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1、一定要知道的英语语法精华一定要知道的英语语法精华形容词(一): 1. 形容词的位置: 代名形容词数量形容词性状形容词名词j再细分如下: 1放在冠词前的形容词(all, both, such.)2冠词、指示形容词、所有形容词、不定形容词(the, a, an, this, that, your, some, any.)3序数(first, second.)4基数(one, two.)5性质、状态(kind, fine, good.)6大小、长短、形状(large, small, big.)7新旧、温度(old, new, hot.)8颜色(red, blue.)9国籍(Chinese, Engl

2、ish, Japanese.)10材料(iron, brick, stone.)11名词、动名词(boy, house.) 2. some和any的用法: (1)两者修饰可数单数名词,表某一个;任何一个; 修饰可数复数名词和不可数名词,表一些;有些。 2)一般的用法:some用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句或条件句。 I am looking for some matches. Do you have any matches? I do not have any matches. (3)特殊的用法: (A) 在期望对方肯定的回答时,问句也用some。 Will you lend me so

3、me money? (=Please lend me some money. (B) any表任何或任何一个时,也可用于肯定句。 Come any day you like. (4)some和any后没有名词时,当做代名词, 此外两者也可做副词。 Some of them are my students.代名词) Is your mother any better?(副词) 3. many和much的用法: 1)many修饰复数可数名词,表许多; much修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。 He has many friends, but few true ones. There hasnt bee

4、n much good weather recently. (2)many a: many a和many同义,但语气比较强,并且要与单数名词及单数形动词连用。 Many a prisoner has been set free. (=Many prisoners have been set free. 3as many和so many均等于the same number of。 前有as, like时, 只用so many。 These are not all the books I have. These are as many more upstairs. They worked like

5、 so many ants. (4)as much等于the same amount of, 表同量和同一事情。 He bought two pounds of sugar and as much tea. 同量) I was not in the least surprised, for I had fully expected as much. 同一事情) (5)many和much之后不接名词时,作为代名词;另外much也可用副词。 Many of them were very tired. I dont eat much for lunch. 代名词) He is much taller

6、 than I. (副词 4. (a) few和(a) little的用法: (1) (a) few用在复数可数名词之前,(a) little用在不可数名词之前。 He took a few biscuits. (=several) He took few biscuits(=not many) He took a little butter. (=some) He took little butter. (=not much) (2) few可由bardly any或almost no所取代,含否定的意味。 The composition is well written; it has fe

7、w (=hardly any) mistakes. Few (=Almost no) men can solve it. (3) a few相当于some, several, 含肯定的意味。 He has a few (=some or several) friends. (4) a little和little之间的差别,就和a few和few的差别一样,只是(a) little须修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。 He grows worse; there is little hope of his recovery. He is not much better, but there is a l

8、ittle hope. 5. 其他的数量形容词: (1) plenty of, a lot of, lots of均表许多,修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词。 The room contained plenty of (or a lot of or lots of) students.(复数名词) The room contained plenty of (or a lot of or lots of) furniture.(不可数名词) (2) a great (or a good) deal of, a large (or a small) quantity of, a large (or a

9、 small) amount of, 均表(量), 修饰不可数名词。 The room contained a great deal of furniture. (不可数名词) The room contained a good deal of furniture. (不可数名词) The room contained a large quantity of furniture. (不可数名词) The room contained a large amount of furniture. (不可数名词) The room contained a small quantity of furni

10、ture. (不可数名词) The room contained a small amount of furniture. (不可数名词) (3) a number of “许多;一些”;a great (large, good) number of “许多”,修饰复数可数名词,并且要与复数动词连用。 A number of books are missing from the library. The number of books from the library is large. (the number of 复数名词单数动词) The room contained a great (

11、or large or good) number of students.(复数可数名词) (4) enough的用法: (A) 可接复数可数名词和不可数名词。 There are enough chairs. (可数) There is enough furniture. (不可数) (B) 可放在年修饰名词的前后。 We dont have enough time. =We dont have time enough. (5) hundreds of, dozens of, thousands of, scores of 复数可数名词 冠词或数词(one, two.) (hundred,

12、dozen, thousand, score) 复数可数名词 (6) the rest of “其余的”, 可接复数可数名词及不可数名词,作主词时,接可数名词则用复数动词,接不可数名词则用单数动词。 The rest of the students are absent. (复数可数名词) The rest of the water was thrown away. 不可数名词) 注:the rest作代名词, 等于 the others, 和复数动词连用。 6. 不可名词量的表示语: (1) 不可数名词可加表单位的形容片语,表示数的观念。其公式为: 数词单位词of不可数名词 (2) 各类表单

13、位的形容词片语。 (A) 物质名词: a piece (suit) of armour; a piece (slice) of cake; a piece (an article) of furniture; a piece of jewelry; a piece (sheet) of paper; a cake of soap; a piece (slice) of bacon; a piece (stick) of chalk; a bit (blade) of grass; a piece (strip) of land; a bit (grain) of rice; a bowl of

14、 soup; (B) 抽象名词 a word of abuse; an item (a bit) of business; an attack of fever; a bit (an amount) of interest; a fit of passion; a piece (word) of advice; a piece of evidence; a piece (an item) of information; a piece (an item) of news; (C) 自然现象: .a flash of lightening; a bolt of thunder; 7. 名词种类的

15、表示语:kind of, sort of, type of, (1) 三者都可接可数名词及不可数名词,其后的冠词a (an)常被省略。 What kind of (a) pencil did you buy? I dont like that sort of game. (2) kind of, sort of, type of之前可加a, the, some, any, etc. I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating. (3) 比较下列用法:(加*表非正式用法) I dont like this (*those) kind of per

16、son. I dont like many (or these) kinds of roses. I like this kind of flower. I like flowers of this kind. I like *these kind of flowers. I like this kind of roses.) I like roses of this kind. (置名词后更强调种类) I like roses of these kinds.(置名词后更强调种类) 8. 数词: (1) 基数(Cardinal numerals):one, two, three. (A) 除o

17、ne接单数名词外,其余均接复数名词。 He has one sister and three brothers. (B) hundred的后面须加and(但可以省略)。 12,345 = twelve thousand three hundred (and) forty five; (2) 序数(Ordinal mumerals):first, second, third. (A) 序数前面必须附以定冠词。而a second, a third等,则是another的意思。 (B) 日期多用序数。 Its on Friday, the fifth of October (= October th

18、e fifth = October 15th). (C) 序数的简体。 9th = the ninth; 12th = the twelfth; 16th = the sixteenth; (3) 分数 :(A) 分数的表示法:第一,分子用基数,分母用序数。第二,分子大于2时,分母须加“s”以形成复数。 1/2 = a (one) half; 1/3 = a (one) third; 2/3 = two-thirds; 1/4 = a (one) quarter; (B) 分数可接与不可数名词;所接的名词是单数,则与单数动词连用,是复数则与复数动词连用。 A third of the peac

19、h was bad. A third of the bananas were bad. (4) 倍数词:常用的有half, double, treble(三倍)等。 (A) half a, a half, half the 名词,表(一半的)。 He ran a half mile in half an hour. He ran half a mile in half an hour. I have read half the book. (B) half还可作名词,代名词及副词。 Two halves make a whole. (名词) This is half as much again

20、 as that. (副词) (C) 倍数常用的表达法: (half; double; treble; twice; two times; three times; four times.) 定冠词或所有形容词名词或所有代名词 I had to pay double (= twice) the usual fare. That window is three times the size of this. 9. “数词名词”结合而成的形容词: (1) 数词名词形容词 a five-dollar bill; two three-hour periods; the Three-power Conf

21、erence(三强会议); (2) 数词名词形容词形容词 a six-year-old boy a three-hundred-year-old tree 注:上述的复合字是以hyphen(-)连结,而且其中的名词要用单数形式。 (3) 名词(无冠词)基数the 序数名词 World War = World War Two or the Second World War Vol. = Volume One or the First Volume Page 4 = page four or the fourth page; Lesson 6 = lesson Six or the Sixth L

22、esson; Chap. = Chapter Three or the Third Chapter; Charles = Charles the First; cf. Napoleon the Great = the Great Napoleon; (这几种用法,非专有名词,可不用大写,但等号两边须一致。 (4) “数词复数名词”作主词,虽为复数形,但强调单一性,则用单数动词。若强调一个一个的个别数,则用复数动词。 Thirty minutes is sufficient for a good sermon. Fifty dollars a month is a large sum in ou

23、r eyes, but is nothing to him. cf. Ten years have passed since I saw you last. 10. 各种数字的读法 (1) 年号的读法: 1979nineteen seventy-nine or nineteen hundred (and) seventy-nine; (2) 电话号码;货币的读法: 1023one o two three; 1227one double two (or two two) seven; $4.25four dollars (and) twenty-five (cents); (3) 小数点的读法:

24、 13.91thirteen decimal (point) nine one; 0.23 = nought demical two three (4) 算术式的读法: 2+3=5 Two plus three is (equals, is equal to) five.5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two. 32=6 Three times two is six. or Three by two are six. 93=3 Nine divided by three makes three. 比较(五) 1.比较分三种: 一原级;二比较级;三最高级;

25、2.比较级和最高级的构成: (1) 规则变化: (A) 单音节和双音节字在字尾加-er和-est。 原级 比较级 最高级 small smaller smallest2wise wiser wisestp|dry drier driestLhot hotter hottestq后三组注意加-er和-est的变化。 (A) 三音节以上的字和部分两音节以上的字, 在原级前面加more和most。 原级 比较级 最高级 useful more useful most useful diligent more diligent most diligent (2) 不规则变化: good(好的)和wel

26、l(健康的)的比较级都是better; 最高级都是best; bad(坏的)和ill(生病的)的比较级都是worse; 最高级都是worst; many(很多的)和much(作形容词是大量的; 作副词是非常地)比较级都是more; 最高级都是most; little(作形容词是小的; 作副词是一点地)有两个比较级是little, smaller less; 两最高级是littlest, smallest least; far(作副词是远地)的两个比较级是farther(更远, 表距离), further(更进步, 表程度); 两个最高级是farthest, furthest; old的两个比较

27、级是older(表年龄或新旧), elder(表长幼顺序); 两个最高级是oldest, eldest; late的两个比较级是later(表时间), latter(表顺序); 两个最高级是latest(最近的), last(最后的); 3. 比较的方式: (1) 相等比较: .as + 原级 + as. 和 .as + 原级 + 名词 + as.; William is as poor as John. ( = Williams poverty is equal to Johns. She has as much money as I (have). (2) 劣等比较: .less + 原级

28、 + than.( = not so or as + 原级 + as. She is less careful than her. = She is not so (or as) careful as her. (3) 优等比较: .比较级 + than. 和 .the + 比较级 + of the two; He is more careful than her. Jim is the more stupid of the two boys. 4. 最高级的表达方式: (1) 优等比较: (最) .the + 最高级( + 单数名词或one) + of (or among) + 人或物(复数

29、) .the + 最高级( + 单数名词或one) + in + 场所(单数) A giraffe is the tallest of (or among) all animals. A giraffe is the tallest in the animal kingdom. (2) 劣等比较: (最不) .the + least + 原级( + 单数名词或one) + of (or among) + 人或物(复数), .the + least + 原级( + 单数名词或one) + in + 场合(单数) Grammar is the least interesting of (or among) all the subjects.

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