景、9 B张衡、10 C蔡伦、12 D毕昇、1413. Who, in Eastern Han Dynasty, improved the old technique of paper making in 105? When was Chinese paper making spread to

9、 Europe, after its spreading to Korea and Japan in the 7th century, and to Arabia in the 8th, which contributed greatly to the development of world culture?A.Zhang Zhongjing, 9th; B. Zhang Heng, 10th; C. Cai Lun, 12th; D. Bi Sheng, 14th14.东汉的( )发明了“浑天仪”、“地动仪”,用以观测天象,感应地震。 aA张衡 B张角 C华佗 D张仲景14.Who inv

10、ented the Armillary Sphere and seismography so as to observe the universe and perceive earthquake?A. Zhang Heng; B. Zhang Jiao; C. Hua Tuo; D. Zhang Zhongjing15.东汉末年,曹操通过( )统一了中国的北方。 dA赤壁之战 B淝水之战 C夷陵之战 D官渡之战14. What battle made Cao Cao unify the north China at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty?A.Battle

11、 of the Red Cliffs; B. Battle of Fei River; C. Battle of Yiling; D. Battle of Guandu16.三国时期,( )曾派遣将领抵达台湾,加强了台湾与大陆的联系。 dA曹操 B刘备 C袁绍 D孙权16.Who sent an expedition to Taiwan Island in Three Kingdoms Period in Chinese history, strengthening the bond between Chinese mainland and Taiwan?A.Cao Cao; B. Liu B

12、ei; C. Yuan Shao; D. Sun Quan17.唐太宗李世民在位期间,中国社会出现了( )。 cA开元盛世 B光武中兴 C贞观之治 D康乾盛世17.Which prosperous situation appeared in China during the Emperor Tang Taizong, Li Shimins reign in Tang Dynasty?A.Kaiyuan Flourishing Age; B. The Rule of Emperor Guangwu; C. Zhenguan Times of Peace; D. Kang-Qian Flouris

13、hing Age18.中国历史上第一位的女皇帝是( )? aA武则天 B慈禧 C穆桂英 D妇好18.Who is the first empress in Chinese history?A.Wu Zetian; B. Cixi; C. Mu Guiying; D. Fu Hao19.北宋首都位于( )? bA杭州 B开封 C西安 D北京19.Where was the capital of Northern Song Dynasty located in China?A. Hangzhou; B. Kaifeng; C. Xian; D. Beijing20.著名的意大利人马可波罗于1271

14、年来到中国,留居中国17年,曾在( )做官。 bA唐朝 B元朝 C宋朝 D明朝20.The famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, came to China in 1271 and had been living here for 17 years. Which government did he work in as an official at that time?A.Tang government; B. Yuan government; C. Song government; D. Ming government21.下列哪项不属于中国的四大发明?

15、cA指南针 B火药 C丝绸 D造纸术21.Which item below does not belong to the Four Great Inventions of China?A. Compass; B. Gunpowder; C. Silk; D. Papermaking22.15世纪明朝的( )率领舰队抵达波斯、阿拉伯、东非,是世界航海史上的壮举。 dA苏武 B鉴真 C玄奘 D郑和22.Which Chinese navigator of Ming Dynasty led the expedition, which is a great event in the world navigation history, reaching Persia, Arabia, and East Africa in 15th century?A.Su Wu; B. Jian Zhen; C. Xuan Zang; D. Zheng He23.明朝哲学家王阳明提出了下列哪种理论? bA克己复礼 B知行合一 C天人合一 D民贵君轻23.Which theory below was proposed by Wang Yangming, the great Chinese philosopher in Ming Dynasty?A.To d

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